It was so obviously a staged event. There would have been absolute carnage and a blood bath of strewn body parts plastered everywhere, not bodies lying neatly in a convenient zone (all facing away from the cameras). The whole thing looks clearly stage-managed and fake. Bad crisis actors on low pay? The lady with high heels walking along after a severe shrapnel leg wound is ridiculously unbelievable! She'd be in AGONY and unable to walk! What we're 'programmed' to believe is pathetically manipulated and streamlined by mainstream media.

What's incredible is how dumbed-down (by design) the whole of society has become. There's no rigorous visceral critical thinking and authentic pursuit of the truth by the lame 'authorities' or allied institutions. Except for Hall, Davis, yourself and other lone voices there's nothing. The digital age has facilitated this malaise - there's a gaping disconnect. We're all fobbed off into passivity by the sedate state controlled narrative.

The Manchester event seems to have been just one of multiple staged events throughout history which have been white-washed. "They" know that some people always speak out and see the truth but They know that They can marginalise them, ignore them, censor them into oblivion. The Orwellian Monorail Machine grinds on with its false narratives. "They" don't care! The System of Lies looks after itself. It's a well-oiled Machine and an old script.

Manchester was one of many test-runs for the CONvid-1984 Plandemic of 2020. There's no wonder why They pushed CONvid with such rampant rollover success. The stage had been set. Other diabolical scams such as the sinking of the Titanic (or renamed crippled Olympic?) and especially 9/11 were examples of how They always get away with Big Lies, not to mention two world wars. It's a Lie Machine.

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And yet, the truth always wins out in the end, which is what the authorities are so scared of.

I agree with you that it is very troubling that, apart from Davis, there have been no voices in the so-called "alternative media" willing to come out in defence of Hall. Aisling O'Loughlin and Miri Ann Finch have actively chosen to attack Hall in different ways.

Today, I listened to Richie Allen's final show before the forthcoming "2.0 upgrade" advertised on his website (available at https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/richieallen/episodes/2024-10-16T11_17_02-07_00). The final half an hour is very powerful, and moving, regarding the fallen state of the so-called "alternative media."

But, illustrating the extent of the problem, even Allen came out against Hall earlier in the year (see https://iaindavis.substack.com/p/the-manchester-arena-false-flag).

We really are in a pickle when the "alternative media," which should be pushing back hard against the Judgment in the Hall trial - which is demonstrably a key marker in the path towards criminalizing dissent and real investigative journalism - effectively sides with the state.

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Yes, I followed the frustrating debate between Aisling O'Loughlin and Iain Davis. She was heavily swayed by the emotional theatrics of the mainstream narrative whilst Davis laser-logically focused on the compelling no bomb evidence scenario, the elephant in the room.

I haven't read Miri Finch's full reasoning against Hall, except that I know she believes that Hall is a shady agent of the deep state, a set-up 'fall guy' (with a legal case deliberately doomed to fail) designed to usher in changes in law against dissent from 'conspiracy theorists' - which I find extremely hard to swallow. He seems authentic to me.

It seems to have been a bad year for the divisive derailing of freedom alliances. I've become far more aware of divisions during 2024. There's not much of a united front going on, just a patchwork of resistance factions.

I'll have a listen to that final half hour of the Richie Allen show, thanks for the link.

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O'Loughlin, Davis, and Finch each interviewed one another in three separate pieces.

Only Davis was familiar with the evidence (i.e., had done any proper investigation).

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Thank you for another great article showing that some serious answers are needed and that another cover-up is in full swing...

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You're welcome.

This wasn't my research, though. I'm just summarising here what Hall and Davis found.

My original contributions begin in the next part, with a critique of the legal documentation.

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I'm laughing as I write this. The lady with the so-called schrapnel wound walking around afterward is a total joke. How could ANYBODY believe that's real.

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There are certainly legitimate questions to be asked.

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