Thank you. This is a very troubling situation. You have made the dangers of this judgement to free speech of the alternative media shockingly clear. I am very disappointed that U.K. Column have not supported Hall. I will share this excellent article among all my contacts.

Best wishes for the season!

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Thanks, Howard.

Season's greetings to you and yours!

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I have just posted this on ‘X’ to try to bring some attention onto the case. My observation is that it is difficult to get much engagement on this topic which I find very surprising. It may be because the legacy media has done a very thorough hatchet job on Hall which is scandalous. https://x.com/howardsteen4/status/1870099154912907524

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Thanks, Howard. I appreciate you doing that.

You're right about the difficulty of getting people to engage with this topic. As far I know, Iain Davis is the only other commentator to have written seriously about it, despite its grave implications for the independent media.

Everyone else either shies away or joins in the witch hunt against Hall.

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Philip Ridley (London branch of the Western Price Foundation) who wrote this piece shared it with me as a DM response to my post on X. I am not enough of a legal expert to know if this gives Hall any further options to seek redress under existing law. Could invoking ancient ‘individual rights’ of free expression be a way out of this I wonder.

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My guess is that the judge would not deny Hall's individual rights of free expression.

He or she would, however, claim those rights have to be balanced with the claimants' Article 8 rights.

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It feels to me as if all the hours and hours of sincere investigation which Dr.David Hughes and Iain Davis have given to this case, may prove to be the turning point in overturning a wicked injustice against their fellow truth seeker, Richard D. Hall.

After reading through the huge weight of evidence amassed to show us exactly how such a monumental confidence trick was accomplished, I am so grateful for these two fearless and uncompromising writers - a desperately needed antidote to the trial's depravity.

Once enough of us become aware of this, to see the images of duplicitous Dame Karen Steyn in all her red-robed finery, and master Davison's cruel and beaky features framed by his wig as symbol of authority, the ordinary decent people of this country will be incensed. How can these figureheads of State power stand in court, and address each other with such reverence and respect when their dishonesty should have forfeited it? An elaborate charade, designed to prop up a rotten Establishment teetering on the brink of collapse.

As Dr Hughes noted, it is very likely that a 'Streisand Effect' will arise, so that Richard's case will be shown up in all it's criminal deception. Behind that, is piled up a landslide of all the other heartless and amoral outrages perpetrated against people everywhere - 7/7, 9/11, the violation of sovereign nations, the Scamdemic, weather warfare, etc etc. How are we going to deal with it when the dam eventually breaks for good?

It's the people of every country who actually do the work of keeping us all going, not those who presume power over us. Those in control have neither the creativity nor the imagination to pick up the pieces and start again in a positive way, and in any case they should be locked up where they can do no more harm . Either that, or humanely disposed of, as they have been trying to do to the rest of us (only not so humanely)

It is now about time for the rest of the alternative media to stop being so mealy-mouthed in some cases, and downright hostile in others, and join the effort to vindicate an innocent man. Their inability/refusal to see the truth negates all their other good work on our behalf, and only serves a corrosive and corrupt control system.

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No time to read Hall/Manchester saga but wish him all the best. Happy Christmas everyone.

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Merry Xmas, Kerry.

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