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Interview with Kim Iversen, September 25, 2024

Wall Street and Nazi Germany; the Business Plot; the Great Reset; censorship; technocracy and totalitarian control; the West v China; left/right; the potential return of slavery; divide and rule

Thanks to Kim Iversen for inviting me onto her show. The interview starts around the nine-minute mark.

We discussed:

  • why continuities between the political economy of the West since 2020 and 1930s Nazi Germany must be approached with caution;

  • Wall Street funding for the Nazis and its lack of patriotic loyalty;

  • totalitarianism as a response to an acute crisis of capitalism;

  • the failed “Business Plot” of 1933/34;

  • totalitarianism as a means of consolidating power in the ruling class;

  • so-called mis-/dis-/mal-information, censorship, and the government as the “single source of truth” (Jacinda Adern) — symptoms of emergent totalitarianism;

  • “The Science” as a pseudo-scientific cult mentality;

  • warning signs pre-2020 that the existing control system was entering into terminal crisis, relating to propaganda, the international monetary and financial system, neoliberal economics, and the “War on Terror”;

  • how does the transnational ruling class control a reported 8 billion people? How does the richest 10% maintain control of 76% of the world’s wealth?;

  • CBDC as a totalitarian control system;

  • a weaponized Internet of BioNano Things as the ultimate social control system;

  • a few parallels between Nazi Germany and the Covid era;

  • the Bank for International Settlements and support for the Nazi “New Order”;

  • the attempted Theft of Everything that is currently underway;

  • how the Nazi legacy lived on after 1945;

  • the useful of ex-Nazis to the West in Cold War anti-Soviet context;

  • “Covid-19” as a psychological warfare operation issuing in the war for technocracy;

  • two false dichotomies in today’s world: the West vs. China and left vs. right;

  • the very real risk of the return of slavery, in a novel, biodigital form;

  • biopower — direct control over human bodies by the state; and

  • divide and rule: master manipulators skilled at constantly creating social divisions.

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