David A. Hughes
David A. Hughes
Interview with Paul Hellier (Part 2), July 4, 2024

Interview with Paul Hellier (Part 2), July 4, 2024

The current interregnum; accountability for Covid crimes; shock & psychological torture; who runs society?; fraudulent science; Desmet; perception management; digital technologies of oppression; evil

This is the second half of my interview with Paul Hellier. It gets going around 03:50. Topics discussed include:

  • the interregnum period while the ruling class tries to dismantle liberal democracy and national sovereignty, marking the end of “political modernity” dating back to the American and French revolutions;

  • the need for accountability for the crimes of the Covid era;

  • shell shock produces psychologically malleable subjects. Different techniques of shock have been applied, first to individuals, and then to groups and entire societies;

  • techniques of trauma-based mind control, from MKULTRA to “Covid-19”;

  • the deliberate production of insanity and stress as part of the “Covid-19” operation, consistent with psychological torture;

  • who is in charge of society? Not prime ministers and presidents! The deep state intervenes in the ordinary running of affairs';

  • the fraudulent nature of vaccinology and the corruption of mainstream science;

  • the military agenda to initiate the war for technocracy, with “Covid-19” providing the smokescreen;

  • perception management and the three camps of awareness;

  • Desmet’s The Psychology of Totalitarianism (2022);

  • Waters’ hit piece on me and my co-authors, which we duly dismantled;

  • “Mass formation” as Freud’s concept, not Desmet’s, and the intellectually flimsy nature of Desmet’s “mass formation” thesis;

  • the hallmarks of Camp 2 and Camp 3, in particular the size of audience reached, the level of planning and coordination involved in “cognitive infiltration,” and the huge size of Camp 2 relative to Camp 3;

  • new forms of control enabled by 21st century digital technology and A.I.;

  • the biodigital profiling of children;

  • the need to take individual responsibility for doing whatever it is that we, as individuals, can do to help put down the global technocratic coup; every acquiescence is acquiescence to evil; every silence connotes consent;

  • a significant section of society is opposed to what is taking place, but many are too frightened to speak out;

  • the marketing of technologies that have the potential to be used for great evil in positive terms;

  • psychological barriers to seeing what is happening — beyond the psychological warfare, are there physiological mechanisms for affecting the brain?';

  • finding the moral courage to face down evil, the need for God, and the power of prayer;

  • revolution from above (the “Great Reset”) vs. revolution from below (social revolution);

  • “Covid-19” as the opening campaign in the war for technocracy.

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David A. Hughes
David A. Hughes
"Covid-19," Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy