Dear David: Reading Part 12 of this excellent series, I was outraged to learn that “the first indication of the identity of the alleged perpetrator came” via the discovery, in the City Room, of “a damaged bank card bearing Salman Abedi’s still intact name.” You astutely observed: “The rapid discovery of perpetrator ID has been a motif in false flag terrorism since the (literally) unbelievable discovery of a hijacker’s passport on the day of ‘9/11.’”
Here, in Part 13, the issue comes up again. You quote a portion of a cross-examination in which it is affirmed that “[a] Halifax bank card in the name of Salman R Abedi” was “[f]ound close to the body of [the] person, who turned out to be Salman Abedi.”
My anger and indignation have been re-ignited.
I want to say to the authorities: “Are you kidding me?! After setting down his backpack, was it Mr. Abedi’s intention to find an ATM/cashpoint and make a withdrawal? And before he could skedaddle and actually complete his contemplated financial transaction, did he get his bank card out of his wallet and accidentally drop it on the floor?!”
If confronted in this way, I suppose the authorities’ response would be something along these lines: “Well, yes — of course! Hauling around that heavy backpack, the terrorist must have worked up a hearty appetite. So, on his way home, he undoubtedly intended to pick up a snack from a fish-and-chips street vendor! For that purchase, he would have needed cash.”
For my sensibilities, the “discovery” of a bank card — ostensibly identifying a criminal — is even more ridiculous than the “discovery” of a passport ostensibly doing the same. The potential explanations for a bank card’s presences are so flimsy, it’s as though the authorities are ratcheting-up the stakes for training/indoctrinating the public to accept — and believe in — preposterous nonsense. I wonder: Are they engaging in some type of perverse game? Are they gleefully experimenting with “how far they can go” in the realm of brainwashing while simultaneously taunting those of us who don’t fall for it? (“Nyeah! Nyeah! Nyeah! *Look* what we’re doing — and how impotent you are to prevent us!”)
If so, then maybe it’s only a matter of time until *I* get selected to be the patsy for some horrible incident. If so, then maybe the “proof” of my guilt will consist of the “discovery” of one of my IDs at the scene of the crime — say, my membership card in The Julie Andrews Fan Club of America.
How will the normies who know me react? By this point in the future, with more toxins in their brains than in your average sewer and their ability to think critically having been obliterated completely, I predict they’ll shrug it off. They’ll say: “I always knew Peter was a bit of an eccentric — though, I’ll admit, I never thought he’d be carrying around a fan club membership card as an ID. Also, I always thought he was a nice guy. But I guess I was wrong. Behind that smiling and joking façade, it turns out there was a demon!”
Then, without a second thought, they’ll go back to playing Wordle on their cell phones — while mindlessly popping Jujy Fruit candies into their mouths or munching on crackers — until the authorities spring the *next* PSYOP on them.
So: In anticipation of such an eventuality, I am stating here — for the record — that, yes, I have a membership card for The Julie Andrews Club of America. It was issued in 1971 (when I was 16 years old) and it is stored away in a box, up on the shelf in the foyer closet of my apartment. I would never risk losing or damaging such a cherished memento from yesteryear by actually taking it out and about with me. So any such fan club ID of mine “discovered’ at a crime scene would have to be A FAKE!!!
Hoo boy. Just wait and see. If the authorities get called down on the carpet for their duplicity in this instance, they’ll “explain it away” somehow or other — and the more ludicrous the lie, the more fervently the normies will believe every word of it.
But — who knows? I am speculating. So my dark prediction may ultimately prove to be “over the top”! Meanwhile, I guess I’ll continue to crack corny jokes now and then, and thereby hopefully dispel some of my worry about what’s going on in the world. Best wishes, P.A.
My latest frustrated post in my ongoing attempt to correct the revisionist Zionist revision of actual world history which I now see being done through their capture of the world’s knowledge management system - the Internet itself
The money we give through #USAID @USAID and #NED not to mention NATO GLADIO Team B has always been money for covert operations: terrorism going back to the 1948 National Security Act pushed through to enable the OSS and the SS under Nazi war criminal and head of intelligence, Reinhard Gehlen and his “translators”, #HenryKissinger and #TheodoreShackley, to coordinate the #CIA and the West German #BND to be a NATO GLADIO leave behind army to coordinate false flag terrorist attacks like the JFK / RFK / MLK/ MalcolmX assassinations and blame them on “the others” so that we can develop a police state like the dictatorships the CIA and the Mossad and MI6 backed around the world in the name of “anti-communism” for the profit of Allan Dulles, John Foster Dulles and the oligarchs behind using the Central Banking system like the BIS and the Federal Reserve and the IMF and the World Bank to traffic and manufacture all the illegal drugs like heroin and cocaine and crack through the CIA and FBI and Mossad and NATO and SAVAK and Saudi front groups like Southern Air Transport that William Barr (Trump’s and Bush Sr.’s Attorney General of the corrupt U.S. Justice System) operated as CEO using CIA code name #RobertJohnson.
See TerryReed’s “Compromised” on this hidden evidence of William Barr’s and the CIA’s treason which is one of many state-censored inconvenient truths that the corrupt National Security State has covered up using early #AI software like #PROMIS that led to murder of #DannyCasolaro - a true crime story well told on the Netflix series “American Conspiracy: The Octopus Murders” that should be one of the many bases for an INDEPENDENT Special Select Congressional investigation by Congress and the Senate of the existential level of corruption perpetrated on the world by the U.S. Justice Department and CIA and the captured political Zionists who we are fooled into believing are actually their “Inspector Generals” called the “Office of Professional Responsibility”.
The theft of the PROMIS software is at the heart of the global crime of all time that must be investigated at the highest level of an international military tribunal if we want to stop America from being the greatest threat to world peace and life on earth and democracy ever known. See @PeterOsborne’s for the perspective of an Australian whose Internet technology was stolen and who like #BillandNancyHamilton of Inslaw Inc. whose contract to provide honest services to the United States Justice Department through PROMIS which was designed originally to be the U. S. Justice Department’s “Prosecutors Management Information System” to help them and us (we the people) keep track of people in the Federal Criminal Court cases but was prevented from being a much needed automation system that would enable prosecutors to prosecute crimes including crimes by prosecutors against the state and democracy itself (treason) by the prosecutors like Ed Meese and William Barr and Ted Olson and John Roberts, Antonin Scalia, Robert Bork, Brett Kavanaugh, Alan Dershowitz, Samuel Alito who have taken over our entire Justice system through the PROMIS software’s Artificial Intelligence algorithm which has given them the ability to hack into any and every internet system in the World Wide Web which is why they are so insanely corrupt at to designate every country and person that exposes their treason such as Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, China, Russia, Iran, Palestine, BDS, or any one who dares to speak out about Israel and Revisionist Zionism as terrorist state that has been pushing their plot to take over the world through their ability to use covert operations to silence the truth through assassinations to keep their treasonous evil empire covert by making it lawful to target and disappear those who call out their treasonous vast right conspiracy as treason.
By this definition, they are getting away with calling all of us traitors which is what our politically infiltrated and captured governmemt had used to target and politically assassinate the ability of any whistleblower like Paul Findley, Cynthia McKinney, Danny Casolaro, Michael Riconosciuto, Bobby Kennedy or me, Ellen Corley, to speak out.
Why hasn’t our court system been able to prosecute this treason in courts?
The evidence points to the Luciferian plot that @LaurentGuyenot has exposed in “50 Years of Deep State: From JFK to 9/11” and his documentaries on this subject and @GregFelton’s amazing “The Host and the Parasite” and @_WhitneyWebb’s amazing research on her website, #UnlimitedHangout and her book, “One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union between Intelligence and Organized Crime that gave rise to Jeffrey Epstein” and @PeterDaleScott’s “American Deep State” and @SeymourHersh’s “The Samson Option” and @JeffGates “Guilt by Association” and @JohnLoftus and @MarkAarons’ “The Secret War against the Jews” and Gordon Thomas “Gideon’s Spies” and “Robert Maxwell: Israel’s SuperSpy”.
We have to connect the dots back to Israel’s SuperSpy, #RafiEitan who we are told was the hero who captured Eickman when in fact he was the one who stole the #PROMIS software from America and #BillandNancyHamilton - the owners of the Inslaw PROMIS software - and used it to wage an invisible world war on the US and the world by stealing our National Security nuclear technology and giving it to our enemies including the KGB and #AlQaeda and #OsamabinLaden by planting the PROMIS software with its Trojan horse back door that was put in it by #MichaelRiconosciuto and #Wackenhut into #LosAlamos and #SandiaLaboratory by the Mossad’s secret Supert Spy Robert Maxwell and Reagan’s friend put in charge of infiltrating PROMIS into the Iranian healthcare system, Earl Brian’s Hadron and ultimately, #Bush Sr.’s and #Carlyle CEO’s FrankCarlucci and #William Casey and #JonathanPollard who Trump freed on day one of his first term which is undoubtedly why Miriam Adelson and Sheldon Adelson and the entire neoconservative neoliberal neofascist NeoNazi Zionist Power Configuration and Nazi Republican Party apparatus exposed by Russell Bellant in his book, Old Nazis, the New Right, and the Republican Party” which exposed the #OUN Ukrainian Nazi Fifth Column that has been behind the covert right-wing extremist influence group behind the formulation of Fascist U.S. foreign policy being pushed by the Trump administration just as it was pushed by the Republican and Democratic administrations before him going back throughout America’s modern history which is why it isn’t taught in the American education system and which is probably why Trump is trying to kill the US Department of Education.
At stake is the fate of John Dewey’s Progressive Education and the ability of teachers to teach students how to resist our subjugation to Fascist racist tyranny & slavery.
Very good, very thorough as usual and totally damning of the ‘Inquiry’. I will share widely.
Thanks, Howard!
Dear David: Reading Part 12 of this excellent series, I was outraged to learn that “the first indication of the identity of the alleged perpetrator came” via the discovery, in the City Room, of “a damaged bank card bearing Salman Abedi’s still intact name.” You astutely observed: “The rapid discovery of perpetrator ID has been a motif in false flag terrorism since the (literally) unbelievable discovery of a hijacker’s passport on the day of ‘9/11.’”
Here, in Part 13, the issue comes up again. You quote a portion of a cross-examination in which it is affirmed that “[a] Halifax bank card in the name of Salman R Abedi” was “[f]ound close to the body of [the] person, who turned out to be Salman Abedi.”
My anger and indignation have been re-ignited.
I want to say to the authorities: “Are you kidding me?! After setting down his backpack, was it Mr. Abedi’s intention to find an ATM/cashpoint and make a withdrawal? And before he could skedaddle and actually complete his contemplated financial transaction, did he get his bank card out of his wallet and accidentally drop it on the floor?!”
If confronted in this way, I suppose the authorities’ response would be something along these lines: “Well, yes — of course! Hauling around that heavy backpack, the terrorist must have worked up a hearty appetite. So, on his way home, he undoubtedly intended to pick up a snack from a fish-and-chips street vendor! For that purchase, he would have needed cash.”
For my sensibilities, the “discovery” of a bank card — ostensibly identifying a criminal — is even more ridiculous than the “discovery” of a passport ostensibly doing the same. The potential explanations for a bank card’s presences are so flimsy, it’s as though the authorities are ratcheting-up the stakes for training/indoctrinating the public to accept — and believe in — preposterous nonsense. I wonder: Are they engaging in some type of perverse game? Are they gleefully experimenting with “how far they can go” in the realm of brainwashing while simultaneously taunting those of us who don’t fall for it? (“Nyeah! Nyeah! Nyeah! *Look* what we’re doing — and how impotent you are to prevent us!”)
If so, then maybe it’s only a matter of time until *I* get selected to be the patsy for some horrible incident. If so, then maybe the “proof” of my guilt will consist of the “discovery” of one of my IDs at the scene of the crime — say, my membership card in The Julie Andrews Fan Club of America.
How will the normies who know me react? By this point in the future, with more toxins in their brains than in your average sewer and their ability to think critically having been obliterated completely, I predict they’ll shrug it off. They’ll say: “I always knew Peter was a bit of an eccentric — though, I’ll admit, I never thought he’d be carrying around a fan club membership card as an ID. Also, I always thought he was a nice guy. But I guess I was wrong. Behind that smiling and joking façade, it turns out there was a demon!”
Then, without a second thought, they’ll go back to playing Wordle on their cell phones — while mindlessly popping Jujy Fruit candies into their mouths or munching on crackers — until the authorities spring the *next* PSYOP on them.
So: In anticipation of such an eventuality, I am stating here — for the record — that, yes, I have a membership card for The Julie Andrews Club of America. It was issued in 1971 (when I was 16 years old) and it is stored away in a box, up on the shelf in the foyer closet of my apartment. I would never risk losing or damaging such a cherished memento from yesteryear by actually taking it out and about with me. So any such fan club ID of mine “discovered’ at a crime scene would have to be A FAKE!!!
Hoo boy. Just wait and see. If the authorities get called down on the carpet for their duplicity in this instance, they’ll “explain it away” somehow or other — and the more ludicrous the lie, the more fervently the normies will believe every word of it.
But — who knows? I am speculating. So my dark prediction may ultimately prove to be “over the top”! Meanwhile, I guess I’ll continue to crack corny jokes now and then, and thereby hopefully dispel some of my worry about what’s going on in the world. Best wishes, P.A.
I KNEW there was something dodgy about Julie Andrews fans! ;)
My latest frustrated post in my ongoing attempt to correct the revisionist Zionist revision of actual world history which I now see being done through their capture of the world’s knowledge management system - the Internet itself
The money we give through #USAID @USAID and #NED not to mention NATO GLADIO Team B has always been money for covert operations: terrorism going back to the 1948 National Security Act pushed through to enable the OSS and the SS under Nazi war criminal and head of intelligence, Reinhard Gehlen and his “translators”, #HenryKissinger and #TheodoreShackley, to coordinate the #CIA and the West German #BND to be a NATO GLADIO leave behind army to coordinate false flag terrorist attacks like the JFK / RFK / MLK/ MalcolmX assassinations and blame them on “the others” so that we can develop a police state like the dictatorships the CIA and the Mossad and MI6 backed around the world in the name of “anti-communism” for the profit of Allan Dulles, John Foster Dulles and the oligarchs behind using the Central Banking system like the BIS and the Federal Reserve and the IMF and the World Bank to traffic and manufacture all the illegal drugs like heroin and cocaine and crack through the CIA and FBI and Mossad and NATO and SAVAK and Saudi front groups like Southern Air Transport that William Barr (Trump’s and Bush Sr.’s Attorney General of the corrupt U.S. Justice System) operated as CEO using CIA code name #RobertJohnson.
See TerryReed’s “Compromised” on this hidden evidence of William Barr’s and the CIA’s treason which is one of many state-censored inconvenient truths that the corrupt National Security State has covered up using early #AI software like #PROMIS that led to murder of #DannyCasolaro - a true crime story well told on the Netflix series “American Conspiracy: The Octopus Murders” that should be one of the many bases for an INDEPENDENT Special Select Congressional investigation by Congress and the Senate of the existential level of corruption perpetrated on the world by the U.S. Justice Department and CIA and the captured political Zionists who we are fooled into believing are actually their “Inspector Generals” called the “Office of Professional Responsibility”.
The theft of the PROMIS software is at the heart of the global crime of all time that must be investigated at the highest level of an international military tribunal if we want to stop America from being the greatest threat to world peace and life on earth and democracy ever known. See @PeterOsborne’s for the perspective of an Australian whose Internet technology was stolen and who like #BillandNancyHamilton of Inslaw Inc. whose contract to provide honest services to the United States Justice Department through PROMIS which was designed originally to be the U. S. Justice Department’s “Prosecutors Management Information System” to help them and us (we the people) keep track of people in the Federal Criminal Court cases but was prevented from being a much needed automation system that would enable prosecutors to prosecute crimes including crimes by prosecutors against the state and democracy itself (treason) by the prosecutors like Ed Meese and William Barr and Ted Olson and John Roberts, Antonin Scalia, Robert Bork, Brett Kavanaugh, Alan Dershowitz, Samuel Alito who have taken over our entire Justice system through the PROMIS software’s Artificial Intelligence algorithm which has given them the ability to hack into any and every internet system in the World Wide Web which is why they are so insanely corrupt at to designate every country and person that exposes their treason such as Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, China, Russia, Iran, Palestine, BDS, or any one who dares to speak out about Israel and Revisionist Zionism as terrorist state that has been pushing their plot to take over the world through their ability to use covert operations to silence the truth through assassinations to keep their treasonous evil empire covert by making it lawful to target and disappear those who call out their treasonous vast right conspiracy as treason.
By this definition, they are getting away with calling all of us traitors which is what our politically infiltrated and captured governmemt had used to target and politically assassinate the ability of any whistleblower like Paul Findley, Cynthia McKinney, Danny Casolaro, Michael Riconosciuto, Bobby Kennedy or me, Ellen Corley, to speak out.
Why hasn’t our court system been able to prosecute this treason in courts?
The evidence points to the Luciferian plot that @LaurentGuyenot has exposed in “50 Years of Deep State: From JFK to 9/11” and his documentaries on this subject and @GregFelton’s amazing “The Host and the Parasite” and @_WhitneyWebb’s amazing research on her website, #UnlimitedHangout and her book, “One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union between Intelligence and Organized Crime that gave rise to Jeffrey Epstein” and @PeterDaleScott’s “American Deep State” and @SeymourHersh’s “The Samson Option” and @JeffGates “Guilt by Association” and @JohnLoftus and @MarkAarons’ “The Secret War against the Jews” and Gordon Thomas “Gideon’s Spies” and “Robert Maxwell: Israel’s SuperSpy”.
We have to connect the dots back to Israel’s SuperSpy, #RafiEitan who we are told was the hero who captured Eickman when in fact he was the one who stole the #PROMIS software from America and #BillandNancyHamilton - the owners of the Inslaw PROMIS software - and used it to wage an invisible world war on the US and the world by stealing our National Security nuclear technology and giving it to our enemies including the KGB and #AlQaeda and #OsamabinLaden by planting the PROMIS software with its Trojan horse back door that was put in it by #MichaelRiconosciuto and #Wackenhut into #LosAlamos and #SandiaLaboratory by the Mossad’s secret Supert Spy Robert Maxwell and Reagan’s friend put in charge of infiltrating PROMIS into the Iranian healthcare system, Earl Brian’s Hadron and ultimately, #Bush Sr.’s and #Carlyle CEO’s FrankCarlucci and #William Casey and #JonathanPollard who Trump freed on day one of his first term which is undoubtedly why Miriam Adelson and Sheldon Adelson and the entire neoconservative neoliberal neofascist NeoNazi Zionist Power Configuration and Nazi Republican Party apparatus exposed by Russell Bellant in his book, Old Nazis, the New Right, and the Republican Party” which exposed the #OUN Ukrainian Nazi Fifth Column that has been behind the covert right-wing extremist influence group behind the formulation of Fascist U.S. foreign policy being pushed by the Trump administration just as it was pushed by the Republican and Democratic administrations before him going back throughout America’s modern history which is why it isn’t taught in the American education system and which is probably why Trump is trying to kill the US Department of Education.
At stake is the fate of John Dewey’s Progressive Education and the ability of teachers to teach students how to resist our subjugation to Fascist racist tyranny & slavery.
Sent from my iPhone
Thanks, Ellen.
There are some great sources in here. I must look into PROMIS in more detail.