Looking back on my "exclusive" university education, I am acutely aware of the narrow curriculum that served to blind me to reality. Which is the purpose of all academic institutions. Little more than serving up a diet of heavy textbooks with indoctrination to be memorized and regurgitated for the tests. The experience is so embittering for most, that 80% of all university graduates ( at least in America) never read another book in their lives. Education is meant to make the masses conflate education with knowledge.

However, had I strolled about my father's estate with a personal professor like David, as was done by wealthy families of the Enlightenment, my mind would have been stimulated to think critically, and knowledge, not education, would have been gained.

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Thanks, Gordon.

I always try to teach my students how to think for themselves.

Sapere aude!

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I greatly appreciate that you’ve brought attention to the notion that “mass formation psychosis” does not offer appropriate explanatory power for describing the disoriented thought processes that have occurred among large swathes of populations during the last several years. … “mass atrocity” is right on the money.

I just learned of your work today, from Dr. Nass’s Substack, and have begun to read your book, “Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy, Volume 1. …. I’m only on Chapter 4, but I’ve already encountered a plethora of instances where I breathed a sigh of relief, feeling less alone after seeing that many of my observations/connections are things that you’ve noticed as well.

Thank you

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Thank you, that is very good to hear. The truth may be ugly, but hopefully more and more people will recognise it for what it is, and in the process attitudes will shift, helping to break down the cognitive dissonance among those who start to realise that ever fewer people around them are buying the lies.

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When I show your interviews to those that want to stay in the collective of the global fakery they've been fed I see that it penetrates. That happened tonight. Few brave truth tellers have that impact. So many great people working to trying to get through but struggle against what I think is our biggest challenge, reaching these people that are more fearful than they can recognise. They've done quite a great job setting up these conditions of the minds so they would acquiesce for their future operations and attacks on all of us. I believe we CAN reach them. You are doing that. I'll say you are divinely protected David. Keep your eyes open as you can imagine they will try to steer you posing as a compatriot. You'll be ok. Thank you for your moral courage.

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This is very heartening news. We hear so often that it is impossible to reach people - but evidently it isn't. The dam of truth is ready to burst.

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Excellent presentation today. Can you check the posts of Francis Leader's substack. Her interview with The Delingpod is fascinating. Her recent post on her substack seems to imply they've got a big, fat shortcut for a weapon.

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Bless you Mr. Hughes for the deep academic research you’ve done into the evil we face. I especially appreciate your courage to present your findings publicly as clearly, calmly, and thoughtfully as you do.

I too was horrified when I started learning about psychiatry's pharmaceutical model origins in MKUltra, which they repeated with their HIV/AIDS and COVID psyops:

1. The use of corrupted, confusing, or inaccurate language to name and diagnose conditions (i.e., OMICRON; HIV/AIDS; SARS-CoV-2; virus; chemical imbalance, etc.)

2. Followed by endless toxic cocktails prescribed as medicine.

3. Weaponization of empathy: “You need to do this so others are more comfortable with you.”

The more people that wake up to this pattern, I think the less effective their strategy will be. 🙏


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Thank you, Arthur.

Yes, it is pure evil. But as I note in Wall Street, the Nazis, and the Crimes of the Deep State (p. 147), the Nazis were willing to cloak mass murder in the guise of healthcare, so once we understand the lines of continuity from the Third Reich to the transnational deep state that controls Western politics, this is the perpetrator mindset we are up against.

Particularly in the global counter-insurgency campaign that now constitutes World War III, "global health" offers an excellent disguise for something much more sinister, hard as that may be for many people to swallow.

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Yes, thank you! Our global "health" system has perfected mass murder with the development of precision killing systems that make it easier and more cost-effective-than-ever to poison, surveil, censor, and cancel any individual or class of individuals based on speech, race, religion, economic status, gender affiliation, or any creatively defined group. We're in a real nail-biter.

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Unfortunately, so many of these technologies are dual use.

For example, the same technologies that promise breakthroughs in neural nets using graphene to cure Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, etc. can also be weaponised.

The problem is, there is no reliable or trustworthy governance for this kind of technology. Following the widespread abandonment of medical ethics in 2021, there is no good reason to think they will be used responsibly.

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So true. It’s a relief to find someone with your research and presentation skills devoted to this work. Bless you! If you glance at my Substack post, More Awakenings Please, you’ll see that I have climbed out of the beast's belly.

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