David A. Hughes
David A. Hughes
Interview with Mark Gillar, July 25, 2024

Interview with Mark Gillar, July 25, 2024

Wall Street's pro-Nazi betrayal of the United States, with the complicity of the government; the BIS; corporate socialism; IBM; the Vatican; human experimentation; the deep state; lawfare; criminality

Many thanks to Mark Gillar for inviting on to the Tea Party Podcast to discuss my book Wall Street, the Nazis, and the Crimes of the Deep State. The interview gets going around the two-minute mark. Owing to some technical problems in the studio, this ended up being a phone conversation, so the audio isn’t ideal (and is made worse by some notification noises on the studio end). Nevertheless, we covered some interesting material, including:

  • the betrayal of the United States by Wall Street when it comes to aiding and abetting the Nazis

  • the role of Ford and GM in playing both sides and manufacturing vehicles, armaments, etc. for the Nazis — with the protection of the U.S. political system;

  • censorship of this history;

  • the role of the Rockefellers in shipping synthetic rubber, synthetic fuel, etc. for the Nazi machine, using vessels marked in Panamanian colours;

  • the Harriman and Bush families and their links to the Silesia America Corporation, exploiting slave labour at Auschwitz;

  • U.S. government complicity in making sure that these very powerful families and corporations were never properly held to account for trading with the enemy;

  • victor’s justice at Nuremberg: no Americans faced trial, despite the central role of Wall Street in aiding and abetting Hitler;

  • Rockefeller links to I.G. Farben;

  • the preference of the ruling class for totalitarianism in the context of acute capitalist crisis — the plan to destroy liberal democracy is at least nine decades old;

  • Anglo-American bankers sitting alongside Nazis on the Bank for International Settlements during World War II, willing to finance the Nazis’ “New Order”';

  • corporate socialism and establishing oligopolies financed by Wall Street;

  • the role of IBM in systematising the Holocaust, from identifying Jews to rounding them up, managing the logistics for running the trains to the ghettos/camps, and maximizing the efficiency of the extermination process;

  • “conspiracy theory” vs. serious academic literature;

  • the role of the Vatican in helping to launder money into and out of Nazi Germany, including the gold looted directly from the mouths of Jewish victims, plus the “ratlines” helping Nazis to escape;

  • human experimentation in Nazi Germany, recruitment of the culprits by the United States, and the DoD’s later experimentation on U.S. citizens to test novel means of biowarfare;

  • the transnational deep state, Operation Gladio, the globalisation of the “Strategy of Tension” model after “9/11,” and the idea of deep structural events;

  • the increasing use of lawfare to shut down any critical examination of evidence, and the politicisation of the judiciary;

  • CIA drug trafficking and the criminal nature of the organisations that are running our societies; and

  • the importance of the parallels between 1930s Nazi Germany and the political economy of the West since 2020.

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