
Interview with Frank Wright, October 9, 2024

Academia; the Omniwar; technocracy; global government; the toxicity of mainstream media; the failure of institutions to protect the public since 2020; Marxism; social antagonisms; why we will win

Many thanks to Frank Wright, a thoroughly decent and well informed gentleman, for interviewing me for LifeSite News. Topics covered include:

  • why holding an academic career today is incompatible with speaking to truth to power in any meaning way;

  • why conscience demands that each of us does the right thing to challenge the emergent biodigital totalitarianism;

  • the need to recognise that we are now in a war — World War III, the Omniwar, a global class war, waged by the few against the many — whose aim is the biodigital subjugation and enslavement of humanity;

  • technocracy, “smart” technologies, and the Internet of BioNano Things;

  • a world state or global government as the only means, ultimately, by which the ruling classes of the world can maintain their world;

  • why the West has been all too willing to imitate China since 2020;

  • global networks operating above governments as the true source of power in the world;

  • differences between low-intensity warfare against Western populations before 2020 and all-out Omniwar since 2020, being used to force through the transition to technocracy;

  • the stealth aspect of the undeclared Omniwar — the public must not recognise it as such;

  • the history of propaganda for purposes of managing democracy and the utter toxicity of mainstream media today;

  • the failure of all major institutions to serve and protect the public since 2020;

  • the capturing and corruption of institutions, in particular by the Rockefeller Foundation;

  • the denigration of Marxism for many decades, leading to its widespread misunderstanding and use as a term of abuse today, vs. the fundamental analytical insights of Marx and Engels into the nature of capitalism;

  • global wealth inequalities today, exacerbated by decades of neoliberalism;

  • the undermining of the family unit and the levelling down of our standard of living, dating back decades;

  • why history is not a series of accidents and mistakes;

  • the UK Government knew in July 2020 that “lockdowns” would be more harmful in terms of QALYs than not locking down — yet it kept the population under near continual “lockdown” for another year;

  • injections as a means of social control, conceptualised in the early 1950s;

  • the deliberate creation of social divisions and antagonisms in the Omniwar, unfortunately very successful during “Covid”;

  • selling concepts as one would sell commodities and getting the public to invest in them;

  • the “conspiracy theory” slur;

  • “woke” ideology and the top-down imposition of identity politics, serving to undermine class consciousness;

  • why the instigators of the Omniwar will not win: they are numerically tiny, trying to control a global population of 8 billion; we have everything that is good, true, and beautiful on our side, whereas technocracy is a revolting vision of the world; we need an inspiring vision of our own; mass non-compliance renders technocratic agendas unenforceable;

  • although the psychological abuse meted out against the population can lead to subjective demoralisation, objectively, the odds are on our side; our would-be oppressors are desperate;

  • the spiritual dimension of the Omniwar and my personal experience of staring evil in the face; and why turning to God is essential;

  • the importance of empathy, compassion, caring, and kindness in reaching people who have been intentionally traumatised by the psychological warfare;

  • tactics for resistance: see my Omniwar report for Solari; opportunities are everywhere in the Omniwar;

  • levels of resistance will only continue to rise: one seen, what is happening cannot be unseen; and

  • the power of rejecting “smart” technologies — the institutions that have universally failed us cannot be relied upon to regulate those technologies responsibly.