
Questions Not Asked: 9/11 and the Academy

The opening presentation in the Inaugural Symposium for the Working Group on Propaganda and the 9/11 Global War on Terror (October 2021), broadcast on UK Column

Academia refuses to address empirical evidence regarding the events of “9/11,” as evidenced by its ongoing failure to respond to my peer-reviewed journal article, “9/11 Truth and the Silence of the IR Discipline” (2020).

I discuss this problem in my opening presentation for the Inaugural Symposium for the Working Group on Propaganda and the 9/11 Global War on Terror

Here is a paragraph from my book, Wall Street, the Nazis, and the Crimes of the Deep State (2024):

In light of the above evidence regarding intelligence crime and false flag operations, only the wilfully blind, the irrationally fearful, and the intensely propagandized will refuse to recognize the possibility, if not the high likelihood, that the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, were a false flag operation conducted by transnational deep state actors in order to legitimize imperialist wars plus vastly expanded social control at home (Hughes, 2020). The fact that my widely read article on the subject from February 2020 (over 23,100 views at the publisher’s paid access website alone as of February 2024) remains unchallenged after four years, despite the initial howls of outrage (see Hayward, 2020; Hughes, 2021), while academia’s silence regarding the events of 9/11 continues, reflects diabolically on the profession and provides strong evidence of the complicity of academia in covering up deep state criminality. Even in rare cases where academics do allude to my article, they “refrain from citing that particular paper [so as] not to legitimize conspiracy-promoting content through a citation” (Urman et al., 2022). Here, none of the voluminous evidence which my article presents is considered; instead, the CIA’s most effective thought-terminating cliché (DeHaven-Smith, 2013, p. 25) is trotted out, and academia’s disciplined silence regarding the events of 9/11 is maintained.

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