Magnificent interview. David, you and Melissa presented such important information together that was so pleasantly presented. Your work is so important, and I believe you are correct that more and more people are waking up to the truth. I do wish more had woken up sooner, but maybe it takes going through something like what we did with the scamdemic to wake up the masses. I'm glad I woke up early on, but those of us who did suffered the furor of those who did not.
We collectively are so grateful for your excellent scholarship and willingness to go public with it.
Not always easy!
I would respectfully like to comment regarding RFK's recent public position changes. First, from what I understand the only vaccines he approves of are those that have been scientifically validated for safety and effectiveness in valid trials--so far none of the scheduled vaccines achieve that my impression is that he does not favor any of them. And certainly not, the experimental ones...
Second, regarding possible motives for his election adjustments, I think we cannot have free elections if we do not have freedom of information/the press. He was almost completely censored as a candidate and I view what he did, as taking the only option available to him to give him a platform to voice his concerns and possible fixes. Courageous, and I am sure he realized it would be a very controversial move...
A possible explanation comes from the field of sporting events: (1) a closed skill is one in which winning comes from doing the same thing over and over again to achieve accuracy, like in archery, where the goal is to get as many bulls-eyes as possible. (2) an open skill is one in which a player wins by constantly adapting to a changing temporal and spatial environment, like soccer, where the players must constantly monitor and adapt to where the ball is, where the opponents are, what speeds are they traveling and in what directions, etc. Adjusting one's movement and behaviors (not necessarily one's values) is necessary to achieve one's goals.
I cannot speak for RFK, but I think he is doing the best he can in the "open sport of politics and power" to stay authentic to his values and goals... I think he is still on our side, and despite losing supporters, I think it will be interesting to see what he can accomplish as a free agent after the election...
I hope you're right about RFK. If you're in the United States, you'll be much closer to this than I am. I am not personally invested in RFK and don't follow him all that closely, so I am pleased to hear that, despite my scepticism, he may still be "on our side"!
Another “easy listening” lecture. Good luck on the path to truth. Ironic one is required to leave the ivy tower to pursue. Guess when buildings are erected in its name, that’s a sign of containment.
Absolutely a magnificent interview. Very thorough and so well said everything. A scary content academically analysed, with all the references. Easy listening and at the same time alarming of where we are at... The three camps are very illustrative.
On the subject of “waking up”; in your studies, David, what is at play when people really do start to open their eyes? There are so many who sense something is off but do not, cannot, see what is quite literally in front of their eyes. In that vein, I am always edified when you speak of the necessity of prayer and trust in Jesus, and in the world how Christianity is attacked. I really received a lot from this interview, so I have listened twice. Oddly, Telegram was not opening up the correct interview so had to link out to hear again this morning.
"Waking up" entails many things which are difficult to accept, e.g. that you have been lied to and psychologically abused your entire life by the authorities who claim to protect you; that the world is nothing like what you thought it was; that we do not live in a democracy in any meaningful sense; that you need to revisit everything that you have been indoctrinated to believe; and that evil psychopaths are waging war against you with a view to enslaving you. It is little wonder that reality is too much for many people to bear, at least to begin with. Ultimately, however, the truth sets you free.
The Healing For The Ages Team has purchased the same equipment as is being used at Univesities and Pharma companies, research facilities, etc. and they're validating what darkfield, etc., microscopists have observed, but of course much more clearly since the more powerful instruments can "see" nano-sized particulates and activities. THey've also (using initially their own blood, urine, etc. then others') experimented with how to mitigate and to disable and chelate the toxic elements, structures and constituent or residual matter from the blood & urine. Dr Henry Ealy, Dr Bryam Ardis, Dr Ed Group, & Dr Jana Schmidt have collaborated to bring research findings, the interconnected disciplines from electromagnetic to chemical to synthetic and how the process of blending multi-sourced elements together that then interact with EM frequencies to build the varying components of synthetic biological and technological nature into active status and using (for example) brewer's yeast and other "natural, but corrupted" substances already commonly ingested to do so. Their "remedies" are natural in nature -- herbs and non-pharma drugs that are readily available but some are surprising (like nicotine - though they include the paper showing nicotine is not itself addictive, it is the 400+ toxic chemicals added to cigarettes that make them addictive, etc.). While not privy to the disagreements that you cite, I can say their objective is clearly to leverage the power of their combined skills, experience and now technological tools to find natural healing for those afflicted (which because of the constant contamination from chem trails, water, food, animals and many processed or even GMO foods, etc. are affecting EVERYONE, not just "the jabbed" who got a booster dose especially of grpahene and a jump start to sensitivity to and damage from the heightened (5G) transmissions. They credit many other pioneers who've gone before them, but they are not stopping and what they're observing seems to both correlate and indicate multiple stages of development and of the sophistry of what is developing in bodies -- their presentations are well worth the time and effor. Healing for the A.G.E.S. -- Bryan Ardis often speaks for them, but all are equally qualified and accomplished in their fields of expertise and they have been studying links to transhumanism, etc, since @ 2010 and even before so this is another step in understanding the advancement of technologies that are present and likely have been for a number of years.
Over breakfast this morning, my houseguest and I listened -- in silence -- to this absorbing interview. When it was over, my friend indicated to me that he felt very impressed, and he asked me to please send him the link -- which, of course, I did. Hopefully, more and more people will be sitting up and paying attention to the valuable information of writers/researchers like David and his colleagues!
Ha-ha-ha! Actually, I started listening to the interview while my houseguest was finishing up in the bathroom. I fully intended to turn it off when he was through and we sat down to breakfast. But it turned out that he’d been listening and had become intrigued. He asked if it would be O.K. to continue listening to the interview — and I happily said “yes.”
With regard to the C19 psyop, my friend from out-of-town has an admirable track record of resistance and activism. This weekend was our first time in five years to see each other face-to-face, however, so there was quite a lot of “catching up” to do. In the course of it, I got the impression that my friend has basically been operating from within Camp 2. But my friend not only is highly intelligent and open-minded. He is imbued with a deep curiosity about reality and fervently seeks to understand the truth — about lots of things. (He also chuckles at all my corny jokes, and of course I appreciate that about him too!) I got the impression that this interview may have pushed my friend over the edge and that we in Camp 3 may soon have increased our number. So — hurrah!
In any event, David, fear not! I do not stand in the middle of my living room, arms folded over my chest and scowling (with one eyebrow raised), exhorting my visitors, “Ya gotta listen to this Englishman’s latest interview — or else! (But — hey! — maybe I ought to try that sometime and see if anything positive comes of it.)
Seriously, however, my friend from out-of-town was *very* impressed. Several times, he picked up my copy of the “Covid-19” book and studied portions of it. I think it’s very possible that, moving forward, he will come to find your work as worthwhile, and as fascinating, as I do. Best wishes, P.A.
So, if the moon landings were a mere studio production, does that include all of them? All the astronauts were in on it? including the Russian cosmonauts? What I have heard that sounds credible is the claim by Steven Greer that they had footage standing by just in case things were seen not ment to be shared in real time to the public.
One witness does claim that huge structures were seen during the remote mappings of the moons dark side which were taken black.
It's a huge topic. Personally, I do not accept that any human being has ever set foot on the moon.
My view is that the "moon landings" were psychological operations primarily intended to do two things: (i) establish a sense of "global consciousness" in the post-1968 context; and (ii) establish proof of concept that it is possible to fool the entire world about something.
Did I mention that a man who's wife worked at Harvard as a scientist tagging (possibly injecting) sea life. I said to him, let me guess, she's funded by DARPA. His eyes grew big and asked me how I knew that. So many pawns. Some unknowingly and too many that know. They will soon realise they are lined up for the cliff too. They'll be making an about face very soon and are now.
I don’t buy it either, but this seems so out there, in our faces, as it were. People I know kept saying Trump was just playing the long game to keep even more people from dying (from the jabs tech)So incredibly sad. The ends can never justify the means.
Alas, the self-styled "father of the vaccine" is, like Musk, ultimately there to help issue in technocracy, a key part of which involves "fusing our physical, our biological, and our digital identities," to quote Schwab.
An AI-powered "mRNA cancer vaccine" sounds like quite a good way of doing that.
I guess what is noticeable to me is just how ridiculous the whole thing came off, this particular event. Heck, even B. Malone is speaking out against it. Feels like we are being moved through the dialectic, from the anti-thesis to a synthesis, which is, like you say is the fusing. But in an accepted way.
It looks to me as though they are clutching at straws. The CO emission for Edinburgh looks much lower than in other areas, yet it is Edinburgh that is cancelling New Year's celebrations.
Bad weather is hardly unusual at this time of year.
Unlike the CO emissions, however, they are not expected to continue into the New Year. So if something weird happens on the 2nd, it could have to do with the CO emissions and not the bad weather that cancelled Hogmanay.
I live in one of the affected areas, so if anything unusual happens on the 2nd, I'll let you know. The epicentre of weirdness, though, should be Manchester, according to their map.
Personally, I don't think there's anything meaningful in this article, but it does at least present a testable hypothesis of sorts.
Actually, I may have misstated (in my usual rambling manner). The Healing for the A.G.E.S. team has made the two purchases and they are going at it fast and furiously.
They've also referenced the work of one other researcher multiple times, but I'm not where I can lay my hands on the information. You should be able to enroll in the free Healing For The A.G.E.S. conference replay (starts 11/02, I believe).
I'm only halfway through (taking a brain break!) and wish to concur with others -- this was a real gold mine in terms of both showcasing salient elements of your various theses from your research, your collaborations and other related disclosures/presentations and in dimensionalizing the contributions and asides from your interviewer, who is one of the more savvy (IMO) counterparts in your exchanges. Hope & Tivon (in recognition of work done by the "Healing For The A.G.E.S." group, who have purchased very expensive, high powered equipment the likes of which only pharma and universities have access to) recently presented information that really builds on what you've already been exploring -- instead of all the constituent elements of the self-assembling nanotechnological networking components, a cocktail of "ingredients" derived from multiple sources (some of it in the geoengineered particulate matter that is in our air, water, plants, and animal life, some of it from the injections, some of it from previously administered pharmaceuticals, over-the-counter drugs, anesthetics [dental multiple times verified] and "common" foods that have long been a part of staples in our diet [brewer's yeast for example]) when combined in the human body then activated by electromagnetic frequencies of varying kinds (to form varying components or to initiate specific processes and/or structure designs, etc.) can then penetrate cells, modifiy or even replace them with the synthetic versions and the process of accessing and beginning the control and manipulation of the individual can be accomplished. Of course, the more work done about what's in the cocktail and how it arrives on site like a prefab construction project awaiting a blueprint and a superintendent overseer mechanism, and how it then processes the signals as commands and follows the given regimen is accompanied by breakthroughs in organic (mostly) substances that can be ingested to help defeat and to dissolve/disable and to eliminate from the body the technological structures and attendant operations (including things like Bee Pollen, Nicotine found in foods [ex: nightshade plants] or in patches or tobacco leaves, pomegranate juice/extract, etc.). So there IS a battle, and those who are truly in the third camp are laboring to bring their observed and documented findings to the public with accompanying point-in-time solutions. All to say that the work of documenting, exposing and providing solid rationale as well as literate defense of the discoveries and the assembled knowledge is a foundational part of this battle and you and your colleagues are to be congratulated and encouraged further in your pursuits. If only the disparate pieces from all of the (somewhat isolated) brain trusts could be pooled (without creating a technological "hive mind" based on distributed ledgers and occult principles!) so that the sum of all of it could be brought to bear....persist in doing your part to make that happen, please. Apologies to those reading who prefer succinct points. This exchange is still a bit daunting (as always) but it also brings hope and courage for the (uncommon, brilliant) similar perspectives and means of arriving at them it evidences.
Thank you, Richard. Your support means a lot to me, as it is not easy doing this kind of work, for all sorts of reasons.
That's really interesting about Hope and Tivon being able to purchase the kind of microscope that normally only institutions can afford. That overcomes one of the major hurdles we face, given that our institutions have failed us. Do you have a link where I could follow that up?
This too from Hope Girl’s blog: I found it interesting, but also vexing as Hope and Tivon were the only ones, besides Sabrina, who were talking about the cyber tech. But Polly had done such great work. I decided I didn’t have to choose, although for unrelated reasons I avoid TWC.
It’s been a while back. This references the reaction to Polly’s video on the Wellness Company. But I have seen more. I don’t want to speak out of turn if I am not remembering correctly. Start at about 21:00.
It's helpful to have this opposing view to Polly's. Certainly no legal basis was given for making allegations against TWC. But I'm not so sure Polly intended an attack on small businesses by undermining affiliate sales. Exposing networks of actors seems to have been her primary objective. It's hard to know what to make of it all.
I had all this in mind when I was reading your take on tier two. Trying not to paint with a broad brush, and guilt by association is too often an easy way to think of things. Polly has done great work, and the last video I have watched several times. She has a keen mind. The fog of war is real.
Interesting that Hope here (in May 2024) predicts that Polly will basically just disappear. That's more or less what has happened - just one video in the last six months.
In regards to TWC and the administrations ties to evil things, just now listening to Erin Elizabeth and Liam Sturgess discuss the piece EE put up on Substack with Mathew Crawford regarding such. If these things are true then Polly just scratched the surface. Not knowing fully the scope of your work I don’t know if you had made the connections; however I do not see the more notable subjects in your index of Covid 19, Psychological Operations…
Many thanks. I look forward to watching this. I had not heard of TWC when I submitted my book manuscript, but am certainly interested in finding out more.
Yes, I noticed that. I am pleased, because she seems to be one of very few people willing to do the work to expose the networks which systematically seek to mislead us.
Magnificent interview. David, you and Melissa presented such important information together that was so pleasantly presented. Your work is so important, and I believe you are correct that more and more people are waking up to the truth. I do wish more had woken up sooner, but maybe it takes going through something like what we did with the scamdemic to wake up the masses. I'm glad I woke up early on, but those of us who did suffered the furor of those who did not.
We collectively are so grateful for your excellent scholarship and willingness to go public with it.
Not always easy!
I would respectfully like to comment regarding RFK's recent public position changes. First, from what I understand the only vaccines he approves of are those that have been scientifically validated for safety and effectiveness in valid trials--so far none of the scheduled vaccines achieve that my impression is that he does not favor any of them. And certainly not, the experimental ones...
Second, regarding possible motives for his election adjustments, I think we cannot have free elections if we do not have freedom of information/the press. He was almost completely censored as a candidate and I view what he did, as taking the only option available to him to give him a platform to voice his concerns and possible fixes. Courageous, and I am sure he realized it would be a very controversial move...
A possible explanation comes from the field of sporting events: (1) a closed skill is one in which winning comes from doing the same thing over and over again to achieve accuracy, like in archery, where the goal is to get as many bulls-eyes as possible. (2) an open skill is one in which a player wins by constantly adapting to a changing temporal and spatial environment, like soccer, where the players must constantly monitor and adapt to where the ball is, where the opponents are, what speeds are they traveling and in what directions, etc. Adjusting one's movement and behaviors (not necessarily one's values) is necessary to achieve one's goals.
I cannot speak for RFK, but I think he is doing the best he can in the "open sport of politics and power" to stay authentic to his values and goals... I think he is still on our side, and despite losing supporters, I think it will be interesting to see what he can accomplish as a free agent after the election...
I vote for BOTH OF YOU!!!
Thanks, Mary. I appreciate that!
I hope you're right about RFK. If you're in the United States, you'll be much closer to this than I am. I am not personally invested in RFK and don't follow him all that closely, so I am pleased to hear that, despite my scepticism, he may still be "on our side"!
Rewarding listening. Always thrilled to get another of these interviews to absorb. Hope all is well with you!
Thank you, Deborah.
Another “easy listening” lecture. Good luck on the path to truth. Ironic one is required to leave the ivy tower to pursue. Guess when buildings are erected in its name, that’s a sign of containment.
Ironic indeed.
Right. They do always love to take credit because their ugly egos just can't be contained.
Absolutely a magnificent interview. Very thorough and so well said everything. A scary content academically analysed, with all the references. Easy listening and at the same time alarming of where we are at... The three camps are very illustrative.
Thanks, Peter.
On the subject of “waking up”; in your studies, David, what is at play when people really do start to open their eyes? There are so many who sense something is off but do not, cannot, see what is quite literally in front of their eyes. In that vein, I am always edified when you speak of the necessity of prayer and trust in Jesus, and in the world how Christianity is attacked. I really received a lot from this interview, so I have listened twice. Oddly, Telegram was not opening up the correct interview so had to link out to hear again this morning.
"Waking up" entails many things which are difficult to accept, e.g. that you have been lied to and psychologically abused your entire life by the authorities who claim to protect you; that the world is nothing like what you thought it was; that we do not live in a democracy in any meaningful sense; that you need to revisit everything that you have been indoctrinated to believe; and that evil psychopaths are waging war against you with a view to enslaving you. It is little wonder that reality is too much for many people to bear, at least to begin with. Ultimately, however, the truth sets you free.
Wishing you and yours a blessed Christmas season and peaceful New Year.
And you both.
The Healing For The Ages Team has purchased the same equipment as is being used at Univesities and Pharma companies, research facilities, etc. and they're validating what darkfield, etc., microscopists have observed, but of course much more clearly since the more powerful instruments can "see" nano-sized particulates and activities. THey've also (using initially their own blood, urine, etc. then others') experimented with how to mitigate and to disable and chelate the toxic elements, structures and constituent or residual matter from the blood & urine. Dr Henry Ealy, Dr Bryam Ardis, Dr Ed Group, & Dr Jana Schmidt have collaborated to bring research findings, the interconnected disciplines from electromagnetic to chemical to synthetic and how the process of blending multi-sourced elements together that then interact with EM frequencies to build the varying components of synthetic biological and technological nature into active status and using (for example) brewer's yeast and other "natural, but corrupted" substances already commonly ingested to do so. Their "remedies" are natural in nature -- herbs and non-pharma drugs that are readily available but some are surprising (like nicotine - though they include the paper showing nicotine is not itself addictive, it is the 400+ toxic chemicals added to cigarettes that make them addictive, etc.). While not privy to the disagreements that you cite, I can say their objective is clearly to leverage the power of their combined skills, experience and now technological tools to find natural healing for those afflicted (which because of the constant contamination from chem trails, water, food, animals and many processed or even GMO foods, etc. are affecting EVERYONE, not just "the jabbed" who got a booster dose especially of grpahene and a jump start to sensitivity to and damage from the heightened (5G) transmissions. They credit many other pioneers who've gone before them, but they are not stopping and what they're observing seems to both correlate and indicate multiple stages of development and of the sophistry of what is developing in bodies -- their presentations are well worth the time and effor. Healing for the A.G.E.S. -- Bryan Ardis often speaks for them, but all are equally qualified and accomplished in their fields of expertise and they have been studying links to transhumanism, etc, since @ 2010 and even before so this is another step in understanding the advancement of technologies that are present and likely have been for a number of years.
Thanks, Richard. I have had.a few people recommending this group recently.
Over breakfast this morning, my houseguest and I listened -- in silence -- to this absorbing interview. When it was over, my friend indicated to me that he felt very impressed, and he asked me to please send him the link -- which, of course, I did. Hopefully, more and more people will be sitting up and paying attention to the valuable information of writers/researchers like David and his colleagues!
Wow, how extraordinary!
I hope you don't make all your guests listen to me! ;)
Ha-ha-ha! Actually, I started listening to the interview while my houseguest was finishing up in the bathroom. I fully intended to turn it off when he was through and we sat down to breakfast. But it turned out that he’d been listening and had become intrigued. He asked if it would be O.K. to continue listening to the interview — and I happily said “yes.”
With regard to the C19 psyop, my friend from out-of-town has an admirable track record of resistance and activism. This weekend was our first time in five years to see each other face-to-face, however, so there was quite a lot of “catching up” to do. In the course of it, I got the impression that my friend has basically been operating from within Camp 2. But my friend not only is highly intelligent and open-minded. He is imbued with a deep curiosity about reality and fervently seeks to understand the truth — about lots of things. (He also chuckles at all my corny jokes, and of course I appreciate that about him too!) I got the impression that this interview may have pushed my friend over the edge and that we in Camp 3 may soon have increased our number. So — hurrah!
In any event, David, fear not! I do not stand in the middle of my living room, arms folded over my chest and scowling (with one eyebrow raised), exhorting my visitors, “Ya gotta listen to this Englishman’s latest interview — or else! (But — hey! — maybe I ought to try that sometime and see if anything positive comes of it.)
Seriously, however, my friend from out-of-town was *very* impressed. Several times, he picked up my copy of the “Covid-19” book and studied portions of it. I think it’s very possible that, moving forward, he will come to find your work as worthwhile, and as fascinating, as I do. Best wishes, P.A.
I say it every time, but you always bring a smile to my face.
Wonderful that your guest wanted to continue to listen. Hopefully you had lots of discussion points afterwards!
Here's hoping that your friend finds his way out of Camp 2!
So, if the moon landings were a mere studio production, does that include all of them? All the astronauts were in on it? including the Russian cosmonauts? What I have heard that sounds credible is the claim by Steven Greer that they had footage standing by just in case things were seen not ment to be shared in real time to the public.
One witness does claim that huge structures were seen during the remote mappings of the moons dark side which were taken black.
It's a huge topic. Personally, I do not accept that any human being has ever set foot on the moon.
My view is that the "moon landings" were psychological operations primarily intended to do two things: (i) establish a sense of "global consciousness" in the post-1968 context; and (ii) establish proof of concept that it is possible to fool the entire world about something.
Did I mention that a man who's wife worked at Harvard as a scientist tagging (possibly injecting) sea life. I said to him, let me guess, she's funded by DARPA. His eyes grew big and asked me how I knew that. So many pawns. Some unknowingly and too many that know. They will soon realise they are lined up for the cliff too. They'll be making an about face very soon and are now.
From watching the videos of 9/11 over and over, it becomes fairly clear that there were no planes at all.
Heartsick. I don’t know why, because I do realize what is planned. Yet I was in hopes….
Ellison here gives an extremely unconvincing performance in my view.
It seems that this miracle 48-hour AI-powered cancer cure is the next step in trying to sell injections to the population.
I don't buy it.
I don’t buy it either, but this seems so out there, in our faces, as it were. People I know kept saying Trump was just playing the long game to keep even more people from dying (from the jabs tech)So incredibly sad. The ends can never justify the means.
Alas, the self-styled "father of the vaccine" is, like Musk, ultimately there to help issue in technocracy, a key part of which involves "fusing our physical, our biological, and our digital identities," to quote Schwab.
An AI-powered "mRNA cancer vaccine" sounds like quite a good way of doing that.
I guess what is noticeable to me is just how ridiculous the whole thing came off, this particular event. Heck, even B. Malone is speaking out against it. Feels like we are being moved through the dialectic, from the anti-thesis to a synthesis, which is, like you say is the fusing. But in an accepted way.
Since you are in the UK and you write about the Omniwar, can you shed any light on this?
It looks to me as though they are clutching at straws. The CO emission for Edinburgh looks much lower than in other areas, yet it is Edinburgh that is cancelling New Year's celebrations.
Bad weather is hardly unusual at this time of year.
Strong winds, heavy rain, and snow are indeed forecast for Edinburgh on New Year's Eve:
Unlike the CO emissions, however, they are not expected to continue into the New Year. So if something weird happens on the 2nd, it could have to do with the CO emissions and not the bad weather that cancelled Hogmanay.
I live in one of the affected areas, so if anything unusual happens on the 2nd, I'll let you know. The epicentre of weirdness, though, should be Manchester, according to their map.
Personally, I don't think there's anything meaningful in this article, but it does at least present a testable hypothesis of sorts.
Okay. Thanks.
Actually, I may have misstated (in my usual rambling manner). The Healing for the A.G.E.S. team has made the two purchases and they are going at it fast and furiously.
They've also referenced the work of one other researcher multiple times, but I'm not where I can lay my hands on the information. You should be able to enroll in the free Healing For The A.G.E.S. conference replay (starts 11/02, I believe).
I'm only halfway through (taking a brain break!) and wish to concur with others -- this was a real gold mine in terms of both showcasing salient elements of your various theses from your research, your collaborations and other related disclosures/presentations and in dimensionalizing the contributions and asides from your interviewer, who is one of the more savvy (IMO) counterparts in your exchanges. Hope & Tivon (in recognition of work done by the "Healing For The A.G.E.S." group, who have purchased very expensive, high powered equipment the likes of which only pharma and universities have access to) recently presented information that really builds on what you've already been exploring -- instead of all the constituent elements of the self-assembling nanotechnological networking components, a cocktail of "ingredients" derived from multiple sources (some of it in the geoengineered particulate matter that is in our air, water, plants, and animal life, some of it from the injections, some of it from previously administered pharmaceuticals, over-the-counter drugs, anesthetics [dental multiple times verified] and "common" foods that have long been a part of staples in our diet [brewer's yeast for example]) when combined in the human body then activated by electromagnetic frequencies of varying kinds (to form varying components or to initiate specific processes and/or structure designs, etc.) can then penetrate cells, modifiy or even replace them with the synthetic versions and the process of accessing and beginning the control and manipulation of the individual can be accomplished. Of course, the more work done about what's in the cocktail and how it arrives on site like a prefab construction project awaiting a blueprint and a superintendent overseer mechanism, and how it then processes the signals as commands and follows the given regimen is accompanied by breakthroughs in organic (mostly) substances that can be ingested to help defeat and to dissolve/disable and to eliminate from the body the technological structures and attendant operations (including things like Bee Pollen, Nicotine found in foods [ex: nightshade plants] or in patches or tobacco leaves, pomegranate juice/extract, etc.). So there IS a battle, and those who are truly in the third camp are laboring to bring their observed and documented findings to the public with accompanying point-in-time solutions. All to say that the work of documenting, exposing and providing solid rationale as well as literate defense of the discoveries and the assembled knowledge is a foundational part of this battle and you and your colleagues are to be congratulated and encouraged further in your pursuits. If only the disparate pieces from all of the (somewhat isolated) brain trusts could be pooled (without creating a technological "hive mind" based on distributed ledgers and occult principles!) so that the sum of all of it could be brought to bear....persist in doing your part to make that happen, please. Apologies to those reading who prefer succinct points. This exchange is still a bit daunting (as always) but it also brings hope and courage for the (uncommon, brilliant) similar perspectives and means of arriving at them it evidences.
Thank you, Richard. Your support means a lot to me, as it is not easy doing this kind of work, for all sorts of reasons.
That's really interesting about Hope and Tivon being able to purchase the kind of microscope that normally only institutions can afford. That overcomes one of the major hurdles we face, given that our institutions have failed us. Do you have a link where I could follow that up?
Wasn’t it Hope and Tivon who tried to sink Polly? Interesting.
Did they? This is news to me. Do you have a link?
Another. I know there is information too on Hope and Tivon of like nature, but not sure where to find it now. For sure, there’s bad blood between them.
This is pretty ugly stuff, and as you say, it's probably best to stay out.
What a shame.
This too from Hope Girl’s blog: I found it interesting, but also vexing as Hope and Tivon were the only ones, besides Sabrina, who were talking about the cyber tech. But Polly had done such great work. I decided I didn’t have to choose, although for unrelated reasons I avoid TWC.
It’s been a while back. This references the reaction to Polly’s video on the Wellness Company. But I have seen more. I don’t want to speak out of turn if I am not remembering correctly. Start at about 21:00.
It's helpful to have this opposing view to Polly's. Certainly no legal basis was given for making allegations against TWC. But I'm not so sure Polly intended an attack on small businesses by undermining affiliate sales. Exposing networks of actors seems to have been her primary objective. It's hard to know what to make of it all.
I had all this in mind when I was reading your take on tier two. Trying not to paint with a broad brush, and guilt by association is too often an easy way to think of things. Polly has done great work, and the last video I have watched several times. She has a keen mind. The fog of war is real.
Interesting that Hope here (in May 2024) predicts that Polly will basically just disappear. That's more or less what has happened - just one video in the last six months.
Ooo, mistake I made. Kristin Elizabeth, not EE. She has the Beyond the Maze ss. Not active much lately.
In regards to TWC and the administrations ties to evil things, just now listening to Erin Elizabeth and Liam Sturgess discuss the piece EE put up on Substack with Mathew Crawford regarding such. If these things are true then Polly just scratched the surface. Not knowing fully the scope of your work I don’t know if you had made the connections; however I do not see the more notable subjects in your index of Covid 19, Psychological Operations…
Many thanks. I look forward to watching this. I had not heard of TWC when I submitted my book manuscript, but am certainly interested in finding out more.
Polly is active again.
Sounds like Rumble is something to be avoided, among other things.
Yes, I noticed that. I am pleased, because she seems to be one of very few people willing to do the work to expose the networks which systematically seek to mislead us.
It looks like Trump still cannot pick good people. That does not mean Harris is a better candidate.