Aug 17·edited Aug 17Liked by David A. Hughes

Thank you, David, for your ability to make connections among many seemingly diverse areas! I am grateful that there are a few people in the world who are also seeing the links, but unfortunately there are not many like you in academia who are speaking publicly (at least not to my knowledge so far). I must admit that that more I (we) learn about how incredibly weird things really are, the harder it is to inform our friends and colleagues!! I have told about 100 colleagues so far about the Omniwar Symposium, and I truly hope that this important event is very well attended. Thank you also to Patrick Wood, Daniel Broudy, Lissa Johnson, and Catherine Austin Fitts for participating in the Symposium.

In my presentations, I have been using the terms 'Fifth Generation Warfare' but I think that your term Omniwar is more accurate. Part of the Omniwar is 'Full Spectrum Dominance' of the electromagnetic spectrum when we are considering what is happening with geoengineering, HAARP (and other ionospheric heaters), EM radiation, the Internet of Bodies, and more.

Thank you also for your clear explanations that we are dealing with a Global Class War. I have been sharing your description of the Global Class War as a vertical war, compared to wars (ostensibly) between countries as horizontal wars. But, as you stated, even wars between countries can be better understood in the context of Global Class War.

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Hello again, David! Quick update! I have told about another 40 people in person about the upcoming Omniwar Symposium on September 21, and intend to do more promotion about the event. I do hope that the Symposium is well attended, because your information is so important!

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Thank you so much, Pam. The planning for the symposium is going well, and regardless of how many people tune in on the day, the whole event will be available to watch for free afterwards.

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Aug 14Liked by David A. Hughes

I’m very much looking forward to watching this!

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"We have yet to mount a defense". --Patrick Wood

A broad spectrum of opinion is necessary for that defense. I'm glad to see ideological diversity on the panel of the Omniwar Symposium.


An Excellent Ontology for Omniwar

a work in progress


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Glad to see the Omniwar concept catching on!

Your ontology looks very similar to what I have.

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Your Omniwar concept is really making sense!

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Yes, I am pleased to see it spreading!

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OMNIWAR: A great way to describe what we are experiencing. Attend the Omniwar symposium Sept 21.

Learn more about the military aspects that have been neglected, about the goals of transhumanism and about the psychological warfare being waged.


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It just now occurs to me that I didn't incorporate your concepts of vertical war and horizontal war into my ontology. So I'll think about that...

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Aug 28Liked by David A. Hughes

We need to step up and support this symposium , I know I will . Thanks David!

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Thanks, Terry! We are all working very hard preparing for it.

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Mr. Hughes. I just signed up to listen to the symposium and I received a message from Mr. Patrick Wood telling me it's on OCTOBER 21, then it says it's on September 21... You may want to speak with him.


When Mon Oct 21, 2024 6am – 12pm (MST)

Where Online

Who Unknown Organizer*

Thank you for your RSVP to attend the OMNIWAR: A Symposium on Saturday, September 21, 2024 starting at 9 am Eastern. There is an associated ICS calendar event attached, if you chose to use it. We will notify you with any changes or important information.

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Thanks for letting me know! I will pass this on and we will get it corrected.

It's definitely SEPTEMBER 21.

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I would love to watch this, but, unfortunately, I'll be travelling that day. Will it be available as a recording later?

As an aside, our travel plans for that date (and the outward journey the previous week) are already messed up because of the LNER weekend strikes (for 11 weekends running). This happened with other rail companies last year on pretty much every train journey we'd booked. Would it be totally tinfoil-hatty to speculate that rail union bosses might be taking bribes or being subjected to pressure to engineer endless strikes in order to make travelling as difficult as possible for the peasants in preparation for the Agenda 2030 Permanent Staycation? I don't know how the rail companies are making any money, given how much they're having to refund for cancelled and delayed trains. It's hard not to see conspiracies everywhere these days. The vampire squid seems to have its tentacles round everything.

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Hello Sheila,

The Omniwar symposium will be free to stream after the event. We want as many people as possible to watch it.

As for unions and union leaders, I believe they have been captured for many decades, which is why I never joined one.

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That's great, thanks, David.

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