Sep 7Liked by David A. Hughes

I remember being looked at like I was crazy in 2021 for insisting that “history will show that WWIII started in 2020 with the launch of the Covid response”.

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All power to you - you worked it out quicker than I did!

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Sep 6Liked by David A. Hughes

Yes, when they get the person themselves to inflict their own form of the torture program it is even more powerful. The mind control and programming is at the centre for them to build out the open prison system.

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6Liked by David A. Hughes

Excellent interview, thanks, David. Looking forward to Part 2.

(I should just mention that 10 months is par for the course for publishing a book. I worked in medical publishing for 20 years and we always counted a year once the book went to production, i..e. copyediting onwards. Even just shipping could take 6 weeks if printing/binding was done in China, which it mostly was. Typesetting was generally Malaysia. If a book was in a hurry and could justify the expense, they'd throw cash at it and get it printed in Spain. Having it done in the UK was unheard of.)

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Thanks, Sheila.

Part 2 will be out on Monday.

The Covid book took ten months, the Wall Street book took five months. I think a lot depends on how good the editor is. I worked with a guy called Stephan Zguta at Skyhorse who was fab.

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Sep 6Liked by David A. Hughes

It's also quicker if there's only one author, of course, rather than 100 contributors!

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Sure is!

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Sep 10Liked by David A. Hughes

Great interview. I believe that if a "law abiding, trusting, never question anything 60 year old white woman from the nice end of town" can find herself in group 3 there is hope. It was a steep learning curve but I'm here. Happy to say I have also stumbled apon Jason Christiansen.... amazing right. Stay well 😊

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Sep 9Liked by David A. Hughes

Thank you David, you continue to illuminate facets like no one else. Just brilliant.

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Thanks, Mary. You're very kind.

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Sep 6Liked by David A. Hughes







This is not a crisis unleashed by nations, but by the supranational financial oligarchy which runs the bankrupt trans-Atlantic financial system. In the face of their own looming bankruptcy—does anyone really think that $2 quadrillion of financial speculation can ever be paid off?—the policy of that financial Establishment is to “shift the trillions” behind a Global Green Reset. This is a Malthusian policy of depopulation to be imposed by forcing a down-shift to low energy-flux-density forms of economic activity, and by shutting down industrial activity around the world. With that policy being imposed across the trans-Atlantic sector that they control, the City of London and Wall Street Establishment clearly cannot allow China and Russia to develop and prosper, and thereby serve as an example for the rest of the world. Thus, the all-out war—military, economic and psychological—targeting Russia and China, and which is engulfing the planet today.


WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE CITY OF LONDON? The City of London, also known as the Square Mile, is the financial district of London. It is the ancient core from which the rest of London developed.

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I think the City of London, like Wall Street, is at the centre of the rot in the capitalist system.

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Sep 6Liked by David A. Hughes

They sure intend to make it rough as they have done in all regions they've subjugated and British empire and their collaborators absolutely responsible for killing hundreds of millions over decades. We're the target here in the U.S. especially and you know why. What's changed since the Revolutionary War? They think their morphing into an undefeatable monster collaboration and their tech will protect them and ensure their success. They are so mistaken and I think they already know that. How lucky are we to be part of destroying such a venal and murderous horde? As we grow our moral courage it all gets so much easier and grown it has.

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Yes, moral courage is fundamental.

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The politicians implementing this agenda "must have been either blackmailed, bullied, bribed or brainwashed". Exactly. Do you have a view on the British monarchy's role in all this, Charles and the late queen in particular? I recall the latter urging everyone to get the injections and accusing them of selfishness if they didn't and we know Charles is on board with WEF goals. But did they actually take the injections? It looks to me as if they might have. Or is something else going on?

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7Author

The fact that the Queen was used for propaganda purposes during Covid is a clear indicator that power lies at higher levels than the monarchy. Technocracy requires that all previous forms of rule are abolished, and that includes the Royal Family. The Prince Andrew saga and Charles' trust in Jimmy Saville speaks volumes about the moral character on display. Charles is a WEF puppet who announced the Great Reset beneath 666 symbolism. Therefore, I deduce that the Royal Family is being phased out.

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Brilliant as always David. Can you tell me where I can follow Paul? Love to see a fellow Australian doing the good work. I spoke to a lawyer from Melbourne yesterday who talked about the next step that is coming. It seems the wording of home ownership & property titles here have been (very quietly) changed. Looks like we own our homes with the bank/ government if we hold a mortgage and when the dollar is devalued people will not be able to keep their properties.

The government had authorised all Australian land titles to be help in Canada digitally by a company owned by…..drum roll…..Blackrock and Vangard.

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Thanks, Pauline.


What you describe sounds consistent with the Great Taking. Do you have any sources? I need to dig deeper into this.

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I will get some info. Keep up the good work!

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