Dear David: Congratulations on yet another fine presentation!

In this interview, you provide listeners with a tantalizing bit of news: “I’ll have a whole series coming out eventually on why . . . academia has ended up [the way it is].” Oh, boy! I can hardly wait!

Moreover, just a few days ago (2/8/25), when you posted your interview with Alex Jones, listeners learned of your study group’s plans for another symposium, entitled “Omniwar Battle for the Brain,” to be held on 4/25/25. How exciting!

You’re working on finishing up the Richard D. Hall series *and* Volume 2 of your “Covid-19” book. Whew! Whenever you remark on how busy you are, you aren’t kidding!

Despite having so much on your ‘to do” list, your commitment to academic rigor and intellectual integrity remains firm. I admire this unwavering dedication to excellence. Thank you – thank you – thank you for your work! Best wishes, P.A.

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Thank you, Peter!

I just need an additional 72 hours in each day and I'll be able to get it all done!

A very large amount of the academia series was already written up in April-June 2024, when I knew I would be leaving the profession. I just haven't had a moment since to finish it off.

Omniwar: Battle for the Brain is slated for Saturday April 26. But first, I need to finish my work on Manchester...

I also had two invitations today, one to speak at an event in London in early May, and another for an interview on "9/11." In fact, I am now holding two "9/11" invitations in reserve and have asked that we do them closer to the next anniversary.

I have also been intending, since October, to produce a video presentation on Chapter 2 of my Wall Street book. I got started on it, and then the judgment against Hall was passed...

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You’re welcome, David! You need an additional 72 hours in each day . . . and I need psychological counseling — on how best to manage my eagerness and excitement with regard to all these developments!

BTW, earlier today I checked my reviews of your two books on Amazon — and duly noted that each has received a few more “helpful” votes from shoppers. Maybe the growing awareness of your work is prompting people to look up your books on line — and intriguing people enough to actually read the reviews. If so, hurrah! Cheers, P.A.

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That's great, Peter!

The free online version is approaching 200,000 accesses at the publisher's website, which is encouraging to see.

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Thank you for this interview with Japan. As always, it’s so nice to hear you break it all down, as you are a master at doing!

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Thank you, Deborah. Nice to have you with us again on Tuesday.

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Great interview, thanks. I will send to my prof. friend in Japan (who provided the material on Abiogenic origin of oil).

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Fabulous interview David. Thank you! You are one of kind. I hope the response and support for your work is growing. We, this world, needs your voice. So much appreciation!

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