Thank you to Lady Hamilton for this interview about Wall Street, the Nazis, and the Crimes of the Deep State. My part gets going around 23:28 and finishes around 1:22:00. Topics covered include:
how I came to write Wall Street, the Nazis, and the Crimes of the Deep State;
Wall Street’s preference for fascism in the 1930s, making the plan to destroy liberal democracy nine decades old;
the Bush-Harriman connection to Nazi Germany;
the failure of deNazification and the recruitment of ex-Nazis by the United States after 1945;
Argentina, Nazis, and Operation Condor;
why it is inaccurate to claim that the Nazis did not lose WWII;
the reemergence of totalitarianism at the global, rather than the national or imperialist level;
why the transnational ruling class is in jeopardy during the current interregnum;
the “Covid-19” operation and the war for technocracy;
military transhumanism and the Internet of BioNano Things;
why Chapters 2 and 7 of Wall Street, the Nazis, and the Crimes of the Deep State are particularly important;
evidence that the planning for the “Covid-19” operation dates back to the turn of the millennium at least;
reasons for hope.
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