Great interview. James Corbett has done a lot of work on "over-population" - https://corbettreport.com/video-the-last-word-on-overpopulation/ 2011 article & vid subsequently re-published (& still receiving comments). It makes perfect sense TPTB would exaggerate population figures and it's also in the interest of developing country gov'ts to do the same (to receive more ODA, more favourable loan conditions etc.) Corbett has also written on Deagel world population forecasts for 2025. As I recall, he didn't lend them much credence a couple of years ago but may have changed his mind. Deserves a closer look maybe, now that more data is available on excess deaths, infertility rates etc. Deagel 2025 Forecast Resurrected: https://dn720001.ca.archive.org/0/items/istorie_universala/Deagel%202025%20Forecast%20Resurrected_.pdf

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Thank you.

I found Corbett's debunking of Deagel persuasive, hence I don't pay any attention to wild claims about the UK population (among others) dramatically collapsing in 2025.

I find it striking that the number of children being born per woman has fallen dramatically all around the world since the moment that concerns about global overpopulation were expressed in some famous documents from the late 1960s/early 1970s.

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I'd say latter is mainly due to greater availability of reliable contraception in '60s; abortion from mid-'70s onwards; infecundity (due to life-style choices or constraints) beginning in early '80s; followed by increasing infertility of both sexes due to pollution, over-medication/vaccination, poor diet etc from mid-'90s onwards. Of course, all that could have been part of the plan too!

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Great points, and I think very much like you do.

The decline in global birth rates since ca. 1968 can, on the one hand, be attributed to the well-known factors that you cite, as though history were a grand series of largely unrelated and accidental developments.

On the other hand, the global trend is so pronounced, and the onset so consistent with the calls for global population control at the time, that it hardly stretches the imagination to see a design to all of this, especially when one grasps the eugenics beliefs of those presumably behind it.

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Yes, this is obviously not just accidental. I was born in 1955 in little old Hobart Tasmania and clearly remember the early seventies where a certain type of young man was getting sucked in to being vasectomized in order to save the planet. I also recall that those guys proliferated in musical industry, were often partnerless or dominated by ideological anti-male feminist partners that most women of tail-end boomer (supposedly promiscuous generation) did not relate to. We weren't close to those women but we related to their partners because they seemed un-interested in obtaining sexual favours that we were constantly bombarded with at the time, like they were our friends, cf. so-called incels nowadays, but much smarter. It's also interesting to note that Tasmania legalised voluntary assisted dying shortly after roll-out of cv shots - https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-03-24/tas-voluntary-assisted-dying-explainer/100026660https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-03-24/tas-voluntary-assisted-dying-explainer/100026660 This was under a supposedly conservative gov't here.

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The transnationally coordinated move to promote "assisted dying" - most prominently in Canada's MAID programme, but also promoted in the UK by Matt Hancock, and, as you say, in Tasmania - is deeply concerning. As I argue in Wall Street, the Nazis, and the Crimes of the Deep State, euthanasia in the Third Reich was the thin end of the wedge to genocide.

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I'd say starve anyone like what was done to German people through Versailles treaty and we all become nazis.

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What did James mean when he said 5G EMF was supposed to impact on vaccinated people but that it was neutralised (I think the word he used)?

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I'm not sure.

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I noted that also. He spoke about supposed neutralization of 5G/emf dangers just before 43 min mark - "emf towers in the west not working as they thought because it's been neutralized" which left me perplexed. Expert on subject, Amar Jabbi, would not agree.

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Yes, he said neutralized and it was around 43 min mark. Not sure what he meant either.

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