Founding Members: OFF THE RECORD Call
Tuesday February 4 at 11am Pacific Time, 2pm EST, 7pm GMT
The next monthly OFF THE RECORD call with Founding Members will take place on Tuesday February 4 at 11am Pacific Time, 2pm EST, 7pm GMT.
There is no agenda for this meeting. Rather, it will be an opportunity for us to welcome any new Founding Members and for you to ask/discuss whatever you wish.
The meeting will be off the record. Chatham House rules apply.
If you would like to table an item for discussion in advance, please DM or email me.
Tracy would like to kick us off with a discussion of the role of the music industry, its connections to the military, and its social engineering function.
While I have been covering the Richard D. Hall case and the Manchester Arena incident, Richard has recently embraced a concept that has been central to my work, namely, global technocracy. His new show on the subject can be viewed here for anyone who is interested.
I hope to conclude my work on the Manchester Arena incident in the next couple of weeks — it has been quite the rabbit hole! — and then return to some of the broader themes I was looking at before. I will also have more availability for interviews, if anyone can help connect me.
If any Founding Member would like a one-to-one meeting with me, I am happy to arrange this on an ad hoc basis if you let me know.
I will email Founding Members nearer the time with a link to the meeting.
Looking forward to chatting, as always!
I’m writing to say I can’t make it to the talk today. But, I’m wishing all of you a great time together and I hope to attend the next gathering, if/ when there is a next online gathering.
Take care!
Loren Hecht
Its Loren Hecht writing on February 2, 2025.
I just found, on, your interview with Alex Jones.
He has a HUGE following.
I think this interview is going to land you lots and lots of interviews in the future.
I haven’t listened to the piece yet because I just woke up. I’m hoping he didn’t interrupt you too often…
Meanwhile, you’re on your way to major fame, I think.