
Thanks to Ken Shino for inviting me back to address his Japanese audience again. Ken is doing great work as part an 80-strong community leading a self-sufficient lifestyle just outside of Tokyo.

In this latest interview, we discussed:

  • the nature of the weaponry in the Omniwar, from the cell to the stratosphere, most of it “invisible”;

  • my interview with Alex Jones;

  • a 2023 NATO quote:

Neural nanotechnology can be used to bring nano-sized robots close to a neuron via the bloodstream and make it possible to link the human brain directly to a computer, making use of artificial intelligence in the process.

  • the research and development of intracorporeal nanotechnologies dating at least as far back as 2000;

  • classified military technologies, missing money, and black budgets;

  • cognitive warfare;

  • the dangerous and addictive nature of social media;

  • the gamification of our lives through digital technologies;

  • how to protect ourselves against cognitive warfare;

  • control one person at a time;

  • why I object to the concept of “resilience”;

  • neurological warfare/attacks on the brain;

  • how the predator class could in theory ablate the survival skills of its prey through neurological means;

  • human brains as potential nodes on a technocratic control network;

  • Havana Syndrome and targeted individuals;

  • active denial systems for crowd control;

  • military experimentation on the civilian population;

  • why the public needs to be on its guard for technologies covertly being deployed against it;

  • attacks on the subconscious mind;

  • the need for love and compassion when dealing with victims of psychological warfare, while insisting on maintaining certain boundaries;

  • applied behavioural psychology;

  • principles of resistance in the Omniwar, beginning with the need to take personal responsibility;

  • Omniwar: Battle For The Brain (April 26, 2025)