Having watched all of the episodes with great interest and a desire to benefit from the organized, systematized (rational, deliberate) conveyance of the well-researched and refined data from myriad sources (quantity) and the plethora of information feeds (quality) that in distilled form provided a formidable unified insight into the multi-faceted and often perplexing profusion of what has been too often journalistically hyped, emotionally charged diatribes, I personally enjoyed and appreciated every thoughtful, well-articulated statement and how well the varying contributions harmonized -- and through their synergistic alignment, enabled a comprehensive understanding to congeal….while providing sufficient motivation to continue (each individual observer) to wade through the remaining overwhelming amount of information, speculation, innuendo and even some extraordinarily well-defined hypotheses and to continue the quest to unearth and to disseminate the truths that enable the shackles being fitted to us to be cast off in favor of active, informed and determined resistance and even “non-compliant” solidarity.

I feel the inclusion of the spiritual aspects of the present drama that has entangled all humankind (as well as all of creation) was an essential component of understanding where we are, how we got here and what yet lies before us – and most importantly, the assurance we have that the price paid for standing in the face of such cowardly, calculating and pernicious war as undeclared combatants who are being assaulted on multiple fronts (and dimensions) is that we may help another awaken from the stupor that has been long arranged, planned and foisted upon us to disable and disarm us in a battle for ultimate control…and that the “rewards” far outweigh the considerable (potentially lethal) risks faced, because in the final analysis, this is for all humankind and whether they realize (yet) it or not, their own inestimable worth and value by the One who has disclosed what true value/worth is and how precious and attainable it remains, despite a world gone mad.

As a person of faith, understanding that Jesus and the finished work accomplished through His birth, life, death, resurrection, ascension and His ongoing intercession and advocacy on behalf of those who have been co-crucified and born anew through His procurement of eternal life (“His” life) being granted as an unearned, unmerited and otherwise unattainable gift to those who are joined with Him by nothing less than a divine miracle enabled solely by Him for us, is ours as a permanent possession – that our lives are not our own, but that we are now free from the enslavement to the things of this world, we are also then at liberty to speak the truth in love with authority knowing that in doing so, we are continuing the expansion of the community of faith who in turn fear not even the most diabolical of plans or personalities – even if it means our temporal existence here may at some point be forfeit.

It further evidences that the academic world, so long a tool (in many aspects) of the one who inspires, animates and inhabits those who would destroy, enslave and commoditize us, in its redeemed and enlightened form, is a powerful weapon in the war for truth and the exposure of the lies that bind and hold humanity captive. A call from enlightened members of academia for the rest of us to “gird up the loins of our minds” (1 Peter 1:13, Ephesians 6:14, etc.) and to be unafraid to venture out and encourage one another and those who will listen to the details of the plan for our demise and to be a source of encouragement, information and inspiration to them as we convey truths that defy and dispel the lies as well, where opportunity and divine appointment so enable us. Much appreciation for the time, effort and application of skill and labor that enabled this refreshing oasis in the otherwise arid and difficult arid journey through the times in which we are living.

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Excellent! Amen to all of the above!

Thank you for taking the full five hours to watch all the material. I'm particularly pleased that our attempts to create synergies and harmonies paid off. The whole, I think, is greater than the sum of its parts.

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I think the issue of religion and God isn't essential. Even snakes love their young. It's organic. You dont need Christianity to know the difference between right and wrong. Only to know empathy and suffering. Jesus wasn;t the only guy that felt to his soul that the oppression of the world by the Roman Empire was wrong. It was wrong because it HURT,

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The ban on usury was an important distinguishing feature of Christianity. It was abandoned centuries ago unfortunately.

Forgive Us Our Enshittification

Jesus died for our debt, not our sins


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This explains a lot. The ruling class has long known that usury and the lack of debt jubilees will lead to the centralization of everything, so they planned on engineering “cooperation”, and that’s exactly what they’re doing with their invented crises. To read this, it all sounds so reasonable, but that is their weak point. Its batshit crazy, its killing millions, and on top of all that, it is bound to fail. People have somehow to be made to realize this.

"In Jessem Guy’s detailed breakdown of Changing Images of Man, the audacity of a select few to reshape the entire trajectory of humanity is laid bare. This isn’t just an intellectual exercise—this small group of elites, supported by powerful institutions, feel entitled to dismantle the very foundations of human nature. With chilling precision, they have outlined a vision for our future, one that strips away individualism, freedom, and the organic evolution of society.


Societal disruptions, including the COVID-19 pandemic, are described as accelerating changes that align with the post-industrial future outlined in Changing Images of Man. Wars and crises are viewed as opportunities to speed up societal transformations that would otherwise take generations"

research book summary

Changing Images of Man - Part 2

GPT Summary - Jessem Guy's Podcast


When the subject of depopulation came up in the roundtable, Patrick Wood said he agreed with that but you were silent.

Here's why I agree with Patrick Wood on that. "Changing Images of Man" sounds so reasonable and high minded, though they don't call many of their basic assumptions into question, such as their favoring usury and the lack of debt jubilees, that you would think those "elites" are looking out for everyone's best interests and they wouldn't think of killing anyone. Well, maybe there are a few "elites" a little bit downstream who think that way, but in practice, the dirty work is carried out by thugs like Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci, and those thugs are carrying out a depopulation program.

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Two subjects in particular briefly discussed in this symposium got me thinking.

First was David A. Hughes' mention of Judy Wood's analysis of the "vaporisation" (for want of a better term) of the 2 New York Trade Towers on the 11th of September 2001. I accept Wood's observation that we are probably witnessing here a technology beyond our current common understanding of physics. However, note that it is an advanced technology designed to destroy, not create.

I am sure we are all familiar with the globalist phrase placed in mouths of our "leaders" worldwide - Build Back Better. Many have remarked that one must destroy the old before starting to build the new and I have no doubt that the global oligarchy has the means and power to largely destroy our world. But do they have the ability and brains to build anything new? Let alone better? The evidence (or lack of it) suggests no, they do not.

Take the 'trace and track' app the UK government spent billions of ££ on during the covid scamdemic. It never really worked as they wished and they had to abandon it. Even the digital vaccine passports had to be abandoned. When it comes to building back anything, they have a long track record of failure.

Also, I'm not convinced that the destructive technology evident in the Twin Tower attack points to the ability to create free abundant energy that could lead to an era of prosperity never before seen. That may be so, but it is a speculation without sufficient evidence to warrant it in my opinion.

The second item was when Daniel Broudy warning of an impending cyber attack possibly shutting down or seriously disrupting the Internet and digital services now available. This I doubt will occur - or at least not from the machinations of the global oligarchy. This is where they are caught between a rock and a hard place.

As far as I can gather, the new technocracy they dream of relies on digital technology so vast and encompassing it can micro-manage everyone's lives to their liking. In order to pull this off, they must foster a deeply shared confidence in digital structures. The deliberate sabotage digital structures would actually undermine their ability to get most, if not all people, to accept the new digital paradigm as trustworthy and desirable. That's the rock.

The hard place is the fact that the sharing of information digitally has allowed dissenting voices to be broadcast to a much wider set of ears than would otherwise have been possible - despite frantic and rushed efforts to censor, silence and de-platform these voices. So, is it possible to build a digital infrastructure that is all encompassing and works virtually flawlessly while at the same silencing the growing number of people who are asking awkward questions? I don't think so. Their plans are doomed, although many of them may not realise it - as they too are stuck in echo chambers of self-reinforcing pipe-dreams.

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I agree that what Iain Davis calls the "parasite class" can only leach off the rest of us and lacks any real creativity of its own.

£37 billion on the failed "Track and Trace" scheme, yet no fuel payments for pensioners this winter. Meanwhile, work remains ongoing on "vaccine passports" in the upper echelons.

Is free energy real (or at least theoretically possible)? Rather than writing it off as mere speculation, this is something which serious scientists should be pursuing, for obvious reasons. At the very least, there is clear evidence of suppression of knowledge about cold fusion, which is suspicious in and of itself.

As for Schwab's threat of a “comprehensive cyber attack [which] could bring a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospitals, our society as a whole,” rendering the “Covid-19” crisis but “a small disturbance in comparison,” remember that they "locked down" the world once already. Their modus operandi is to do things on such a scale, and with such impudence, that ordinary people would not think it possible.

I provide reasons to suspect a coming cyber attack here: https://dhughes.substack.com/p/where-cyber-and-biological-worlds.

A global cyber outage would not need to last for very long to create chaos. Such chaos could even be deliberately fomented, as described in a 2023 U.S. Naval Institute report: https://www.usni.org/magazines/proceedings/2023/april/cognitive-warfare-maneuvering-human-dimension.

The "solution," of course, would be submitting to military grade cyber protocols as a condition of using the internet. Internet freedom and anonymity would be a thing of the past, all communications would be monitored.

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Thanks for the reply. I have read the articles that you linked above and would concur that a cyber attack in the not-too-distant future is probable. If they are stupid. (And I suspect they are.)

Why do I say that? Because as I have mentioned above, general confidence in an all encompassing digital infrastructure is paramount in order to usher in the "4th Industrial Revolution". A massive disruption to the digital world that in turn justifies draconian top-down controls for "security" would only further erode public confidence in the digital infrastructure.

Take myself for example. I access the Internet on an old desktop computer running a modern Linux operating system. I have no SMART devices in my home, not even WiFi. I keep my savings in cash and precious metals at home. My life would not be significantly disrupted if the entire digital medium crashed.

There must be thousands of people like me and our numbers would only grow exponentially if a critical infrastructure cyber attack were launched. I could even imagine an analogue counter-culture rising in response. For the technocrats, instigating a cyber attack on critical digital infrastructure would be playing with fire, a fire that may in the long turn hurt them more than us.

Does that mean that they won't attempt it? No. From my understanding of the technocrat / transhumanist worldview, they have difficulty imagining outside of the digital realm -giving them a very blinkered view. They overestimate it's real importance to our lives. We are creatures of living flesh after all. The digital world is entirely superfluous to our real needs.

This reminds me of the film 'Surrogates' (2009) where virtually everyone is living through surrogate cyborgs, (for safety of course). The film ends with all the cyborgs being shut down via an intentional cyber attack. Real flesh and blood people are then seen re-emerging onto the streets as if they were waking up from a bad dream.

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I love the idea of an "analogue counter culture"!

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