What a pleasure it was to watch the livestream! In addition to being very informative, the presentations were exciting and refreshing. Kudos to all involved! Best wishes, P.A.

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Thank you, Peter! A lot of work went into bringing salient information to public attention.

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Thank you for this excellent and engaging symposium. The intense subject matter requires extensive focus and scrutiny - lots of follow-up reading to do!

I originally intended to watch the recorded release so that I could watch it in smaller chunks. However, I tuned-in on Rumble yesterday and watched the whole 5 hour(+) livestream. Since my concentration was lagging at the half-way point (and I had to take a ten minute break), I'll have to watch Lissa Johnson's and Daniel Broudy's segments again. So much to carefully comb through, absorb and ponder at length. As Lissa pointed out, it's cognitively overwhelming!

I greatly appreciated Patrick Wood's good humour, slowed emphasis on core technocratic themes and his enthusiastic support and elevation of the team's joint effort and importance.

The group discussion at the end was also moving, uplifting and refreshing. Hearing the personal emotional responses regarding individual inspirations, motivations and courage to speak truth in these dark times, particularly as expressed by Dan Broudy, was heartening. It was an important heart-centred human contrast to the dense and oppressive technocracy subject matter.

Thank you to Catherine Austin Fitts for her elegant, sensitive, upbeat and professional balancing of the symposium which brought the whole event together smoothly for the viewer.

Finally, it was great timing for me since I just finished reading your excellent book, "Covid-19," Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy a day or two earlier. Thank you for this vitally important and unique book which courageously, calmly and concisely cuts through the orchestrated Orwellian lies and monumental deceptions of the evil traitorous Covid era.

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Thank you so much, Nigel.

Yes, this material is hard to grasp for a variety of reasons, but we did our best to render it accessible.

Thank you for your kind comments about my fellow speakers - it was a real privilege getting to appear alongside them.

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Thank you all so much for doing this. There is so much good information here.

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I just wanted to thank you David, Patrick, Lisa and Daniel for all the work you are doing and the wonderfull presentations that you gave today in the Symposium. You have all said the one word that needs to be heard by everyone needing hope - That word is TRUTH. Well done. I do have a question that I would like to ask each one of you - but it would need to be in private. I don't know how that can happen but if it possible I would appreciate it. I realise that you are all very busy now but let me know if becomes posssible.. May the Lord Jesus bless and keep you - God Bless Graham

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In the pages of Revelation, we encounter the majestic figure of Jesus Christ, the Lamb who was slain and yet reigns as the victorious King of kings and Lord of lords. The book unfolds a vision of the new heaven and the new earth, where God's dwelling is with humanity, and all things are made new.


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I just finished all the presentations. I really appreciate your final statement.

Brings to mind this from T.S. Eliot. “The World is trying the experiment of attempting to form a civilized but non-Christian mentality. The experiment will fail; but we must be very patient in awaiting its collapse; meanwhile redeeming the time: so that the Faith may be preserved alive through the dark ages before us; to renew and rebuild civilization, and save the World from suicide.” Pax Christi, David and all.

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Thank you.

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Hi David,

Thank you for your knowledge and courage. I'm a victim of what you are bringing awareness to, though I have not heard of anyone sharing the knowledge of remote body manipulation like you have via limb movements. Through my experience I've managed to write a book, a journal of my survival. I am facing tremendous systematic abuse by the western medical sector to cover the truth of the experimentation I'm being put through that involves a non-consensual AI transition, the transhumanism movement. I’m only one woman, facing both medical and law enforcement abuses by specific professionals. In my book I wish to validate the remote body movements, would you be willing to share your email with me, to possibly further discuss what I'm going through but also to discuss the academic knowledge you have? I'm looking to build a supoort network that can understand what I'm surviving. Please let me know if you would be willing to speak with me.

Thank you.


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Hello Victoria, I'm sorry to hear about what you're going through. However, I'm not sure I have anything to offer beyond the analysis I have offered publicly.

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Thank you David.

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Hi Victoria, sorry to hear you are going thru all that. Have you looked into Sabrina Wallace and the information she has put out? She has mentioned remote limb movement. She has a channel on Odyssey Maybe you could find helpful information there: https://odysee.com/@Psinergy:a?view=home

What is the name of your book and where can it be found?

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Hi Maggie,

Thank you for sharing this with me. I have heard of Sabrina I will look into her channel.

My book is still in the publication process it will hopefully be released before the end of the year. It will be called 'Our Humanity and Transhumanism. A Journal of Survival.'

I will post its release on my socials I've just created to support my new journey as an author and survivor.

My facebook is https://www.facebook.com/VictoriaRWriter

My twitter is @VictoriaRWriter

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Hi David,

Thank you to all the speakers and Catherine Austin Fitts for presenting and sharing such vital and relevant information! The presentations are powerful, and I'm currently engaged in slow, deep review of Lissa Johnson's comments and slides.

Is the below summary accurate?

The COVID/vaccine operation is a literal message from the U.S. Department of Defense to the world, announcing they have achieved the absolute capture and control of the masses. The U.S. Department of Defense led and deployed the operation, in collaboration with government leaders in the U.S. and nearly every nation, and with the dedicated financial support from global, elite oligarchs going back many, many generations.

Globalists (government officials and wealthiest elites) have supported the multi-generations attack against the masses through illegal wars and illegal taxes, and assassinating our selected leaders, while simultaneously drugging, poisoning, and dumbing down each successive generation more than the previous.

Slaves have been led to focus on day-to-day survival and acquiring material wealth, while the globalists have incrementally deployed a long-view operation for their total control and enslavement of the masses.

At the moment, there is no indication of a collective force powerful enough to slow down or stop this military operation, and the vast majority of the captured masses are not even aware of the extent to which they and their future generations are captured.

I'm left wondering, to what extent have my choices -- thoughts, ideas, experiences, and creations -- been my own? To what extent is everyone I know, interact with, and learn from been programmed, including all so-called national and global leaders?

Are we all some child's toys?

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Hi Arthur,

Thanks for your comment. It's not really an accurate summation of what we argued, but I think you are wise to listen to Lissa's presentation with great care. I think it's genius.

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Yes, I know the presentation is more directly about COVID, encroaching technocracy, and more recent mind-control programs -- my summary expands the scope a bit... I'll listen to the entire presentation at least a couple more times. Thank you very much for your reply, and sharing this content!

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Please post a link to the symposium that is not connected to substack.

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I can't get sound ¿

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It comes in around the 3 minutes 30 seconds mark.

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Hello David,

The other quote in your presentation by Rodriguez Delgado in his book Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psycocivilised Society, there will be technology that will "provide the essential link from man to computer with the reciprocal feedback between neurons and instruments which represents a new orientation for the medical control of neuro physiological functions."

Could you please let me know what page I may find this on, for reference purposes?

Thank you.

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It's in my Covid book if you search "Delgado"

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Hello David,

I'm having some trouble finding the quote, could you let me know what page I may find it on. If you may know off hand? I'm having a lot of difficulty viewing anything online with what I'm going through. I would like to order a hard copy of your book when I can.

Thank you.

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It's on p. 350 of my book, p. 91 of Delgado's book.

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Thank you

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Thank you David. The information is so helpful for what I'm going through

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Hi David,

I just wanted to ask you the quote used in a recent presentation I watched on targeted justice, "After achieving access by vaccination to the biomass of 6-8 billion individuals who have to be controlled, remote controlling them is bo longer absurd." This was said by retired professor of international political economy. Kees Van Der Pijl. Was this quoted from his book State of Emergency or your academic book. I'm just trying to find the source for references purposes to support my books research.

Thank you.

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States of Emergency.

Today, the possibility of “vaccination as neurological remote-control” must be taken seriously, for “after achieving access by vaccination to the biomass of the 7 to 8 billion individuals who have to be controlled, remote-controlling them is no longer an absurd fantasy” (van der Pijl,

2022, pp. 249, 256)

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Thank you David.

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If I could be so bold; how did this project become chummy with CHD? Haven’t been able to watch yet, but I will be soon.

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It was broadcast across six different platforms (I think). We wanted to maximise exposure.

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Just finished your segment, which is excellent. Thank you for referencing VC. I began following that work many, many years ago. It has stood the test of time.

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Hi David, Please could you say what the book on music industry by Devlin was as I didn't quite catch it? Thanks!

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He has written three: Musical Truth, vols. 1, 2, and 3. It's astonishing how many connections the music industry has to the military.

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Thanks David, shall check this out

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