
I think the issue of religion and God isn't essential. Even snakes love their young. It's organic. You dont need Christianity to know the difference between right and wrong. Only to know empathy and suffering. Jesus wasn;t the only guy that felt to his soul that the oppression of the world by the Roman Empire was wrong. It was wrong because it HURT,

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This explains a lot. The ruling class has long known that usury and the lack of debt jubilees will lead to the centralization of everything, so they planned on engineering “cooperation”, and that’s exactly what they’re doing with their invented crises. To read this, it all sounds so reasonable, but that is their weak point. Its batshit crazy, its killing millions, and on top of all that, it is bound to fail. People have somehow to be made to realize this.

"In Jessem Guy’s detailed breakdown of Changing Images of Man, the audacity of a select few to reshape the entire trajectory of humanity is laid bare. This isn’t just an intellectual exercise—this small group of elites, supported by powerful institutions, feel entitled to dismantle the very foundations of human nature. With chilling precision, they have outlined a vision for our future, one that strips away individualism, freedom, and the organic evolution of society.


Societal disruptions, including the COVID-19 pandemic, are described as accelerating changes that align with the post-industrial future outlined in Changing Images of Man. Wars and crises are viewed as opportunities to speed up societal transformations that would otherwise take generations"

research book summary

Changing Images of Man - Part 2

GPT Summary - Jessem Guy's Podcast


When the subject of depopulation came up in the roundtable, Patrick Wood said he agreed with that but you were silent.

Here's why I agree with Patrick Wood on that. "Changing Images of Man" sounds so reasonable and high minded, though they don't call many of their basic assumptions into question, such as their favoring usury and the lack of debt jubilees, that you would think those "elites" are looking out for everyone's best interests and they wouldn't think of killing anyone. Well, maybe there are a few "elites" a little bit downstream who think that way, but in practice, the dirty work is carried out by thugs like Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci, and those thugs are carrying out a depopulation program.

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