Jacob Nordangård called the “assassination attempt” and selection of Trump a smokescreen as well in this very interesting article by him:


Apparently the second revision of the UN’s Pact for the Future was released at the same time which was not covered by the media of course…

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Great info. Thank you.

Nordangard's book on the Rockefellers arrived this week. I can't wait to read it!

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As you mentioned, an integral part of mounting a resistance is for individuals to look inward and discover, or reconnect, with their conscience.

Morals and ethics have always been my life’s guiding principles.

But the following experience depicts a grave concern of mine:

Trauma (menticide and forced neuroleptic drugs) as an adolescent suspended my sense of self (including, to an extent, morals and ethics) for the years the abuse endured. It wasn’t until I got off of neuroleptics, that I had the ability to reorient myself; this was a very difficult process, one with no established clinical guidelines for mental healthcare professionals to aid me. It was a novel journey of reorientation, one that I am confident that countless millions of people across the world will have to experience some form of, in order to reorient themselves away from the 2020-forward psyops; especially Wokeism.

Without getting into the pharmacological mechanisms and proposed theories of action and effects, (Dr. Joanna Moncrieff’s works are seminal) given the semi-ubiquitous prescribing of psychotropic drugs, especially neuroleptics, it poses a potentially insurmountable barrier to recovering from menticide (from psyops), for as long as they are in one’s system.

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Peter Hotez just made a big speech in Colombia, of all places, advocating the military and police to force the deadly vaccines on everyone who refuses to take them. Gates just made the same speech. And the New Zealand government just passed a martial law to force the vaccines on everyone in the country. The process of extermination and enslavement is moving forward rapidly and I pity those pathetic populations where the government has confiscated everyone's means of self-defense. The reason for disarming the people is crystal clear now.

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These are highly disturbing developments, consistent with the engineering of a global, biodigital form of totalitarianism.

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