Oct 1·edited Oct 1Liked by David A. Hughes

Great interview as usual. The horizontal/vertical war metaphor explains so much.

"I have to do what they tell me" --Boris Johnson

If we had functioning courts with discovery powers, the power to subpoena and prosecute perjury, and something like RICO, you would only have to go up two or three or four levels from the nurse doing the bioweapon injection to the banksters ordering worldwide lockdowns.

That's what we need, not an anarchist utopia or a cultural renaissance, just a functioning court system. It isn't rocket science or brain surgery if you ask me.

Btw the audio is much easier to navigate around than video.

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Oct 1Liked by David A. Hughes

It appears the purposes of the "bioweapons countermeasures prototype" CVD jabs (manufactured, adminstered, distributed and done under EUA which bypassed all required safety measures/testing and agency approval hurdles [which were only done as theater to disguise the actual nature of what was occurring, starting with the infection of all of our military troops], though I do not believe ANY vaccines are beneficial but instead help accumulated toxins that later contribute to health issues in all recipients and have caused the exponential increase in autism "spectrum' which in turn feeds the phamra/medical industrial complex) was multi-faceted -- an initial culling of the "useless" population(s), especially the elderly or those with high "co-morbidity" (as if statistically you were already expendable!), to disable (further) the breeding classes to prevent reproductive activities, AND to contaminate the bodies of those jabbed (and a case can be made for shedding to unvaccinated populations as we now see being promoted with the lastest "shots" in Japan) with an "upgrade" to the components / contaminants already resident from chemtrails (aluminum, barium, stronitum, graphene, microplastics, cesium, etc.) to further ENHANCE and EMBELLISH UPON the use of human bioenergy and surveillance/control and the remote release (via EMF frequencies transmitted either through the hastily constructed 5 G towers or directly through the internet of bodies/WBAN to designated groups, over time), of disease vectors that mirror "symptoms" of manufactured diseases that could then be blamed on zoonotic or other sources of externally-derived pandemic-level "viruses" --- in other words, a planned, staged, culling of those who, over time, are deemed a threat to the new order, those who are infirmed or uncooperative, those who are not needed in the emerging order or perhaps who reside in areas that will be rehabilitated for smart cities, etc. This in addition to the directed energy weapons, HAARP, and other "managed" environmental attacks and destructive forces being unleashed and controlled to sustain damage as needed in geographic areas of countries (the recent hurricane in the U.S. is one example where it was guided and manipulated to do the worst kind of damage in the shortest period and now is largely being ignored while we deploy troops and send money abroad to endless globalist-orchestrated armed conflicts of a kinetic nature that are framed as philosophical causes to further delude the populous - see footage at https://youtu.be/Rekx6Oa6Liw buit historically supported by the work of Elana Freeland in her trilogy of books on chemtrails, HAARP, Space Fencing, the interactions with EMFs and the goals of transhumaism. The point being that the jabs CAN STILL be used to create the illusion of multiple separate seeming "infections" & diseases that are progressive in nature (turbo cancer, degrading heart conditions, clots/strokes, etc. which are all on the rise) when in fact the initial "implanting" or "enhancement" of technology and its ability to interact with EMF specific frequencies would appear to be the long-haul use in addition to the initial culling and program of fear and intimidation (and the suspension of human rights, the wearing down of populations and training of them to seek central control for answers, etc.). If it weren't so evil and diabolic, it would be near genius. We cannot underestimate the thousands of papers published, lectures and symposiums by experts and by governance bodies, and microsopic endeavors being conducted that support this being a potential for supporting an extinction level series of events authored and overseen by the ruling class from the safety of their relative anonymity and the purposeful dumbing down and acquiescence of the populations to nanny state government "solutions". The academic level evidence is coming - it must, because the "owners" like to disclose their plans and show us that we are too feeble and impoverished mentally/psychologically, emotionally, and physically to stop them. They have underestimated the power of the spiritual side of who we are and this will be their undoing. My concern is and remains that we are slow to awaken, to believe and to act, even when it means we might be wrong (or "not-quite-right") or embarrassed when the complex web of deceit and the release of all these hideous forms of torture and control are fully unleashed and we are rendered powerless to do nothing except try to ourselves survive in the face of disaster-level destruction and do so in the company of others like-minded and spirited -- including pursuit of the oppressor/occupiers of our bodies, lands and resources..

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In the Omniwar, the population has the right to self-defence.

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You make many interesting points. Why not simplify for time-pressed readers? Even TSE admitted he took notes before streaming his consciousness. Just give us the notes.

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I appreciate your observation, thanks. I guess I often feel pressed for time myself and the "stream of consciousness is the resulting output. Taking the time to attempt to more succinctly, in abbreviated fashion, list out the salient points is a project I'll have to work on in phases as it's not my way and this is how I've functioned (yes even 43+ years on financial service,banking and in the ad agency world - clients loved the long, detailed explanations) so I'm an old dog learning new trick....Peace.

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Oct 1Liked by David A. Hughes

In case you ever find a situation where this may be useful…

When people claim that drawing parallels between current times and Nazi Germany is disparaging of Holocaust victims, my response is:

“The greatest insult to those who survived or perished in the Holocaust is to allow another one to happen… for it tells them that their tireless efforts to teach future generations about the warning signs was all for nought.”

I have found this approach very effective in transcending the establishment’s orchestrated shaming of Holocaust comparisons.

I have relatives who survived, and others who perished, in Holocaust. Far from feeling that drawing comparisons belittles their experience… I feel *obligated* to draw comparisons; I would be letting them down if I didn’t.

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Indeed. We must learn from the past so that it does not repeat. That is the whole point of Wall Street, the Nazis, and the Crimes of the Deep State.

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1Liked by David A. Hughes

Thank you, David. As always I learned something new. I had no idea Boris Johnson said "I have to do what they tell me". Love these moments of truth even if Boris spoke by accident out of frustration. And I also didn't know about the Iain Davis Global Public Private Partnership graph. Thank you.

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I wasn't aware of that exchange either but it reminded me of a video clip of the Premier for Ontario (highlighted by 'Amazing Polly' I believe) who in response to a question from a reporter following the announcement of a series of draconian lockdown measures said that he had to do what the official medical officer demanded otherwise he might as well "jump off a bridge". In other words, he was extremely uncomfortable with what he was doing yet felt he had no choice.

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Oh yes, I had forgotten about that! Good spot!

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Oct 1Liked by David A. Hughes

The technocrats are desperate to usher in this system because they're so close to the abyss of destroying the almighty dollar by rampant criminal gambling by the banks.

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As Mark Carney said in August 2019, the centre of the international monetary and financial system "won't hold."

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In the comments, Yet Another Tommy says: “That's what we need, not an anarchist utopia or a cultural renaissance, just a functioning court system. It isn't rocket science or brain surgery if you ask me.”

Exactly! A functioning court system…and morals would be useful too…

We could whiteant this House of Cards from the bottom, e.g. go after those who uncritically ‘followed orders’ - the doctors, nurses, pharmacists and others who injected untold billions of people without obtaining authentic voluntary informed consent - there is no valid consent.

Most egregiously, the medical folk collaborated with coercion and vaccination mandates - mandatory medical interventions in supposed ‘free countries’, such as Australia, where ‘No Jab, No Job’ to ‘No Jab, No Life’ prevailed, absolutely shocking!

I’m in Australia, and was appalled at what unfolded throughout 2020, with our freedom being trashed by ‘emergency orders’.

I knew from the beginning it was a scam, as I’ve been independently and objectively investigating vaccination policy and practice for years, and saw the playbook they used in previous attempts - e.g. Swine Flu in 2009, Ebola in 2014, Zika in 2016, etc. This time with ‘COVID-19’ they went over the top, big time…

I’ve undertaken much correspondence on this situation, challenging ‘the authorities’ in Australia.

See my detailed paper, which covers this scandal from an Australian perspective, and is also relevant to consider globally: Misfeasance in Public Office? The Destruction of Voluntary Informed Consent for Vaccination: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/misfeasance-in-public-office-the-destruction-of-voluntary-informed-consent-for-vaccination.pdf

The sections in my paper are:

1. Introduction

2. The precedent for COVID-19 vaccination mandates in Australia and the destruction of voluntary informed consent

3. Were health practitioners in effect conscripted to support the COVID-19 vaccination rollout?

4. Mass population vaccination and Rogers v Whitaker

5. ‘Exemptions’ for COVID-19 vaccination - an oxymoron?

6. Liability protection for manufacturers but not for practitioners

7. Why did ATAGI recommend COVID-19 vaccination for all children aged 5 to 11 years?

8. From ‘No Jab, No Pay’ to ‘No Jab, No Life’ - the creation of a coercive vaccination society

9. Conclusion

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Also see my recent email to Ahpra, the so-called ‘regulator’ of the medical profession in Australia: Why weren't doctors, nurses and pharmacists warned not to collaborate with coercive and mandatory COVID-19 vaccination? Devastating failure to protect the public by Ahpra and the National Boards, 5 July 2024: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/why-werent-doctors-nurses-and-pharmacists-warned-not-to-collaborate-with-coercive-and-mandatory-covid-19-vaccination.pdf

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Unfortunately, all the regulators appear to have been captured. They do not protect the public, but, rather, facilitate attacks against it, e.g. in the form of 5G or experimental injections. MHRA head Dame June Raine described her organisation, not as a "watchdog,' but, rather, as an "enabler" of Big Pharma.

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Yes David, the regulators have been captured, the system is thoroughly corrupted…

In regard to the MHRA, this is another of a multitude of organisations that receives funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, with an FOI request to the MHRA receiving this response:


I can confirm that the MHRA has received grant funding from the Bill and Melinda gates Foundation for specific activities. We do hold some of the information that you have requested. However, we have also determined that the information is exempt under Section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act and we cannot process your request any further.


See: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/65e738f93f6945a00603607e/FOI_22-1207.pdf

Government bodies which should be serving the best interests of the public have been hijacked. This includes taxpayer-funded media such as the BBC in the UK and ABC in Australia.

The BBC also received funding from the Gates Foundation, along with the Guardian and Telegraph, and Uncle Tom Cobley and all. (*See some links below.)

It doesn’t necessarily mean that all involved are malevolent, but there are so many people ‘following orders’, going along with the narrative, because to do otherwise would damage their career.

We’re in a dire situation - how to turn it around?

Persistently demanding transparency and accountability from specific individuals is one method, requiring time and patience to ‘put things on the record’.

* Re Gates Foundation funding of the media, see for example:

- Telegraph: https://www.gatesfoundation.org/about/committed-grants/2022/03/inv032088

- Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2010/sep/14/about-this-site

- BBC: https://www.bbc.co.uk/mediaaction/about/funding

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Kink Charles is simply going to pretend he and his bloodline are not at the top. Just like they put forth these puppet organisations, he'd love to fade into the background of the champion of the Great Reset. He's at the very front of it. The injection mafia would never miss the opportunity to debilitate the herd from propagating as they wouldn't miss the opportunity to kill the young with myocarditis, clots and shortening life spans of the older. I think they went ALL IN on this operation as we see with wars, censorship, psyops, infrastructure pouring into communities, weather warfare and occult nasty symbolism. Full throated attack because they are scared out of their minds and wanted no apparatus at their boneless fingertips unused to pull it off.

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I think they initiated the Omniwar, and I also think they are desperate.

However I think it is too dangerous for them at this stage to cause too much damage. The war aim is global technocracy, not depopulation. Should that aim be achieved, longstanding depopulation agendas become achievable, but not before.

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Interesting. They so do covet how their patience has paid off. Is the population as high as they tell us? James Grundvig said he calculated the largest cities in India and it didn't come close to what they say the population is there. A loose estimate but would we doubt they would inflate the numbers to use for their argument? I wouldn't.

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Artificially inflating global population estimates would certainly help a global depopulation agenda, however, I have no idea whether this is actually being done.

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Paul Brennan - https://www.nbr.co.nz/author/23 - sounds 100% Australian to me. No trace of NZ accent. The anecdote about Boris being forced into locking down UK bears looking into. Do we know who Spectator journalist who made that claim was? This is really important. We need names. I'm inclined to agree that we're dealing first and foremost with control rather than depop agenda with inevitable vax injuries/deaths seen by those in charge as collateral damage. Depopulation will happen gradually due to infertility, inability to produce viable children, gender dysphoria/surgery, or would-be parents simply throwing in the towel due to poor health, dire financial situations, to "save the planet" etc. Gardasil is also no doubt contributing to long-term depopulation goals.

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I'll defer to you on Australian/NZ accents! All I know is that Brennan presents for a NZ radio show.

As I mentioned in the interview, the Johnson anecdote is from memory, based on what Bob Moran had to say on the Delingpod. Anyone who wants to follow it up should consult that podcast.

More importantly, readers should refer to p. 62 of "Covid-19," Psychological Operations, and the War for Technology, where evidence is presented that the decision to "lock down" in the UK was taken above the head of the Prime Minister.

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Oct 3Liked by David A. Hughes

Fyi & anyone interested: March (?) 2024 interview of Bob Moran by James Delingpole: 

 https://rumble.com/v4cfeb3-bob-moran.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp  42:35 : Moran discusses secret Downing Street meetings hosted by Boris J. with "Fleet Street editors" and medical experts, incl. Christopher Whitty and [Sir] Patrick Valance, respectively, at the time, UK gov's Chief Medical Advisor & Chief Scientific Advisor; Fraser Nelson (Spectator editor - unliked by Moran/Delingpole); Tim Stanley (Telegraph editor & regular contributor to CNN - "lovely guy" according to both Moran and Delingpole). During one of such meetings which took place between beginning of roll-out in UK (mid December) and Christmas, an unnamed person apparently said to Boris: "What the hell was that [BS over covid killing millions during 'first wave']? You know that was complete nonsense. You can't keep calling yourself a conservative and locking the country down. What are you doing?"  Then, Boris allegedly "white as a sheet" looked at the unnamed person and "like a broken man" replied: "I have to do what they tell me".  Make of that what you will. For me, the unnamed person was either Stanley or one of his cobbers and Boris was referring to those who'd left the room. Maybe he'd woken up to the possibility that they'd already tried to take him down in March - see https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13898523/BORIS-JOHNSON-Covid-nearly-killed-hadnt-Jenny-Luis-fiddling-oxygen-tubes-night-skill-experience-think-carked-it.html and when that didn't work & he & colleagues kept partying into Christmas season, he finally got the message,

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Thanks, Kerry. This is helpful and saves me having to re-listen.

My memory was almost right in that case - I just got the date wrong (December not March 2020) and it was an unnamed person who was likely (though not definitely) Tim Stanley. But near enough, I think, to make the point that the British Prime Minister is not "in charge."

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Oct 3Liked by David A. Hughes

You got it near enough. I'd listened to that vid before and didn't pick up on that comment at all. So thanks for pointing it out.

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You're welcome.

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Apart from that, I'm no fan of James Delingpole. He does no serious research, just leeches off the research of others, including those he's "so excited" to welcome onto his show who he then goes on to mock. For most recent example of one he's leeched onto, see interview with Latypova last week where they both take the mickey out of those claiming there's nanotech in the jabs or that 5G/emfs may be harmful. https://rumble.com/v5gnghp-sasha-latypova.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp - see 1:15:42 I'd be interested in knowing Moran's opinion on the subject. Surely he's thought about doing nanotech-in-jab cartoons?

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I'm still awaiting my invitation...


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Delingpole has had ample time to fit you in. When he has no-one lined up, he uses his brother Dick. He has used him precisely 5 times since May. He must be aware of 21Sep symposium. Maybe give him a week or 2 more to react.

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I don't intend to chase him. It's up to him who he invites onto his podcast.

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"why I do not think the “Covid-19 vaccines” were intended to depopulate; the resultant damage should be seen more as 'collateral damage'"

But then why is

"The group hunted with conspicuous vigilance by the criminal cartel from the start were pregnant women, followed by children and babies. An avalanche of direct to consumer ads screaming about “tremendously safe in pregnancy” Poison-19 shots started appearing on social media and other major platforms before these shots were even authorized for emergency use (December 2020)"

--from https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/re-publishing-article-on-poison-19


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Because they wanted to get whatever was in the shots into as many people as possible, irrespective of ethical considerations.

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I think it was get as many depop shots into as many arms as possible, and reduce the population as much as possible by stealth. But they went too far and blew their cover.

I think your saying the nano stuff for the IOB was the main thing. I think that was added on because it was possible to experiment with that, but the main purpose was sowing turbo cancers and reducing fertility.

Just like "The apartheid, illegitimate government of Ian Smith poisoned black Rhodesians and their cattle with anthrax, which remains in the ground indefinitely: the weapon that keeps on giving."


About equally as smart and moral (and desperate) as Ian Smith.

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You could be right, who knows? The troubling thing is that we do not know what was in the shots, or what their true purpose was. We do not know what the long-term effects will be, or if will be possible to tie them back convincingly to the injections. For example, if gene drives are involved, the next generation will be rendered infertile, and the effects won't show up for a couple of decades or so. But it's mostly speculation at this stage.

We do know that birth rates across the West dropped markedly after the rollout, which could potentially be consistent with depopulation. On the other hand, it could also be consistent with the recklessness of injecting experimental technologies into pregnant women. I have not seen recent figures to ascertain whether the drop in birth rates was only temporary. If it was only temporary, the latter explanation seems more likely.

If it is about depopulation, they're not doing a very good job so far. As diabolical as the millions of "vaccine" deaths and injuries around the world have been, they still only represent a miniscule fraction of the world's population. Again, one can speculate about what might happen in the future, but at this stage it is only speculation.

There were claims in 2021 that it would take around 3 years until the die-off really became obvious. That's where we are today, but I'm not seeing any evidence of an accelerated "vaccine"-inducted die-off. I'm open to being corrected, if anyone can provide such evidence.

All-out depopulation without first establishing social control is too risky a strategy, in my view. Once exceptionally large numbers of people start dying all around the world, the rest of the population will sense the existential threat and root out those responsible.

Nevertheless, there was obviously *some* hidden purpose to the attempt to inject as many people as possible with novel experimental technologies with no long-term safety data that could not possibly have had to do with public health. As I have argued elsewhere, the military agendas behind all of this are undeniable. So what were they really up to?

This is where the military transhumanism literature that Johnson, Broudy, and I have explored is so important. There are documentable plans going back decades to connect brains and bodies to a wireless control network. If THAT is the end goal, as I increasingly suspect it is, then, far from trying to kill and maim people with the injections, they would have been seeking covert installation of classified technology, in which case the harms, terrible as they are, are more consistent with so-called "collateral damage."

Or perhaps Covid was a trial run for Gates' "next pandemic" that "will get attention this time." Perhaps it was about configuring levels of whatever was in the shots through a worldwide medical experiment without informed consent, so that "next time," with "vaccination" perhaps having been made mandatory in various jurisdictions, the shots can be as effective as possible in whatever it is they are designed to do.

There are a lot of unknowns at this point.

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"These injections have been carefully designed to intentionally cause toxicity in those injected with them. I can detect at least three, separate features of these injections which would be expected to injure, to kill or to reduce fertility in survivors. These are not mistakes. Each are so obviously deliberate to anyone who has a history of involvement in rational drug design for new medicines."

Dr. Mike Yeadon: Introductory Statement About Serious Crimes


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Check out pp. 241-243 of "Covid-19," Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy.

Although I agree with Yeadon about many things in the book, my view is that claims of deliberate, systematic harm by the "vaccines" are inconsistent with the evidence.

Shocking as that evidence is regarding the millions of people who have been injured, maimed, and killed by the "vaccines," it still only accounts for a relatively small percentage of the population. If, as Doctors For Covid Ethics has argued, the mechanisms of damage are systemic, we would expect to see a far higher number of injuries and deaths.

This is consistent with my view that we are looking at "collateral damage" rather than deliberate widespread killing.

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