Seems like they read Orwell's 1984 and used it as a playbook.

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I found the following presentation quite interesting:


In this presentation, Levenda discusses the formation of US and Soviet space agency operations/efforts, and contends that there was a secret/occult element of Nazi diaspora within both Soviet and US space (and military; especially the USAF) agencies… both essentially using coordinated tactics similar to ‘funding both sides of the same war’ (I’m paraphrasing), and at times creating the appearance of conflict for political purposes.

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Thanks, I have bookmarked it.

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I have a hunch you’re already aware of this, but just in case…

There’s a chance that Levenda exists somewhere in Camp 2; I’m not quite sure exactly where though, and I believe it’s close to the border of Camp 3.

Since you’ve written the article describing the general outline of the 3 camps, I’ve tried to pay close attention to signals that indicate the 2nd camp.

Lastly, even though Levenda does appear to have some sort of engagement with individuals from the intelligence community (that appears to have influenced his perspective on the necessity of certain programs that I personally believe have no moral justification), I believe his works/research hold immense (and at times unprecedented) value.

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