The more I see David A Hughes (have viewed multiple interviews now), the more I familiarize myself with his work both individually & collaboratively, after spending the last 2+ years of my own retirement exploring various rabbit holes, I am convinced he is one of the most credible and reliable sources of inspiration and information about the machinations, rationale and pernicious intentions of the transnational deep state actors who have successfully presented themselves as Dorothy first viewed the Wizard -- before the curtain was removed and the great and powerful was revealed for who he truly was. David is one of the key persons pulling back the curtain and empowering us to say No & to shake off the encroaching Stockholm Syndrome-ish lull of simply giving in and "hoping" that the "white hats" will soon come into view and rescue us, get up and find ways to use our unique giftednesses, community and familial and networking relationships to effectively create the alternatives to the planned dystopian panopticon of Technocracy realized while we actively resist the temptations of compliance and convenience. One possible source for alternative lifestyles is Derek Broze. Mike Adams at Health Ranger (Brighteon) has interviewed a number of people offering alternative decentralized currencies as has James Corbett, who has also done presentations on non-internet-based networks (EX Qortal) -- as David points out, others have begun innovating in the areas of their specialty and are, for the earnest seeker, finding ways around the already far advanced plan to cull, ensnare and to transform our organic creation into a synthetic/electronic/virtual nightmare that makes the matrix look all too certain a reality in the absence of action to resist. Maryanne is a new voice, but a wonderful and insightful facilitator and thoughtful participant in spreading the word that we are made for better things than what has been planned and is, in the absence of our stubborn individual resistance, being implemented before our eyes.

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Thank you for these kind (and eloquent) words, Richard.

I am glad you find my work empowering, and thank you for drawing attention to some genuine innovators.

You are correct - the biodigital control grid is a certainty if we don't fight it. But on the other hand, once enough people realise what is happening and find the courage to take action, we have the numbers and the ingenuity to put down the global technocratic coup.

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Kind of you to acknowledge, thank you, David.

It seems that almost 250 years ago, a group of dissidents living in colonies here on what is known as the North American continent chose to risk themselves, their fortunes and their honors to declare the dissolution of political connections to a long-established, yet (viewed and experienced as) tyrannical government, and to instead establish another government as "guards for their security". It has been a grand experiment, but later in my life I've begin to truly question the idea that we must have government in order to live peaceably -- choosing to put ourselves in bondage to whichever willing slave masters to which we become beholden -- who wield (as we now see, on steroids) forcible control over the masses , and who use their delegated "powers" to act, not in accordance with the will of the people, but in accordance with their own agendas, not independently based on the desires and aspirations of their constituents, but in accordance with their own objectives and self-serving machinations. What would Frederick Douglass think about our relationship with government when comparing it with the Stockholm Syndrone he observed in the slaves towards their "Masters" at that time? Are we now so disenchanted and disillusioned with what we created for ourselves (blaming other people, developments, and conscripted secretive activities) and are now enduring under the present "government" that we now need to recover the will to throw them off and to begin anew, but the intended replacement is the same failed model that voluntarily (initially) displaces personal responsibility and participation in the pursuit of our lives for one that is repeatedly proven to be flawed, and ultimately, tyrannical and insufferable that then prevents us from doing what we initially set out to accomplish? Is it time to consider, assuming we can awaken people out of their stupor and inactivity, once again -- who've become content letting someone else manage them and determine for them what is "best" even to their own destruction (while they pander to the illusion of a two-party system of clowns following predesignated scripts and acting in accordance with their own wishes), and ask them to consider that their lives, fortunes and honors must needs be pledged (something they must be first convinced are at risk in their Matrix existence) in order to have the opportunity to enjoy them unfettered, unencumbered and without the consent or control or restriction of their Masters once again, and if so, what is offered in place of the present corrupt and failed system? Perhaps no system and an (peaceful) anarchist, voluntaryist way of life is worth revisiting (just thinking aloud here as I look in the rear view mirror of the 67 years I've lived my life on the plantation, laboring to remain compliant with the ever-increasing and unreasonable demands of those to whom we and our ancestors gave the power to rule over us). Those leading the way out of this morass and the desired return to fidelity to truth and justice, to faith and to responsibility, to serve and not rule mercilessly and pathologically must also have a clear and keen, unanimously supported and clearly articulated objective and the means to accomplish it or we will surely be found casualties of a struggle that will, if unsuccessful, most certainly find us defeated and likely wards of an absolute global prison state that disposes of those who oppose and dare to consider its usurpation. My prayer is for those people to hear the clarion call at this late hour and to arise and inspire every citizen "leadership" and participation into the fray that awaits us (either way - whether we roll over and suffer the consequences passively or give ourselves to the just cause of actively resisting to the death if necessary the shackles we now wear. Your ability to show us the seriousness of the "bigger picture" and the many components of it, and the model from which it is derived is a helpful foundation for informing the resistance that is so urgently needed.

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Sep 15Liked by David A. Hughes

You'll like the interview with Francis Leader on Jerm Warfare on Odysee. She lays out who is at the top of this black nobility. The immigration they are forcing these poor people to do into this country and other western nations is all meant to destabilise but here's what they may not have planned for, they are innocent victims of the destruction of their country and want the west to be angry at them. What if the opposite happens and they join forces? Then they get to return to their homeland when the cabal's plan doesn't work.

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Great comment - apart from Broze

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.”

― George Orwell, 1984

“People will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think.” — Aldous Huxley

Did they call it or what?

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Jul 10Liked by David A. Hughes

FYI, I posted the following comment at https://anthonyjhall.substack.com/p/from-cov-19-to-synthetic-design-forcing:

"Thanks for this Tony. You cite David A. Hughes, “Covid-19,”Psychological Operations, and The War for Technocracy, Vol. 1 (London, Palgrave MacMillan, 2024). For anyone interested in reading this there is a free download here: https://ulincoln.academia.edu/DavidHughes/Books.

For a discussion of the book and an analysis of 3 categories of belief-system regarding controversial topics like the safety and effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccines it is worth watching this interview on his substack: https://dhughes.substack.com/p/interview-with-maryann-gebauer-may. I have so many articles and interviews to watch that I seldom watch any interview all the way through. But this one grabbed me and held me through all 2 hours. The 3 categories are: 1) the mainstream narrative, ) 2 limited hangouts, and 3) the truth.

Hughes has lost his position at University of Lincoln. I don’t know the details, but it’s the now all-too-common story of the failure of the principle of academic freedom. I’m sure he would appreciate any financial support he can get. One way of doing it is to become a paid subscriber to his substack. You can also go here: https://davidahughes.net/about/."

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Thank you, Andrew. You are a star!

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I am glad that the concept of Camp 1-2-3 continues being a part of the conversation. I wish we had a recipe how to deal with people in each camp. For example, Intellectuals in Camp 2 could be shamed for being uninformed about IT/Bio/Nano/Technocracy. I wish it was done in a public forum, so not just one person, but multiple expert would realize how unreasonable they are to dismiss the evidence, and how disconnected from reality they are. I wish a public figure would emerge with a campaign that sounds something like this:

"Camp 2! It's time to accept reality. As a scientist you can't just ignore the data, and follow official propaganda which brought you to Camp 2 in the first place! Please, apply the same principles and you will have no choice but to move to Camp 3."

David, maybe it's you!

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Haha, thanks Len!

The problem we face is that Camp 2 is very powerful. It is well organised and planned with military precision. It is also very large compared to Camp 3 and its leaders are skilled in propaganda and psy-ops.

Camp 3, though evidence-based, is made to look fringe/crazy. It examines evidence of classified technologies that most people do not accept as scientifically possible.

Rational dialogue (don't ignore the data, look at the evidence, etc.) is not always possible with those in Camp 2. Although they see the flaws with Camp 1, their perception has been manipulated by a battalion of fake dissidents to prevent them from reaching Camp 3. Around certain key issues, they may become impervious to reason.

I also know people who are sympathetic to Camp 3 yet insist on using the language of Camp 2 in order to "reach people."

It is also the case that Camp 3 is an ugly and difficult place to be. It is understandable why psychological defence mechanisms go up.

Unfortunately, appeals to reason and evidence are not necessarily the most successful way of bringing people out of Camp 2. I'm not sure what is. Like you, I wish I had a "recipe"!

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I wondered where Maryanne disappeared....well, here she is in all her glory.

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Great interview. 👍🏽 You mentioned someone named Alex Kreal - how do you spell his last name?

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Jul 4Liked by David A. Hughes

Good interview with Kriel here on PANDA - https://rumble.com/v4v0l32-the-role-of-fake-bot-traffic-on-twitterx-alex-kriel.html I think Delingpole also interviewed some time ago.

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I think it's Kriel

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You're right, thank you!

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