
Interview with the Freedom Convoy Memorial Podcast, August 6, 2024

The Freedom Convoy; this is war; intended slavery; memorialisation & anamnesis; resistance; my turning point; humiliating belief in absurdities; who to trust; the IoBNT; black technology; prayer

Thank you so much to René de Vries and Michael Colligan for putting together this wonderful podcast to memorialise the Canadian Trucker’s Convoy — and for inviting me to appear on it! Thanks also to René for purchasing a signed copy of “Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy. I was in some pain during this interview, especially in the second half, having just sprained my knee, but I did my best. We got into:

  • the political significance of the Canadian Freedom Convoy;

  • why “war” is an accurate characterisation of what has been taking place since 2020;

  • the economic aspect of the war: attacks on the working and middle classes, aimed, not merely at “neofeudalism,” but slavery;

  • the importance of memorialisation and anamnesis in coming to terms with the abuse that was meted out against us in 2020/21 — but also the heroic acts of resistance that took place;

  • what resistance looks like in the Omniwar: decentralised non-compliance with all aspects of technocracy (including the smart phone);

  • the technocratic attempt to gain direct access/control over human bodies;

  • the UK mask mandate in July 2020 as the turning point for me in deciding to do this work;

  • why it is not enough for a single “domino” to fall, such as JFK, the moon landing, “9/11,” the 2008 mass theft event, etc.;

  • humiliating belief in absurdities and satanic mockery;

  • how to know who to trust in the context of the war for technocracy (the three camps of awareness);

  • the dangers of wireless technology and efforts to connect human bodies to an external control grid;

  • the use of classified military technologies on “9/11” and again with the so-called “Covid-19 vaccines”; and

  • the war of good against evil and the necessity of prayer.