David A. Hughes
David A. Hughes
Interview with Dennison Joyce, July 30, 2024

Interview with Dennison Joyce, July 30, 2024

Mask mandates, fear; out-of-the-blue decisions; "vaccines" and children; hiding "vaccine" damage; war; transhumanism; Wall Street and Hitler; technocracy; "Russia vs the West"; invisible enemies

I was pleased to appear on WIOX Radio's Through the Looking Glass Program with Dennison Joyce. The introduction starts around the 3-minute mark, and the interview begins around the 8-minute mark. I’m not sure why the sound came out a bit distorted, but we got into plenty of interesting topics, including:

  • the UK Coronavirus Act vis-à-vis the USA Patriot Act;

  • the “lockdowns” as a shock and awe operation;

  • the nonsensical mask mandates as an indicator of something very nefarious;

  • mechanisms used to inflate fear, e.g. PCR tests, fudging of mortality data;

  • the Big Lie, fake pandemics;

  • the lack of policy-grade evidence for masks when they were introduced;

  • decisions that came out of the blue — a sign of deep state intervention;

  • Boris Johnson’s role in implementing “lockdown”;

  • my article on “Covid-19 vaccines” for children;

  • attempts to mask “vaccine” damage, including media gaslighting;

  • the war for technocracy — “war” is not a metaphor;

  • transhumanism, EMF, and wirelessly connecting human bodies to an external control network;

  • continuities between the political economy of 1930s Nazi Germany and the political economy of the West today;

  • Wall Street’s support for Hitler';

  • Anglo-American finance capital at the heart of the deep state;

  • technocracy — maximally efficient, but incompatible with freedom and democracy;

  • the plan to roll technocracy out to the West;

  • “public health” being used as a mask for efforts to engineer totalitarianism;

  • WWIII: a global war class being waged by stealth, across all domains of life (Omniwar);

  • “horizontal” (geopolitical) war vs. “vertical” (class) war;

  • 2019 as the moment when the existing control paradigm started to fail — hence events since 2020';

  • “Russia/China" vs. “the West” seen in the context of global class relations;

  • invisible enemies;

  • the technocrats’ attack on everything that is good, true, and beautiful;

  • the gradual awakening of the population to the Omniwar that is being waged against them, to enslave them; and

  • mounting online censorship and lawfare as signs of desperation by the authorities.

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David A. Hughes
David A. Hughes
"Covid-19," Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy