Sep 28Liked by David A. Hughes

Great to see you interviewed by Kim Iversen. Already 154K views on rumble, 22K on YT (shortened version). She has close to a million followers on YT & rumble alone. The word is getting out. Congratulations!

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Sep 28Liked by David A. Hughes

I was very excited to see you featured on such a popular platform!

Kim was a speaker at the Defeat the Mandates rally in L.A. which I drove a few hundred miles to be at. This is huge. I shared your interview by Courtney with my friend who has a show played on several platforms. I hope he joins us in this quest to get the info out there on how diabolical the pandemic really was & is.

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Oct 1Liked by David A. Hughes

I appreciated the meeting as long as I was able. Had to ride over a pass to catch a 2pm V.A. appointment!

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Thanks, Deborah. It was great speaking with you! Hope to see you again next time.

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Oct 2Liked by David A. Hughes

I hope so as well! It’s an honor to be among great minds such as yours.

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Thanks, Deborah. Let's keep on getting the word out!

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Sep 29·edited Sep 29Liked by David A. Hughes

If what Levenda contends is correct (and the sources he presents appear solid)… a prominent element in what we’ve witnessed the last four years appears to be directly connected to the Nazi SS regime that survived the war. He contends they’ve been working to finish what they (through their progeny, disciples, and recruits) started. In his most recent book, he hints subtly at a “Fourth Reich” in the making.

He shared that after 30+ years of researching the Nazis, it was only in the past 10 years (upon the release of various archived documents) did he realize that ODESSA, Skorzeny’s Die Spinne, Hans-Ulrich Rudel’s Kameradenwerke, etc. were far from the totality of the post-WWII Nazi diaspora… and what actually survived is startlingly organized, well funded, and have infiltrated countless governments around the world.

Here’s a very quick segment from his most recent book “Sekret Machines: War”:

“… as we hunted and searched through Latin America looking for war criminals to bring to justice, we were distracted from the larger threat: hundreds if not thousands of commercial and technological and scientific entities that originated in the Reich that had been set up or had their assets increased after the war. In addition, we ignored the fact that the Soviet Union had its own cache of Nazi rocket scientists, some of whom managed to stay in contact with their colleagues in other countries. The focus on Operation Paperclip meant that we were unaware of Operation Osoaviakhim: the Russian version of Paperclip that netted more than two thousand Nazi scientists plus their families for a total of more than six thousand persons taken to Russian territory to work on the Soviet rocket and weapons programs. If we begin to aggregate the number of Nazi scientists that were reemployed or redeployed after the war, we are talking in excess of ten thousand including engineers and some factory workers with specialized knowledge. That realization was further complicated by the fact that countries as far from the European Theater of Operations as Australia also had their own Nazi scientists in residence, working from remote, Area 51–type locations such as Woomera, where rocket testing was taking place overseen by technicians who had worked at Peenemünde and Nordhausen.”

I highly recommend “Sekret Machines: War.” The prior two installments in this non-fiction trilogy are not really prerequisites for this third volume as far as what’s covered pertaining to Nazis. Chapter 3 onward is where much of the pertinent subject matter is discussed.

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Thank you! I will certainly have a look at Levenda's work when I get an opportunity to do so.

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Public Health Agency of Canada performing PSYOPS.


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"What scares me is that people who know the most about Nazi Germany and how control was effected in Nazi Germany have studied that period in depth and are applying the same kinds of lessons that were learned"

But that's because they're the same deep state organizations, for example whatever dark laboratories at Tavistock where Hitler and Hess visited before WW1. Hitler was a creation of the Anglo-American ruling class that wound him up and pointed him at Russia.

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Is the Tavistock comment based on


If so, I find the connection spurious. Even if it is the same bridge (it might not be), the bridge is 22 miles away from Tavistock. Meanwhile, the Tavistock Institute is so-called because it was housed at Tavistock Square in London.

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Is it really 22 miles? If so its not a "short walk". But the bridge seems pretty distinctive.

"Lord Bertrand Russell (earl of Bedford) is one of the dominant grand strategists of the British Empire and Tavistock...

Again in case anyone missed that, the title of the “Tavistock Square” which spawned the Tavistock Clinic and Tavistock institute, which managed MK Ultra after WW2 was directly tied to the Bedford owned-town of Tavistock which the particular bridge upon which Hitler was sitting in his self portrait is a short walk from Tavistock."



This, if it were true, would be a pretty big deal, so I think it merits attention by historians.


Apple maps tells me its 12 miles and a six hour walk. Even in 1910 a fairly short bike ride.

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Sep 28·edited Sep 28Author

My mistake. The bridge is a 22 minute car ride from Tavistock according to Google Maps. You are right that they are 12 miles apart.

But if Hitler was really at the Clapper Bridge before World War I, it had nothing to do with the Tavistock Clinic, which was founded in London in 1920. The psy-ops came later still.

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Maybe he was visiting Russell himself?

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Is there any evidence that Bertrand Russell was the Earl of Bedford? Or that he lived in Tavistock? The connections laid out by Ehret and Alschner look tenuous to me. And where does Hess come into it?

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Good questions.

Sorry, its just hard to know who to believe in the middle of all these psyops. But some earth shaking truths have unfolded only recently for me, so I sometimes think everything is not what it seems. Please forgive me.


according to Wikipedia (that is about my level, and yes, I know it is also a deep state tool, but such are my research skills):

"John Russell, Viscount Amberley (10 December 1842 – 9 January 1876), was a British politician and writer. He was the eldest son of John Russell, who twice served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and father of the philosopher Bertrand Russell.


John Russell was born on 10 December 1842 at Chesham Place, London, the first son of Lord John Russell, himself the son of the 6th Duke of Bedford."

So its conceivable that Bertrand Russell, who would have been 38 in 1910, would have had access to the Duke of Bedfords estates in Tavistock, even if he might not have lived there.

I don't know why they say Hess might have been there too.

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David A. Hughes has clearly done extensive and rigorous research into the topics he discusses. However, I'm not convinced that we are really under such a great threat of being robbed and enslaved en masse by evil technocrats.

Take Covid-1984 for example. I and many others did not comply or budge one inch but continued to live life as normally as possible without having any serious push back from the fearful majority. The spell was already breaking down by the time Putin decided to distract us. And now many more of us are suspicious.

As for nanobots, Internet of Things, digitisation of the entire planet, control of human bodies, trans-humanism, immortality, 5G energy weapons, AI control, facial recognition, etc. - these are things of their dreams and our nightmares. There is no evidence that they're real (in a threatening sense). On the contrary, the digital world seems to develop more problems than solutions with every passing year. Both services and goods seem to decline in quality every year. We're now too deskilled and too incompetent to build ourselves a technate - even if we wanted one.

The fact is that we humans are, in the long run, uncontrollable. The eternal struggle to control us by a few ruthless psychopathic is a large part of what we call history. Today is no different. And the odds are in our favour because the psychotic blob has bitten off more than it can chew, in my opnion.

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I agree with you about the "biting off more than they can chew" part, and I hope you're right about the rest. A lot of the transhumanist discourse does seem like pseudo-scientific eugenicist nonsense. However, there is extensive evidence to support the emergence of a technocratic control grid of which human bodies will themselves form a part, especially in the military intelligence literature.

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It's interesting to note what David Rogers Webb says about The Great Taking in his book by that name, and in his interviews. When the derivatives bets of the big banks like JP Morgan and Bank of America fail, everything we own will be taken to cover their bets, and it has been written into law starting way back when Nelson Rockefeller appointed a CIA man to subvert property rights to securities and land, deeding everything to the Deposit Trust Corporation clearing house to cover all the bets

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I agree that much greater attention needs to be focused on this. It is consistent with the Theft of Everything also being enacted through natural asset classes and the broader technocratic principle that the Technate should own and manage everything. Meanwhile, you will own nothing and be happy.

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The young man in the photo above the YOU WILL NOTHING AND BE HAPPY message looks stoned out of his mind on God or drugs.

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I think it was just a stock photograph. But I've long wondered what that young man thinks about the infamy of the image.

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All this talk of money and fairness and have I not heard anything about usury, the sin that is rampant and widely accepted in the whole world? If I have missed it, please direct me.

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You are correct, I have not mentioned usury, which I associate more with medieval debates, although you are correct that it remains a problem in today's world. I am more minded to speak about the inherently predatory and exploitative tendencies of capitalism, since that is the social system under which we currently live.

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I am currently reading a new book, Something for Nothing?: An Explanation and Defence of the Scholastic Position on Usury, by David Hunt, and I would recommend Barren Metal by E. Michael Jones. I think is the accepted system that has crushed the economy worldwide. I am no expert, but I think Capitalism is one implement of usury. Usury is so widely accepted as how things are done that it has become invisible. This is how the Central Banks have become so powerful. Usura by Ezra Pound, Canto XLV, is a good mediation.

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Great points.

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Usury always results in a concentration of credit (usually referred to as 'wealth') among the few who create and control credit, and debt slavery for everyone else. It is a parasitic system of wealth extraction through book keeping alone. We've been plagued by it for over 5,000 years. The oldest cuneiform writing deciphered are credit/debt records in baked clay tablets. The origins of writing itself perhaps.

We know how these cycles go. Ever increasing credit creation and indebtedness with an exponentially growing super rich and an ever impoverished and indebted majority until collapse and reset. In the past, the reset was called a Jubilee . A new ruler and all debts were cancelled. A clean slate. A new start.

Here we are now, with the super rich creditor class trying to pull off a reset in their favour. The odds in their favour are slim I reckon.

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