Sep 23Liked by David A. Hughes

I sincerely hope to participate but likely cannot, as the meeting time is smack in the middle of business hours here (NYC).

I very unfortunately missed your presentation segment @ Omniwar but hoping to catch up on that very soon! Thank you so much, appreciate your work infinity.

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Thank you.

It is tricky finding a time that works internationally. After close of business in the United States would mean starting around 11pm GMT, or midnight or after for those in Europe, which is very late.

I have tried different days of the week in case that helps people who can manage certain days but not others, but perhaps I also need to add the occasional Saturday for Founding Members in the United States who work regular hours.

Quite a logistical challenge!

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Sep 23Liked by David A. Hughes

Hi David,

I'm new to substack. I would love to be a part of this call. Could you let me know how I can become a founding member, where I can upgrade my subscription?

Thank you.

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Hi David. I would like to order directly from you your magnificent COVID 19 book. How should I proceed. Congratulations on the work you have done. I cannot stress enough how helpful it has been in helping me finally understand what and who is driving all this madness. I am anxiously awaiting the second volume. I am also referring it to others who, like me, have in the past been totally baffled by events over these past few years - the tip of the iceberg that has been long in the making. Thank you 🙏

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Looking forward to our next Founding Members' call. We watched your and Lissa's Omniwar segments last night and will finish tonight. We were previously somewhat dubious about the role/implementation of nano tech in the global ruling class's plans for us. But the Omniwar presentations have educated and convinced us of the GRC's specific and ultimate intentions--their "final solutions," if you will--for humanity.

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Haha, glad we are winning people round. Bounding the realms of the possible in the public imagination is one of their most potent weapons.

Gates even referred to the Covid "vaccines" at one point in terms of "the final solution"...

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For those confused as to who the real terrorists are in the Israel vs Palestinian Hamas / Lebanese Hezbollah conflict, see this page from Victor Ostrovsky’s, “The Making and Unmaking of a Mossad Officer” on Israel’s 1982 brutal war crimes/ atrocities / genocide of Sabra and Shatila in Lebanon.

Israel’s version of its own history needs a major revision before a Truth and Reconciliation commission and the western media including the vaunted BBC and all the West’s mainstream media and social media are deeply complicit in the war crimes being committed by Israel, the U.S., the U.K. and NATO who are bringing about their plan to bring about their plan for a Global Fourth Reich right before our very eyes.


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Frances Leader talks about their plan to create the 'core' countries and then the 'gap' countries. The core being the west and the gap Asia, Africa, etc. Wondering what the third section is considering the term the gap meaning a gap between two things?

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