
Interview with Carlos Sanchez, September 30, 2024

Truth to power; a century of psy-ops; Naomi Klein; the Left; Keir Starmer; lab leak; infantilisation; Boris Johnson; Hancock; Drosten; Ferguson; opinion polls; nudging; hospital propaganda; and more!

Many thanks to Carlos Sanchez for inviting me onto the Grupo de Control podcast on www.beatalegon.tv. This was my first chance to reach a Spanish audience! In a wide-ranging conversation, we got into:

  • the incompatibility of speaking truth to power with an academic career;

  • academia’s refusal to subject deep structural events to scrutiny;

  • the century of research into psychological control techniques, first at the individual level, then at the group level, and eventually at the societal level;

  • the intellectual journey of Naomi Klein following her co-optation by the Rockefeller Brother Fund;

  • the failure of the political Left to defend the working class and it submission to authoritarianism in 2020;

  • Keir Starmer and his loyalty to transnational elites;

  • lab leak/GOF as a perception management operation; everything we were told about “Covid-19” was a lie, all of it was staged and manufactured;

  • is a “global pandemic” even possible?;

  • if, as has been claimed, “SARS-CoV-2” was already circulating transnationally in 2019, why did the “pandemic” only begin on March 11, 2020?;

  • the infantilisation of the public and the conjuring of seemingly omnipotent masters as part of the “Covid-19” operation;

  • Matt Hancock “deploying” the “new variant” in December 2020;

  • politicians’ lack of awareness of deep state operations, witness both with Operation Gladio and again during the “Covid-19” operation;

  • Boris Johnson: “I have to do what they tell me”;

  • the dubious Drosten protocol;

  • decades of planning for the “Covid-19” operation vs. the urgency and desperation in its actual rollout;

  • the consistently flawed modelling of Neil Ferguson since 2001, which are, however, useful for certain political purposes;

  • the highly suspect nature of opinion polls in shaping, rather, than reflecting public opinion;

  • attempts to convince the public that dissidents are “fringe” (it’s safer to stay with herd);

  • the Nudge Unit and the abuse of applied behavioural psychology';

  • hospital propaganda used to convince the public of a deadly “pandemic” while hospitals were in fact under-utilized and were at no point on the brink of being “overwhelmed”;

  • why not to feel guilty if you were fooled by the propaganda in 2020 — provided you do not fall for such tricks again;

  • what would the world be like if academics had routinely used their skills to expose the lies on which existing power structures rest?;

  • the central role of international finance capital and the intelligence agencies in funding and devising the psychological operations being used to keep the population in check; and

  • the end of the social contract after two and half centuries of political modernity and its planned replacement with a global form of totalitarianism.