Thanks for all your hard work. Along with Denis Rancourt and Simon Elmer, I think you’re one of the Covid greats in your meticulous documenting of events and analysis. I only came across you recently when I watched your interview on Geo Politics and Empire. Your work is fantastic and you deliver your devastating analysis in such a humble way. I was appalled by the left and many of my comrades of days gone by in how they capitulated so easily to obvious tyranny. But I think it is something you feel in your gut and that gut feeling is a reflection of your journey in life up until that point. The tyranny was always there bubbling under the surface for many years before it exploded and set a whole world on fire in an instance. The groundwork had been set in the preceding years and a perfect storm descended on humanity. My own gut feeling was that it felt very fascistic from day one. I lost some long standing friends, as many did, but I wouldn’t shut up, in fact I became bolder as time went on. I travelled to London to take part in the huge demonstrations that were completely ignored by the media. The feeling was indescribable, hugging fellow dissenters, total strangers, and it felt oh so good. The most diverse set of people I’ve ever seen on a demonstration, laughing and talking and hugging and powerfully asserting their humanity as an act of defiance. Hugging was a revolutionary act. Who would have ever imagined that?!

I’m not a religious person and this didn’t really change during this period or since but I did see a strong class element and divide. It was mostly my middle class, “educated” friends who were some of the worse believers of this nonsense. They would aggressively chastise me on social media for my heathen ways, how could I be so stupid and ignorant they would ask. Doesn’t matter what facts or analysis I presented, they were completely blind to it, they were hypnotised by the heavily propagandised atmosphere coming at them from every direction and their life journey had almost always involved deference to authority. My working class friends less so because they generally have a different, more cynical, relation to authority and generally had to get on with life regardless, unable to hide behind a laptop. For those intellectuals who stood out, I would say many of them came from humble backgrounds or had a strong sense of ethics and justice. Yes religious belief probably did play a part but I don’t think it was necessarily the most important factor.

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Many thanks, Christina!

I have a series about academia that I am thinking of publishing from the start of September, and one of the issues I will discuss there is the paradox that well educated people are seemingly among the most susceptible to propaganda. As Mark Crispin Miller argued at the time, it was the professional classes who were the problem, blindly believing the narrative and driving the tyranny forwards.

It's hard to know how important religious belief is in relation to other factors. As you know, my primary lens of analysis is class. But I have been very surprised to discern the apparent correlation between resistance and faith discussed above. One reason why I wrote the article was to prompt some reflection and discussion re: the importance of faith in matters of resistance. I have a suspicion that the ongoing attacks on Christianity over a long period of time may have something to do with the widespread moral failure that was witnessed during Covid.

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Could be, there was definitely a widespread moral failure but maybe that was more to do with how social media became a super propaganda and conformism tool as well as a censorship tool par excellence. Everyone worried about their reputation, in an age where reputation appears to be everything, it determines your career path, who are most worried about their careers? The middle class. Everyone carefully curating their own brand, and the pressure to conform is immense. A lot of things came together to create the nightmare we are now living. Yes probably also the decline in belief of some core religious values (not just christian) contributed but I think the middle classes are most prone to maintaining appearances and using networks for advancement. Obviously this is a generalisation, not everyone fits this mold but those that didn’t in my experience tended to be ones who either, originally came from working class backgrounds or had a strong sense of ethics, truth and justice regardless of their religious belief. That’s just my experience though. I’m only part way through your latest book but an interesting fact is that during the nazi era it was doctors who were early joiners of the party (probably for advancement) and their training probably predisposed them to deference to authority and order, I think there is an article on this but can’t remember it now. I too became a bit obsessed with what happened in germany during the height of the covid debacle. I read ordinary men on the psychology of widespread moral failure, why it happens, and it seems to be mainly that people want to belong, be liked, be part of a tribe and defer to authority, MOST people, so perhaps it wasn’t so different during covid, it just was compounded by social media. Anyway I look forward to anything you publish on this topic. The whole things still blows my mind.

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"Mass delusion can be induced. It is simply a question of organizing and manipulating collective feelings in the proper way. If one can isolate the mass, allow no free thinking, no free exchanges, no outside corrective, and can hypnotize the group daily with noises, with press and radio and television, with fear and pseudo-enthusiasms, any delusion can be instilled. People will begin to accept the most primitive and inappropriate acts."

Joost Meerloo, The Rape of the Mind (1956)

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Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Essay on Stupidity is instructive. He points out (as MCM did) that gullibility is not concentrated in the people we think of as the least intelligent, also that (a) there's no point in arguing with stupidity and (b) we can't allow ourselves to consider people stupid all the time and on every topic, as it is more of a social disease.


And a noteworthy Christian, of course!

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Excellent, thank you! That's a great source.

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Mark Crispin Miller is another who joined the Christian Church as a result of discovering the evil behind the covid agenda. He was previously a lifelong secular academic. He discussed it in an early interview with someone from a Canadian vaccine-freedom organisation - can't remember the name. Also, Bob Moran's tweets suggest he may have refound his Christian beliefs as he often includes Bible quotes.

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Thank you. I would be interested to know where Moran is at with Christianity right now.

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A recent one from Bob, not that it proves anything, but he does 'go there' quite frequently:


James Delingpole did a podcast with Bob earlier this year. I can't remember what they discussed about Christianity, but James never does a podcast without talking about Christianity, so there might be some clues in there.


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Yes, hard to know if Bob is waxing biblical there, or whether he is just trying to show that the Paris organisers are into their Book of Revelation.

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Dear David: Thank you very much for this thoughtful essay. Your “Roll Call of Christian Dissidents” features some whose work I know. But others are new to me, and I look forward to familiarizing myself with them.

Thanks for sharing some of the details with regard to why, in your personal experience, recent years have been “profoundly challenging.” For me, your openness here constitutes a gift from the soul. I admire your resilience, and I am wishing you all the best as you navigate your way through your personal challenges ahead. God bless you!

Your essay ends with a worthwhile pondering of the “Holy Rage” you sense is coming. Here, your writing calls to mind one observation by a fellow attendee, back in 2021, at a meeting of New York’s Medical Freedom Alliance. She wondered whether the evildoers had considered whether, if they persisted in advancing their agenda, they might not eventually find themselves hanging from lampposts.

Hopefully, the “global mass movement to root out and serve righteous justice” will be more orderly than that!

I think that the process through which such a “global mass movement” comes into existence is complex. To be sure, there are propagandistic (and other) factors in play to try to stymie any such movement. At any rate, it was fascinating for me, back in 2022, to realize that the famous mystery writer, Agatha Christie, had apparently identified one aspect of human psychology that might partially account for the strange reluctance to accept reality that we are witnessing now, in the 2020s.

On 11/21/22, posted on Facebook, presenting my thoughts on the phenomenon (along with a photo collage). You might enjoy my dark, ironic humor. So I’m reproducing the text of my post below.

Best wishes, P.A.

11/21/22 PA’s post on Facebook:

WHO’S NEXT?! SOMETIMES I FEEL as though I’m living in Agatha Christie’s AND THEN THERE WERE NONE. First published in 1939, Wikipedia notes that it is “the world’s best-selling mystery” and “one of the best-selling books of all time.” Over the years, there have been numerous screen adaptations. Below are two screen captures from the second movie version of the novel, released theatrically with a new title: “Ten Little Indians” (1965).

The plot is very strange. Over the course of a weekend, a series of deaths occurs among 10 people, all isolated in a remote mansion from which they cannot escape. Who is responsible for each death? Who will be the next to die? Sitting out on display in the mansion is a grouping of 10 “little Indian” statuettes. After each death, when none of the survivors are looking, one of the figures gets removed from the display.

Under these ghastly circumstances, you’d think that the remaining people would become half-crazy with nervous tension. But — no! I find it downright bizarre that, instead, they basically remain calm — and continue to converse with one another in a civil manner, relax and even sit down at the table to eat meals together. It’s as though, from their perspective, there’s nothing particularly remarkable about the occurrence of death after death after death after death!

It seems to me that nowadays, in the world at large, I’m witnessing a comparable phenomenon. Death after death after death is occurring — often among ostensibly healthy people in the prime of their lives. These people, we are told, “died suddenly” or “died unexpectedly” — often with no cited cause. As NYU’s Mark Crispin Miller has observed, it used to be that the phrases “died suddenly” and “died unexpectedly” were typically euphemisms — employed in death reports or obituaries when the cause of death had been suicide or a drug overdose.

Nowadays, however, these baffling deaths are often occurring out in the open — when, for example, a healthy-and-fit professional soccer player drops dead in the middle of a game or somebody dancing at a party collapses and expires. In media reports, cited causes have included “referee whistles,” “loud music” and even “climate change.”

But like the characters in Agatha Christie’s AND THEN THERE WERE NONE, most people seem simply to take all these deaths in stride . . . and calmly go about their lives as though nothing remarkable is happening. I find this flabbergasting. Why such indifference? I guess many people feel reassured by the so-called experts in charge of The Science™ — who inform us that this phenomenon is simply a new (or, perhaps, heretofore overlooked) medical malady: “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” (or “S.A.D.S.”).

That’s kinda weird and mysterious, isn’t it? So I guess people are deciding: “If I pretend that nothing unusual is happening, then surely that’ll cause this skyrocketing death rate to stop.” Alternatively, maybe they believe that benevolent Big Pharma surely must have, under development, an injectable concoction that’ll provide them with immunity against “S.A.D.S.” — and that whatever inchoate anxiety they feel with regard to catching a “S.A.D.S.” germ will soon be assuaged. Who knows?!

So: With regard to all these deaths, what do *I* think is going on?

Here on semi-public Facebook, I’m going to stick with affirming the official narrative: “referee whistles,” “loud music,” “climate change” and “S.A.D.S.”

What can I say? I live in New York State — where the First Amendment is now basically null and void. Anything I say that deviates from the official narrative — even speaking up with a merely *speculative* opinion — might be used against me as “evidence” of my being a threat to public health. To be sure, the NYS Supreme Court has struck down as unconstitutional the governor’s “administrative regulation” allowing the NYS government to detain and quarantine *anybody* for *any* reason for *any length* of time. But the NYS attorney general intends to appeal the decision. With enough money and manipulation, the thinking goes, that pesky nuisance — the NYS constitution — can surely be set aside. It will be “for the public’s own good,” of course.

BTW, in recent months, three friends of mine have died “suddenly” *and* “unexpectedly.” Who’s next?

The title of Agatha Christie’s novel, AND THEN THERE WERE NONE, implies a plot in which all 10 characters die. In actuality, however, 2 of them survive. In the present parade of “sudden” and “unexpected” deaths, which of *us* will survive? Time will tell . . . !

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Hello! Excellent comment! Very insightful analogy with ‘And Then There Were None’. As David so eloquently describes in his articles and books, the multiple modalities of mind control seem to have utilized against the global population, with great evil success. It is amazing to me that any of us can still think and can understand the deeper aspects of the democide!

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Dear Pamela: Thanks very much for your nice compliment! You might be interested in another Facebook post of mine, drawing again from popular culture as I try to grapple with the baffling nonsense of Omniwar. I’m reproducing my text below. Best wishes, P.A.

6/4/24 PA’s post on Facebook:

A FEW THOUGHTS ON TEFLON: Many years ago, Ronald Reagan was sometimes called the “Teflon President” — because criticism and blame never seemed to stick to him. Subsequently, the “Teflon” tag has occasionally been applied to other public figures too. Now I wonder if it’s going to be applied to Anthony Fauci!

The former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases testified yesterday before the House Oversight Committee Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. What a performance! In her 6/3/24 Substack report on the event, Celia Farber points out how masterfully Fauci gaslights his interlocutors, as he “Dodges, Weaves, Deflects, And Plays Victim.”

Ms. Farber observes, “The Democrats’ fawning is just about intolerable. I expect the Republicans will be scientifically illiterate and fail to grasp the deep patterns, or actual crimes, or actual story.”

So: watch out! I predict that the man is going to come out of this scot-free — “officially” as innocent of wrongdoing as a lily-of-the-valley blossom next to the garden path on a spring morning.

This situation reminds me of the “Deny! Deny! Deny!” sequence in a movie from 1967 called “A Guide for the Married Man” (see below). As you watch the scene, imagine that Joey Bishop is portraying Anthony Fauci and WE are his wife.

I wonder; How many of us will wind up pretending that the lies somehow don’t matter — as we hang our heads and then fix dinner (so to speak) for Anthony Fauci? I’ll tell you this: I won’t!


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I heard you discuss the need to determine whether or not vaccinated people emit a Bluetooth signal.

I downloaded a Bluetooth scanner app called

“Bluetooth BLE Device Scanner “ from the Apple App Store. It’s free. The app shows you all Bluetooth signals within about a 200 yard radius. I walk regularly on a bike trail far way from any human activity. When I am alone, the scanner shows no Bluetooth signals. If a walker or bicyclist is within 200 yards, the app will often display one or more “unknown” Bluetooth signals. The unknown signals display a MAC address number but the device is “unknown”. If the bicyclist has an iPhone or Apple Watch, etc. the scanner shows those Bluetooth addresses as well but those Bluetooth are labeled. It’s my understanding that all Bluetooth devices must be labeled. Yet wherever there are people, I find many unknown Bluetooth signals.

This phenomenon can be tested. I have asked Sasha Latypova about this phenomenon but I’ve never heard prominent person in the freedom movement speak about this apart from you. Thanks for bringing attention to this issue. I did not get the Covid jab and do not emit a Bluetooth signal as far as I can tell.

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Thank you very much!

I have heard many similar accounts, which is why this debate needs to be settled once and for all through rigorous scientific testing.

I am not sure, but I have heard from a software engineer that Apple devices might generate the mysterious hexadecimal addresses, not as an identifier, but as part of one of their other functions. If so, it could simply be that Apple devices are being detected but not identified. I have no idea.

I think the latest BLE technology involves signals that be detected from 1000m. In which case, it may be that signals are coming from further than expected.

It is also unclear why the perpetrators would risk so much by using publicly detectable signals (as easy as using a mobile phone).

So, there is reason for scepticism.

On the other hand, the Sarlangue et al. (2021) study produced results that demand a follow-up study.

People have told me that they themselves emit MAC addresses.

What is the source of the hexadecimal addresses detected in mid air on passenger planes?

Why do the number of signals seem to increase in more densely populated areas?

So many unanswered questions about such a vitally important topic!

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Wonderful essay. I just wrote this before reading yours. So similar! I had to quote you of course! https://open.substack.com/pub/thaddeuskozinski/p/what-evil-is-revealing?r=24l7o&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true

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You forgot Alex Jones? ;-)

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Enjoyed this essay , I have returned to my Christian roots since this dark tyranny became to obvious to ignore , and derive much comfort and strength from my faith.

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The most disgusting development of da coveed episode was the Catholic and Christian churches closing. I kept asking, "Haven't these people ever heard of the catacombs?"

Second most disgusting was the Pagan pope telling Catholics to get jabbed by vaxxines that use aborted baby cells. But, what would I expect from a pagan? The churches were infiltrated and destroyed long ago.

To address your surprise at the left rolling over and supporting tyranny, this is fully consistent with what the left does. The left was responsible for the French Revolution, Nazi Germany--National Socialists, David, socialism is leftist--the USSR and communist China. My experience and observations lead me to the conclusion that, as a group lefties are deniers of reality, completely uncaring of truth, anti-Christian, and unceasingly violent.

Here are four more people in the public eye, all Christian, who spoke out: Monica Perez, Peggy Hall, and, amazingly, two lawyers: Anthony Raimondo and Jeff Childers.

Lastly, another saying I've kept repeating over the past four years, "Jesus threw the money changers out of the temple."

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Thanks, Cathy.

I have section on the moral failures of the churches in 2020 in Wall Street, the Nazis, and the Crimes of the Deep State. Very similar to what happened in Nazi Germany, and very disturbing. In that respect, there seems to be a disconnect between institutionalised/organised religion and genuine faith.

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What an important piece. And for all those you list, standing up and speaking truth at any cost, how many more there are who silently left jobs, in many cases good jobs to piece something together because truth, integrity and self respect matter. I know a few of these-quiet heroes-willing, like yourself, to do what use to be so much more common-the right thing. It's the only way through all this, to hold onto our faith, stand up for truth as we know it and speak up. I so appreciated hearing your journey, and your ability to share at a level not always seen in this alternative world.

My sister sent this link earlier today. He too is standing up, shedding light and trying to make complexities simpler. I think being a parent helps with this. May all you need for you and your family come in grace.

Start at 16 minutes


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Thanks, Mary.

I agree, there are many people out there who have made sacrifices to do the right thing. But unlike the battalion of heavily promoted fake dissidents, we don't get to hear about those people. JJ Couey is evidently seeking to expose the fakes - I think there are far more of them than most people realise.

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Many people can’t believe that THEY would do something so blatant and detectable as implanting a Bluetooth device in people. This same reasoning is perfectly aligned with your argument that an outrageous huge monumental lie is easier to get away with than a small lie. The fake moon landings are proof of concept. When the average person does an internet search to look into any so called conspiracy theory, they immediately encounter dozens of articles by “highly qualified credentialed people” who debunk the conspiracy theory as rubbish and to preposterous to even delve into. So THEY have no fear of implementing their big lies.

I think the Bluetooth signals are rather obvious and right there in our face. And THEY don’t care.

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It's true that they get away with hiding things in plain sight.

If the MAC address phenomenon IS real, then it is telling that no one is doing the work to get to the bottom of it. It could be right there in front of our noses, yet still no one sees, or even cares to see it.

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It appears that iPhones emit a known Bluetooth MAC address AND an unknown MAC address. When I turn off my wife’s iPhone her iPhone MAC address and an unknown MAC address disappear.

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Yes indeed. This is what software engineers have told me, also. Plus, I would be surprised if classified military technology could be detected so easily.

On the other hand, the Sarlangue et al. (2021) study still provides enough evidence to warrant further scientific investigation.

Either way, we need to get to the bottom of this once and for all.

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Just recently, BMO sent me a new terms and agreement which I refuse to sign. I made copies of it. If I check the box , it would allow the government and governmental agencies to sneak and peek into my digital bank account whenever they want and give them access to make transactions on my behalf. It says I must sign it to have access to my mobile banking account. This is going to happen to everybody with a mobile phone banking account. It is fascist as they refuse to give me access to this account on my phone until I check the box. This bypasses 702 authority and a warrant and takes full control over our personal digital banking accounts. BMO froze the bank accounts of truck drivers in Canada that were protesting. What do you think that will do to our freedom of speech and expression and activism? I have to go to the bank or ATM machine to look at my bank account.

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Exactly. I think financial censorship is where they will come for us next. It doesn't even have to involve CBDCs when dirty tricks like this are being played.

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At least someone else besides me sees the danger. I hope you look at Dr. Ana Marie with Humanity United.

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Yuval Noah Harari, "philosopher king" of the WEF, declared in Dec 2023 that ‘God Is Dead’ and ‘Jesus Is Fake News’.


The technocratic dictatorship will replace God and rule over "the useless class".

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Yes, it's telling that the transhumanist enemy is God and Creation.

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Yes... If people cannot find it in themselves alone to act and think morally and with courage, then by all means, let them discover and follow the Christian rule book. Absolutely. Whatever it takes.

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Philippians 2:10-11. That will be, is, the ultimate proof. Lord, strengthen us in faith in your Holy Name.

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