At one point in this lecture it was noted that tens of billions of dollars was being plowed into Transhumanism research. If correct, this is very telling. When an enormous amount of grant funding is available for a particular field of research there will inevitably be a huge response. What is less clear is that any of it will be legitimate research with provable results.
A good case in point is "man-made climate catastrophe". I have come to believe this is pseudoscience at best. It definitely fails the smell test. But given that it remains a dominant narrative propagated by governments and mainstream media with oogles of money for those researchers who dare not question its central thesis (rising CO2 = global heating), an entire trillion dollar climate change industry has emerged. All aboard that gravy train!
Another case in point is 'virology'. In 2020 I was unaware that the very existence of viruses and even the theory of contagion itself lacked rigorous scientific proof to back it and that these theses had been decisively contested by brilliant but marginalised outliers for many years (see Virus Mania for example).
This leads me to consider David A. Hughes' insightful categorisation of narratives into 3 camps: 1. Mainstream, 2. Controlled Opposition, 3. Truth. Both camp 1 and 2 seem to meddle in fear-mongering. For example in the Covid operation camp 1 claimed there was a deadly zoonotic virus emerging from the wet markets of Wuhan. Camp 2 claimed that it was probably a leak from a bio-weapons laboratory in Wuhan where they had been experimenting with "gain of function". What I have come to believe was the truth (camp 3) is that there WAS no global pandemic in 2020. It was all completely fabricated.
It should also be noted that not all those in camp 2 are deliberately deceiving you. People get caught up in ideas and narratives and further propagate it themselves unaware that they are actually helping those who would wish to oppress us.
So I'm asking where does Lissa Johnson's discussion on Transhumanism stand? Could she have (non-intentionally) a foot in both camps 2 & 3? I am suspicious of anything unproven that causes dread, fear and panic as that mindset serves the powers-that-shouldn't-be more than we the people.
With regards to Kunstler's 2008 work Leadership in the Era of Human Singularity, I think we are dealing here with science fiction, with emphasis on the word 'fiction'. And these Proteus claims such as " developing ways to translate a person's neuronal activity into their actual thoughts" - this smells like funding magnet PR hogwash to me. (I've been on both sides of the funding table.) These people clearly don't understand the mysterious nature of intelligence and consciousness - let alone how to control it - but their funders take these baseless claims seriously and the money keeps flowing. Our "superiors" are simply not that bright. That's the big secret in plain sight.
Personally, I highly doubt any of these more draconian transhumanist projects will ever be achievable. Humans contains a mysterious vitality that these technocratic knuckleheads will never grasp. They remain firmly stuck in mechanical Newtonian Weltanschauung. What barren lives they lead.
And as a final note, I find it hard to believe that whatever the evil idiots injected into people actually works as intended - other than to make many ill and possibly die sooner than normal.
As we argue in our transhumanism series, a lot of transhumanist literature serves (like "climate change") as cover for something else. Does that mean it is all just about money and gravy trains? No, it does not, as there is a bigger picture relating to social control that can be pieced together. The reason why Johnson is in Camp 3 is that she is one of the few researchers in the world to foreground the military aspect of what is taking place. The military has ploughed massive amounts of funding into the development of these technologies, not because it is stupid, but, rather, because it has a mission, which is to find a way of controlling entire populations as the existing control structures break down.
Thank you David for replying to my observations. As a bona fide academic I'm sure you are accustomed to having theses and ideas challenged and welcome debate on these crucial issues.
I accept the research presented here that the military, in cahoots with puppet governments and the controlling billionaire banking class, is researching ways to get under our skin and remotely control all of us. What I do not accept - without definitive proof - is that any on this technology will ever work to the degree these futurists envision.
I think part of the disconnect between this type of innovative technology and physical reality is the nature of the digital medium to which we have all been immersed to a greater or lesser degree. What we can accomplish in the 'metaverse' does not necessarily translate into the physical world we inhabit. I suspect that, (just like the Covid "pandemic"), all these human-controlling technologies discussed in this talk is entirely digital in nature - and it is met with failure when attempting to translate it into the physical realm. The blurring of distinction between the digital and the physical world is a common error reflected in the narratives of all 3 camps. Or so it seems to me.
To further my sceptical view as to the efficacy of these emerging mind-control technologies, I only need to point to "humans are hackable animals" Yuval Harrai, reportedly personal adviser to Bond villain "4th Industrial Revolution" Claus Schwab. From clips I have seen of Yuval talking, he appears typical of many of his generation - a generation that has no recollection of life prior to the Internet or the dominance of digital technologies. When talking about humans and their "hackabilty" he is working in a false paradigm that reduces all life to mechanistic cause and effects, or even more absurdly, digital 1's and 0's. His grasp on the nature of the living physical realm seems tenuous at best.
Another case in point that reveals the desperate absurdity of transhumanism is the quest for immortality. Those people who dream of uploading their consciousness to a machine to achieve life everlasting clearly have a very narrow and faulty view of the very nature of life and consciousness.
What we are dealing with here is the digital version of the Tower of Babel. Yes, the Billionaire banker class probably believe that with enough money and research they will achieve complete God-like control over humans worldwide. And those doing the research and receiving the money are also immersed in this mechanistic/digital paradigm. If not, it would not be in their financial / career interests to challenge it. Ditto Covid and Climate Change.
If physical evidence emerges demonstrating the ability of transhumanism technologies to control people remotely en masse, I will revise my opinions. Until then I remain sceptical.
I do indeed welcome healthy discussion and debate.
One problem with not accepting the reality of these technologies until you see definitive proof is that, by then, it will be too late. What we are trying to do in our work is to sound the alarm bell before then.
We characterise transhumanism as a civilian disguise for military operations. Many of its claims are ludicrous, overblown, and unachievable. But what it does is to create an intellectual climate in which incredible "upgrades" and "augmentations" appear possible, thus legitimising technological interference with human bodies.
Although you doubt that biodigital technologies will ever be possible, there is by now an extensive body of literature, particularly relating to the IoBNT, that using synthetic biology and self-assembling nanotechnologies to connect human bodies to the internet is already possible - and that is just in the open literature.
A key advantage the deep state enjoys is being able to do things that the public does not think possible, such as turning two 110-story steel-framed skyscrapers mostly into dust in mid air. We know from various sources that syringe-injectable nanotechnologies capable of cross the blood-brain-barrier and assembling into neural nets are possible, wild as that sounds. So the idea of connecting all humans to an external control grid is by no means a crazy fantasy. In fact, it is the logical next extension of network-centric warfare.
You may be interested in my upcoming report for Solari, in which I get into all these issues in more detail.
I think it was one of the founding fathers of America (Thomas Jefferson?) who stated something to the effect that - maintaining liberty requires eternal vigilance. And on that point I believe we could both agree. I will keep an eye out for any hard evidence that these nanobot and other invasive technologies actually work to any useful degree to control people.
I think that quote is commonly misattributed to Jefferson. However, Jefferson did write:
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
Remote control technologies do not necessarily have to work through a straw-man “we can make you turn your head” type of mechanism. If they involve wetware capable of inducing mortality, as Giordano has described, then people will do as they are told for fear of being “switched off.”
Yes, this has indeed been so well hidden. And, as Lissa herself points out in this presentation, one of the key ways to ensure implementation of dual use technology in the public domain is to keep the public largely ignorant of the entire subject...and they have done this for decades already. So, as David says here, the open literature seems wild to many of us, myself included as a former scientist. So, how nuts must the classified materials be?! It is worth asking the question.
Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea and other MDs are capturing the self replicating nano bots creating hydrogels and clots in the blood. There are many targeted individuals capturing the sounds. I captured the V2K in Jacobs video( nopoliticaloarties) the hidden woman’s AI voice that is torturing him.’24/7. I also captured it in Doug’s video. So the way you feel, David, is how I feel when people refuse to believe- even with my captured evidence - that I am being tortured to death. I am clear headed and still work in a hospital for about 20 years now. I have the bravery and have mailed and called congress, supreme court judges, operators of 5G towers, NASA, and lawyers. As it affects you, that many people don’t believe you, they will not believe the victims either. Sickening. And we the victims of this torture have just as much credibility as you the doctors.
Lissa Johnson is obviously not fear-mongering. What serves tptsb is undermining her research and worse, ignoring it. Suggesting she's somehow caught up in a "narrative" that helps our would-be oppressors is preposterous and an insult to her intelligence.
Don’t know if you are being attacked with directed energy weapons but we are. I work in a hospital for just about 20 years - while I am being hit with classified scalar technology. I hear the exact same sound captured by the NSA agent recorded and exposed in ‘Havana Syndrome Stumps Investigators’ on 60 minutes 2/22. People are being tortured with noise harassment with excruciatingly loud frequencies, untethered electricity, mechanical cicada and imagine a thousand pound mosquito in your ears. Also, other people hear V2K and are getting attacked with the active denial system (extreme snd low heat) microwaves. I videoed the temp going up behind my head, rt back small area, to 79 degrees on a cold day 68 degrees ( not touching my head with thermometer). People are being slowly tortured to death. The intensity of the attacks and loudness goes way up when I call congress, write emails and speak up. The vibrations I feel under attack have lowered my heart rate from 80 to 44 bpm(recorded). When I protect my self, my heart rate goes back up. This is a fascist dictatorship we are living under. The Supreme Court called Targeted Justice fantastical without looking at their absolute irrifutable evidence. This cyborg trans humanism is a war against humanity and is demonic. We do not consent.
All the receipts delivered. My thanks. But if they keep the fear up and cyclically and consistently deliver scare events and real pain to the masses they hope it will render us paralysed . What I see is courage growing and you can bet so do they. Who's most afraid now?
Heart, Heart as I can no longer like substack comments. As they monitor closely all being said and they see the exponential growth of awareness, their eyes grow big and their boneless fingers wringing in their sad and cowardice dirty hands. God help them.
I for one refuse to bend my knee to tyranny and I pray to God in my spiritual state after my death that I may destroy these demonic forces. Hiding behind the curtain and not speaking up is not an option and i don’t care what excuse people use. The future generations depend on us speaking up now not later. Since God made us in His image- this agenda to change God’s creation is demonic.
Amen to that. And I have to ask, are we seeing the effects in our own lives and even in our families? Satan's final battle, as we know from one of the children at Fatima, was to be against marriage and the family. And, it sure seems as if we are in it.
As Zbigniew Brzezinski said at a Trilateral Commission lecture, it is infinitely easier to kill a million people now than it is to control them. Note the recent DOD directive on rolling out the military against the population. Members of the U.S. military are ready to impose martial law before or after the approaching Presidential election, and in my opinion, start rounding up and incarcerating internet dissidents in concentration camps, and possibly killing them with vaccines.
When I google WorldView Times, the name David A Hughes comes up, pastor of a church in Fort Lauderdale. That individual does not look anything like the owner of this Substack. I'd "love" to know more about who is the owner of this substack account.
If only your research and the technologies that you describe could address the change in humans who have been moving toward horrendous street, gang and family criminal behavior that increasingly takes over US populations and rules the nation to our south. The bias and limitations of crime stats that boast reductions in crime in the U.S. are meaningless.
Seminal work. So this is how unsustainable population growth problem will be managed. I knew human outposts on distant planets were not going to save humanity or our beautiful earth. This scenario sounds dreadful but maybe it will partially not dreadful. Evangelical and other sorts of religious sects have been predicting the one world govt and the mark of the beast as a chip for 50 years. Believers are expected to be raptured before then so as terrifying as the future appears, I've got a get out of jail card for free. If only I felt reassured.
Stephen Hawking said earth will be uninhabitable by 2600.
Hawking believed that if human population continues to grow at current rates and energy consumption remains unchecked, it would lead to Earth becoming too hot to sustain life. He described this potential future state as Earth turning into a giant ball of fire.
If the MIC stopped hiding the true Tesla energy that they are using for their reverse engineered UAPs, we would be able to live on other planets and have free energy. The secrecy is killing our planet and humanity.
At one point in this lecture it was noted that tens of billions of dollars was being plowed into Transhumanism research. If correct, this is very telling. When an enormous amount of grant funding is available for a particular field of research there will inevitably be a huge response. What is less clear is that any of it will be legitimate research with provable results.
A good case in point is "man-made climate catastrophe". I have come to believe this is pseudoscience at best. It definitely fails the smell test. But given that it remains a dominant narrative propagated by governments and mainstream media with oogles of money for those researchers who dare not question its central thesis (rising CO2 = global heating), an entire trillion dollar climate change industry has emerged. All aboard that gravy train!
Another case in point is 'virology'. In 2020 I was unaware that the very existence of viruses and even the theory of contagion itself lacked rigorous scientific proof to back it and that these theses had been decisively contested by brilliant but marginalised outliers for many years (see Virus Mania for example).
This leads me to consider David A. Hughes' insightful categorisation of narratives into 3 camps: 1. Mainstream, 2. Controlled Opposition, 3. Truth. Both camp 1 and 2 seem to meddle in fear-mongering. For example in the Covid operation camp 1 claimed there was a deadly zoonotic virus emerging from the wet markets of Wuhan. Camp 2 claimed that it was probably a leak from a bio-weapons laboratory in Wuhan where they had been experimenting with "gain of function". What I have come to believe was the truth (camp 3) is that there WAS no global pandemic in 2020. It was all completely fabricated.
It should also be noted that not all those in camp 2 are deliberately deceiving you. People get caught up in ideas and narratives and further propagate it themselves unaware that they are actually helping those who would wish to oppress us.
So I'm asking where does Lissa Johnson's discussion on Transhumanism stand? Could she have (non-intentionally) a foot in both camps 2 & 3? I am suspicious of anything unproven that causes dread, fear and panic as that mindset serves the powers-that-shouldn't-be more than we the people.
With regards to Kunstler's 2008 work Leadership in the Era of Human Singularity, I think we are dealing here with science fiction, with emphasis on the word 'fiction'. And these Proteus claims such as " developing ways to translate a person's neuronal activity into their actual thoughts" - this smells like funding magnet PR hogwash to me. (I've been on both sides of the funding table.) These people clearly don't understand the mysterious nature of intelligence and consciousness - let alone how to control it - but their funders take these baseless claims seriously and the money keeps flowing. Our "superiors" are simply not that bright. That's the big secret in plain sight.
Personally, I highly doubt any of these more draconian transhumanist projects will ever be achievable. Humans contains a mysterious vitality that these technocratic knuckleheads will never grasp. They remain firmly stuck in mechanical Newtonian Weltanschauung. What barren lives they lead.
And as a final note, I find it hard to believe that whatever the evil idiots injected into people actually works as intended - other than to make many ill and possibly die sooner than normal.
As we argue in our transhumanism series, a lot of transhumanist literature serves (like "climate change") as cover for something else. Does that mean it is all just about money and gravy trains? No, it does not, as there is a bigger picture relating to social control that can be pieced together. The reason why Johnson is in Camp 3 is that she is one of the few researchers in the world to foreground the military aspect of what is taking place. The military has ploughed massive amounts of funding into the development of these technologies, not because it is stupid, but, rather, because it has a mission, which is to find a way of controlling entire populations as the existing control structures break down.
Thank you David for replying to my observations. As a bona fide academic I'm sure you are accustomed to having theses and ideas challenged and welcome debate on these crucial issues.
I accept the research presented here that the military, in cahoots with puppet governments and the controlling billionaire banking class, is researching ways to get under our skin and remotely control all of us. What I do not accept - without definitive proof - is that any on this technology will ever work to the degree these futurists envision.
I think part of the disconnect between this type of innovative technology and physical reality is the nature of the digital medium to which we have all been immersed to a greater or lesser degree. What we can accomplish in the 'metaverse' does not necessarily translate into the physical world we inhabit. I suspect that, (just like the Covid "pandemic"), all these human-controlling technologies discussed in this talk is entirely digital in nature - and it is met with failure when attempting to translate it into the physical realm. The blurring of distinction between the digital and the physical world is a common error reflected in the narratives of all 3 camps. Or so it seems to me.
To further my sceptical view as to the efficacy of these emerging mind-control technologies, I only need to point to "humans are hackable animals" Yuval Harrai, reportedly personal adviser to Bond villain "4th Industrial Revolution" Claus Schwab. From clips I have seen of Yuval talking, he appears typical of many of his generation - a generation that has no recollection of life prior to the Internet or the dominance of digital technologies. When talking about humans and their "hackabilty" he is working in a false paradigm that reduces all life to mechanistic cause and effects, or even more absurdly, digital 1's and 0's. His grasp on the nature of the living physical realm seems tenuous at best.
Another case in point that reveals the desperate absurdity of transhumanism is the quest for immortality. Those people who dream of uploading their consciousness to a machine to achieve life everlasting clearly have a very narrow and faulty view of the very nature of life and consciousness.
What we are dealing with here is the digital version of the Tower of Babel. Yes, the Billionaire banker class probably believe that with enough money and research they will achieve complete God-like control over humans worldwide. And those doing the research and receiving the money are also immersed in this mechanistic/digital paradigm. If not, it would not be in their financial / career interests to challenge it. Ditto Covid and Climate Change.
If physical evidence emerges demonstrating the ability of transhumanism technologies to control people remotely en masse, I will revise my opinions. Until then I remain sceptical.
I do indeed welcome healthy discussion and debate.
One problem with not accepting the reality of these technologies until you see definitive proof is that, by then, it will be too late. What we are trying to do in our work is to sound the alarm bell before then.
We characterise transhumanism as a civilian disguise for military operations. Many of its claims are ludicrous, overblown, and unachievable. But what it does is to create an intellectual climate in which incredible "upgrades" and "augmentations" appear possible, thus legitimising technological interference with human bodies.
Although you doubt that biodigital technologies will ever be possible, there is by now an extensive body of literature, particularly relating to the IoBNT, that using synthetic biology and self-assembling nanotechnologies to connect human bodies to the internet is already possible - and that is just in the open literature.
A key advantage the deep state enjoys is being able to do things that the public does not think possible, such as turning two 110-story steel-framed skyscrapers mostly into dust in mid air. We know from various sources that syringe-injectable nanotechnologies capable of cross the blood-brain-barrier and assembling into neural nets are possible, wild as that sounds. So the idea of connecting all humans to an external control grid is by no means a crazy fantasy. In fact, it is the logical next extension of network-centric warfare.
You may be interested in my upcoming report for Solari, in which I get into all these issues in more detail.
I think it was one of the founding fathers of America (Thomas Jefferson?) who stated something to the effect that - maintaining liberty requires eternal vigilance. And on that point I believe we could both agree. I will keep an eye out for any hard evidence that these nanobot and other invasive technologies actually work to any useful degree to control people.
I think that quote is commonly misattributed to Jefferson. However, Jefferson did write:
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
Remote control technologies do not necessarily have to work through a straw-man “we can make you turn your head” type of mechanism. If they involve wetware capable of inducing mortality, as Giordano has described, then people will do as they are told for fear of being “switched off.”
Yes, this has indeed been so well hidden. And, as Lissa herself points out in this presentation, one of the key ways to ensure implementation of dual use technology in the public domain is to keep the public largely ignorant of the entire subject...and they have done this for decades already. So, as David says here, the open literature seems wild to many of us, myself included as a former scientist. So, how nuts must the classified materials be?! It is worth asking the question.
They woild say it might be too late to revise your opinions at that point.
Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea and other MDs are capturing the self replicating nano bots creating hydrogels and clots in the blood. There are many targeted individuals capturing the sounds. I captured the V2K in Jacobs video( nopoliticaloarties) the hidden woman’s AI voice that is torturing him.’24/7. I also captured it in Doug’s video. So the way you feel, David, is how I feel when people refuse to believe- even with my captured evidence - that I am being tortured to death. I am clear headed and still work in a hospital for about 20 years now. I have the bravery and have mailed and called congress, supreme court judges, operators of 5G towers, NASA, and lawyers. As it affects you, that many people don’t believe you, they will not believe the victims either. Sickening. And we the victims of this torture have just as much credibility as you the doctors.
Lissa Johnson is obviously not fear-mongering. What serves tptsb is undermining her research and worse, ignoring it. Suggesting she's somehow caught up in a "narrative" that helps our would-be oppressors is preposterous and an insult to her intelligence.
Exponentially more than extraordinary, yes even at 3 a m.
Don’t know if you are being attacked with directed energy weapons but we are. I work in a hospital for just about 20 years - while I am being hit with classified scalar technology. I hear the exact same sound captured by the NSA agent recorded and exposed in ‘Havana Syndrome Stumps Investigators’ on 60 minutes 2/22. People are being tortured with noise harassment with excruciatingly loud frequencies, untethered electricity, mechanical cicada and imagine a thousand pound mosquito in your ears. Also, other people hear V2K and are getting attacked with the active denial system (extreme snd low heat) microwaves. I videoed the temp going up behind my head, rt back small area, to 79 degrees on a cold day 68 degrees ( not touching my head with thermometer). People are being slowly tortured to death. The intensity of the attacks and loudness goes way up when I call congress, write emails and speak up. The vibrations I feel under attack have lowered my heart rate from 80 to 44 bpm(recorded). When I protect my self, my heart rate goes back up. This is a fascist dictatorship we are living under. The Supreme Court called Targeted Justice fantastical without looking at their absolute irrifutable evidence. This cyborg trans humanism is a war against humanity and is demonic. We do not consent.
I'm really sorry to hear that.
There have been a great many similar reports, transnationally, for decades.
It is a proven fact that militaries repeatedly experimented on their own populations for decades.
The kinds of attacks you are describing sound like the latest iteration of that to me.
All the receipts delivered. My thanks. But if they keep the fear up and cyclically and consistently deliver scare events and real pain to the masses they hope it will render us paralysed . What I see is courage growing and you can bet so do they. Who's most afraid now?
They are.
Heart, Heart as I can no longer like substack comments. As they monitor closely all being said and they see the exponential growth of awareness, their eyes grow big and their boneless fingers wringing in their sad and cowardice dirty hands. God help them.
I for one refuse to bend my knee to tyranny and I pray to God in my spiritual state after my death that I may destroy these demonic forces. Hiding behind the curtain and not speaking up is not an option and i don’t care what excuse people use. The future generations depend on us speaking up now not later. Since God made us in His image- this agenda to change God’s creation is demonic.
I will not bend my knee to tyranny!
Fantastic presentation. Truly eye-opening. And at 3 am no less!
Yes, Lissa did some truly outstanding research.
Amen to that. And I have to ask, are we seeing the effects in our own lives and even in our families? Satan's final battle, as we know from one of the children at Fatima, was to be against marriage and the family. And, it sure seems as if we are in it.
As Zbigniew Brzezinski said at a Trilateral Commission lecture, it is infinitely easier to kill a million people now than it is to control them. Note the recent DOD directive on rolling out the military against the population. Members of the U.S. military are ready to impose martial law before or after the approaching Presidential election, and in my opinion, start rounding up and incarcerating internet dissidents in concentration camps, and possibly killing them with vaccines.
Do you have any links to the Brzezinski lecture or the DOD directive? I would be interested to take a look.
When I google WorldView Times, the name David A Hughes comes up, pastor of a church in Fort Lauderdale. That individual does not look anything like the owner of this Substack. I'd "love" to know more about who is the owner of this substack account.
Haha, I'm certainly not a pastor in Fort Lauderdale!
If only your research and the technologies that you describe could address the change in humans who have been moving toward horrendous street, gang and family criminal behavior that increasingly takes over US populations and rules the nation to our south. The bias and limitations of crime stats that boast reductions in crime in the U.S. are meaningless.
Seminal work. So this is how unsustainable population growth problem will be managed. I knew human outposts on distant planets were not going to save humanity or our beautiful earth. This scenario sounds dreadful but maybe it will partially not dreadful. Evangelical and other sorts of religious sects have been predicting the one world govt and the mark of the beast as a chip for 50 years. Believers are expected to be raptured before then so as terrifying as the future appears, I've got a get out of jail card for free. If only I felt reassured.
Stephen Hawking said earth will be uninhabitable by 2600.
Hawking believed that if human population continues to grow at current rates and energy consumption remains unchecked, it would lead to Earth becoming too hot to sustain life. He described this potential future state as Earth turning into a giant ball of fire.
If the MIC stopped hiding the true Tesla energy that they are using for their reverse engineered UAPs, we would be able to live on other planets and have free energy. The secrecy is killing our planet and humanity.