Thanks to James Grundvig for inviting me onto his show. In a rapid back-and-forth interview, we discussed:
prominent figures from the “Covid-19” era now seeking to retire from public life;
technocracy and scientific dictatorship;
my shock at my historical education in the Nazi past, which culminated in a Ph.D. in 2006, becoming relevant again in 2020;
the principle of non-violence;
ruling class desperation;
the dam of lies about to give way to the torrent of truth;
Ukraine and the Nazi connection;
continuities in eugenics agendas before and after 1945;
neoliberal economics since the 1973 coup in Chile and the social unrest it has created;
the attack on the working and middle classes since 2020;
“global overpopulation”;
hijacking conscience;
the impossibility of Hitler coming to power, the Nazis building their war machine, and World War II without the backing of leading financiers and industrialists in the US/UK;
the Bush/Harriman connection to Nazi Germany and the nefarious history of George H.W. Bush;
the failures of denazification;
the Bank for International Settlements;
descendants of Nazis in positions of power post-1945 and still today;
a 1-2-minute synopsis of Wall Street, the Nazis, and the Crimes of the Deep State around the 39m-40m mark;
the transnational deep state;
the “invisible enemy”; and
where the present totalitarian historical trajectory, modelled on Nazi Germany, will lead if the global technocratic coup is not put down.
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