Thank you, Richard Syrett, for interviewing me about my book, Wall Street, the Nazis, and the Crimes of the Deep State. We discussed:
the Trump assassination attempt and the inevitable stoking of social tensions in the United States, possibly with a view to fomenting civil war in the longer term;
the U.S. election as a smokescreen hiding the rollout of technocratic agendas;
“Covid-19” as a psychological warfare operation initiating the war for technocracy;
the public’s increasing ability to see through propaganda and psychological operations and the ever increasing resistance now being mounted;
the importance of the work of Anthony C. Sutton in exposing Wall Street’s role in financing the rise of Hitler and the building of the Nazi war machine;
the Bush and the Harriman families and their connections to Nazi Germany, including the Hamburg-America line and the Silesia America Corporation;
the misguided claim that the Nazis were not defeated — what remains constant is not Nazi ideology, but, rather, the preference of the ruling class for totalitarianism in a period of acute capitalist crisis;
why the likely election of Donald Trump will not derail technocratic agendas in the United States;
the nature of resistance in a totalitarian system: it begins with the role of conscience;
artificial intelligence and the kill decision;
parallel structures vs. worldwide revolution;
the importance of mass non-compliance and ditching the smart phone.
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